What's the first thing you do when you break up with your Fiance of 6 years who made it clear the whole time how much he despised horses?
Finally go and buy your own horse.
After a bit of a rubbish year for the above reason, and after a huge amount of deliberation, I decided that it was now or never in regards to buying. I've had the most fabulous horse on loan for the past year at a great private yard, and with the all clear that the yard owner was happy to add another to the brood I started shopping in January. I've sat on some really fabulous horses in the past few months, but nothing ticked every single box 100%, which was important to me as I did have to try and get this right first time. But as it turned out, an impulse trip up to St Andrews to see the Lohoars at Drumcarrow ended up being 100% worth it.
To cut a long story short, from there I found Skyfall (Grantstown Skyfall). She is a tipping 17hh rising 7 ISH with Clover Hill and Cavalier Royal lines. Thank god I didn't see her advert picture first as I wouldn't have even looked at her, she's completely different! She's big, she's forward, and I wasn't totally sure I was good enough for her long term. But she is bold into a fence and it was obvious she has scope to go to a bit of everything at a decent level, with the patience to potter about with me starting at Riding Club whilst I find my feet. But I took the gamble after consulting a few people ( Big shout out to the HHO folks who I did nothing but pester for a few weeks on facebook for their opinions and advice!), and bought her subject to vetting etc. Once everything was finalised, she spent a few days up there and I went for a couple of lessons, which made me feel a lot more confident in my ability to sit on her, and eventually learn to ride her effectively. She's very different to what I've gotten myself used to, which is a big lazy warmblood where your leg is either on or off, where as she needs a bit more gradient in your leg aids and I need to develop more of a feel for that. Her paces are naturally much bigger also, so I needed to adjust to being provided with that and channelling it, rather than spending a whole session trying to get it.
We picked her up on Sunday morning - Angus at Drumcarrow made the whole process so easy and actually really enjoyable. Never under any pressure to buy, couldn't have been more accommodating of me floating about measuring her and fitting her for stuff, and I even turned up on Friday night to her all tacked up and ready for me because they knew I had to travel from Edinburgh in rush hour.
After having a horse who doesn't really load, loading was one of my worries, but she virtually ran me over going up the trailer ramp and made it quite clear she was ready to go.
We got back and let her have a leg stretch in the school to take in her surroundings. Walked her out in hand with one of the ponies and she was foot perfect. She came out this morning to be lunged like a firebreathing dragon, but that's allowed for a couple of days.
Long term plan - Riding club stuff, low level BS, dressage, and eventually one day I'd like to get a bit eventing under my belt!
Short term plan - Lessons lessons lessons, lots of long reining and hill work, trying to get her to the beach to do some water work. She'll go for a 'holiday' for two weeks to a friends place at the foot of the pentland hills to get some amazing grass and lots of hill and fitness work, along with some swimming in the reservoir. She's big and gangly, and I want to make sure I take my time and ensure she's fit and strong and able to cope with everything we go on to do.
She is an absolute poppet, very sweet, gentle, and not mareish at all (so far). I have no doubt that there is a bit of sass in there and there will be times where she challenges me but I'm confident that I have the right people around me to help get through any niggles. The most important part is that she isn't rushed, as I want her to be with me for a long time. But one a final note - I never ever thought I'd see myself with a mare....
And now the most important part... the pictures!
Her advert pic:
The ears I fell in love with
Seeing her ridden
Jumping Face - second time I rode her
Some body shots
Ready to leave (I'm 5'8 so no midget but she makes me look titchy)
Coming off the trailer
Few snaps
Settling in
Walking out in the Spring Sunshine!
Sleepy Girl