



28 January 3302

Research is delighted with the results from last week! Four systems revolted from the Emperor's network of patronage support: Candecama, He Xingo, Yao Tzu, and Rurema. These distant and sparsely populated systems cost the Emperor a balance of 182 Command Capital. Not to mention our Senators allied to her cause gained influence from the dozen contested systems out by Nueva HispaƱa. Efforts from commanders across the Empire achieved this glorious result for the betterment of nearly all Imperial power brokers.

Even with the loss of systems to revolt, the galactic standing of the Emperor has risen from the results seven days ago. The People's Princess still edges the Emperor out in popularity, even with protests breaking out amongst the Tsanla Empire Party and the HIP 116045 Empire League. Senator Torval's standing fell, with messages from Secoya's Emperor's Grace, the New HIP 107936 Front, and rising anarchic faction out of Wolfberg, the Smiling Dog Crew all protesting the Senator's plans and disruptions in Torval Security's prisoner transfer operations.

Shadow President Winters once again is forcing her liberal agenda onto Amuzgo Gold Netcoms Incorporated. All combat pilots loyal to the Emperor are asked to participate in attacking their supply lines and undermining their expansion efforts in system. Other expansions may be ruffling feathers of allies and friends, but Amuzgo has the potential to carve a 15Ly swath through the spheres of influence around Cerni and CD-49 3617.

The bounce back from deficit is minor, leaving Kamadhenu 118cc to spend for the week. Many of the profitable preparation targets in the past are above this cost, so Research does not have a profitable (above 62cc) system ready for preparation. There are quite a few recent preparation systems that are close enough and not horrible enough to be options, but if anyone has found a system with greater than 62cc Potential Profit and an Expansion Cost 118 or lower, let us know and we'll spread the word. Otherwise, a preparation post will follow shortly.

This is one of the best results that Kamadhenu has seen in weeks, if not months, so take a breath, you've earned it. For those of y'all paying attention, the Fortification Tracker has been difficult to access recently. Research is going to alter access and control of the Fortification Tracker, in an effort to make sure editors get the access they need.

Let's make sure we don't increase our standing deficit of Command Capital.

It's been nearly a month since Winters took control of HIP 44811, so their pilots probably have a war chest of credits to throw at the cause. Thankfully, opposition in Amuzgo will not cost anything except time and daring.

Good luck and godspeed, commanders.




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