
A number of forums and categories have been juggled around.  I hope that the additions and minor reorganization have improved things.  Included with those organizational adjustments is shifting my theme-related topics and assorted forum posts into this 'Site maintenance' area.  Further discussion about any of the various sites or areas of presence have that same place for discussion, though for actual bug-like reports a note was added to stress the proper place to be heard.

My work is going to be headed into a slower period so for as long as forums.pcbsd.org continues to exist, I will be able to improve and modify it.  I hope that when I misstep, it is brought to my attention.  If there are other ideas to further enhance forums, I will take those suggestions under advisement and could implement any number of them.

As you may have noticed, I have taken some of the concepts that exist on FreeNAS forums and implemented them here.

Prefixes was an unused myBB capability and is now required for some forums, an option for most others.

I have culled the userbase a bit as it seems pointless to maintain a vast collection of user accounts that have not visited nor posted since their creation.  We presently allow 4 months grace for accounts that have zero posts and zero activity/access. Intended cull at each month start. Obviously this affects registered group.

The tech world moves rather quickly, so threads older than 60 days (based upon last reply) are locked which will prevent necro-posting.

New user accounts whether auto or manually flipped to registered group need to vet their account by three useful/approved posts which causes an ASAP switch to registered+ group. This is to greatly reduce spam on the forums. Other limitations of guests and registered accounts make some of the usual spam methods useless for SEO and link or other promotion.

The forum rules display is another previously unused myBB feature now used to remind about proper bug reporting of site issues in Site maintenance forum.

The admins/moderators now have a private and hidden forum to discuss various things.

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