
I have a 2 year contract with AT&T (July 2014 to July 2016). I also have a copy of the contract with the charges listed. For the last 6 months my bill has had the $7.00 fee for High Speed Internet Equipment Fee added to my bill. In my contract it says that the High Speed Internet Equipment Fee will be $0."High Speed Internet Equipment Fee This monthly equipment fee applies to High Speed Internet customers who are leasing the U-verse Residential Gateway. (2Wire 3800) 1 Active $7.00 $0.00. 100% off High Speed Internet Equipment Fee 1 Active -$7.00 $0.00."

The first time I contacted AT&T about this I was told that the Equipment Fee ended after the first year of the contract. This is quoted per chat with CSR  Veronica G" I have verified the account and I see that modem promotions was for one year. Since you are valuable customer of ATT and as you were not aware of the one year promotions on modem, I will go ahead and proces the credit of $14 on the account so that it will get adjust in your next two bills.
Me: will it also apply until the promo runs out in July 2016?

Veronica G: Please be assured about the promotions on Equipment of $7.00. I have updated the notes in the account for the same. Since you are account is in contract with 24 months promotions, the equipment fees will be removed.

I received my bill for this month and of course, the $7.00 was added to my bill. Every month I have had to go online and chat and go over this entire story from the first day I received AT&T services and go through the whole explanation of what I basically stated above. I have the 200 minutes on my phone services so I refuse to call AT&T and use my minutes to "fill them in" on the information I

have stated above and chatting and having to type this same old thing every month has begun to

"get to me". When I do chat and have to explain all of the info from day 1, I end up spending over an hour trying to get them to understand. On my last chat, I ask to chat with a Supervisor and I was told to give my phone number and a Supervisor would call me back. He did call and He did give me credit for being charged for the Equiptment Fee. I thought for sure that after speaking with him and explaining my dilemma about being overcharged for the last 6 months and the fact that he gave me credit, that it would be noted on my account NOT to charge the $7 equiptment fee until my 2 year contract ran out.

What I would like to ask the members who are reading this is: I have tried to find an accurate e-mail to AT&T Billing Services so that I can e-mail a copy of this message, along with the complete chat I had with Veronica who specifically told me the equiptment fee would be removed and also a copy of my contract that states 100% Off Equiptment Fee.

I am tired of chatting online and I am tired of having to talk to 2 or 3 CSR before I was able to talk to a Supervisor (even though I did not have to use any of my 200 minutes, since the Supervisor did return my call, but even when you call, you have to go through 2 or 3 other CSR before they put in touch with the person you need to talk to).

I just want AT&T to have a printed copy of my contract, my online chats and this message since it explains everything that I would like for AT&T to know, but I cannot find an e-mail address to mail them what I want to. Besides, I would rather they receive a printed e-mail with ALL of the details

and information so they will have no way to try and dispute anything since an e-mail is basically the same as "putting everything in writing."

Can anyone help me with this?  If there is an e-mail address that will not "get returned because of being an invalid e-mail address" would someone please give me a valid e-mail address so that I can send AT&T the information that I am still being charged the $7.00 for Equiptment Fee, that I have proof as shown above that I would not be charged the $7 during the 2 year contract I have with them. I honor my side of the contract and pay my monthly bill on time each and every month and I would like for AT&T to honor their side of the contract.

Thank You to all who read this e-mail and especially if anyone knows how to help me with this annoying monthly situation. I honestly believe that AT&T surely has a valid e-mail address that their customers can send them messages when they are tired of all the chats and all the repeating same info on the phone to someone who refers you to another person for help and then they refer you to another person for help, etc......before finally getting to speak with someone who can help with the problem their customer have.

Thanks and Have A Blessed Day,


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