
Hi all,

Coming here for a little bit of a moan but I also have some questions to ask.

I'll start with the questions for those who are uninterested in the back story.

1. Has anyone else had to have a metal plate with screws put in, and if so your experiences

2. How long was your recovery period?

3. Have you had it removed with a second surgery?

4. Has is impeded riding at all?

I'll be grateful for any responses!

*warning - small novel*

So, 4 weeks ago I was out on a hack with a friend and we were cantering back on our way home, (the irony was that we were going to school that day, but the good weather drew us out) and when doing so my boy's front right leg went down a hole and we basically had a rotational fall with him flipping over and I going flying. I remember seeing the ground and then being on the floor - I am almost certain that I didn't loose conciousness, but it all just happened so quickly. I was lying there with my boy (Blue) next too me and I immediately sat up [despite my friend, saying I was to stay put] - it was a horrible moment Blue's leg was at the most awkward angle and he was lying on his side with my reins over his head. Normally he's a bit scatty and doesn't lie down (just rolls and then immediately jumps up); thinking this was soon to happen I moved up by his head to avoid being stood on if he was to get up. My friend is ringing for an ambulance as I hadn't even noticed my shoulder was sore at this point, just very worried about Blue and insisting on calling the vet instead. All in all it was a scary few minutes as Blue's eyes started to close while he was still lying on the floor and I seriously feared that the worst was happening in front of me.

With the ambulance called and on it's way I was sitting at Blue's head and although breathing he was still lying down and eyes shut.

Thankfully after a few minutes his eyes darted open and he jumped up ridiculously quick (good job I had moved) - I've never been so happy so far in my life.

But with him up, I put my right arm back and soon realised that my shoulder was very sore, and soon shock came over me; I was sitting on the floor in the forest resting back on a fallen log - it was a very serial experience; my sight completely went and also did my hearing, but I knew very fully that I was awake and sitting.

Not too much later three lovely paramedics found me and did the obvious checks and looked at my shoulder to which I had an unsightly new lump, and with that they said it was almost defiantly a broken clavicle, I wasn't too disheartened as I knew collarbone breaks where very common and I know lots of horsey friends who have had them.

My poor friend had to walk the horses in hand back to our yard while I was whisked away in the clean ambulance which I subsequently turned a shade of mud.

Anyways, after I had the x-ray it was clear to see that I had a very obvious break so I was given a sling and told to rest have painkillers and book in an appointment with the fracture clinic.

The vet was called out immediately to give Blue a check over and remarkable he came out completely unscathed, with the vet saying if he hadn't been told of the fall he wouldn't have even known - in regards to the frightening few minutes to where he basically passed out the vet said it sounded as though he had winded himself as he had hit the ground. (so so please that Blue was OK)

Few days later I attended my first fracture clinic appointment to which the doctor said that - like with a lot of clavicle breaks they just leave it in a sling and the bone should realign and mend itself, I thought great few weeks and I'll be back riding!

However, yesterday, 4 weeks later, I had my second fracture clinic appointment and had another x-ray which showed basically no improvement and my bone had barely moved to rejoin itself and therefore he has suggested that the only real option is an operation with a metal plate put in to realign my collarbone, fixed with 3 screws either side.

The operation is only 1 hour long and I just have to stay one night, but I'm feeling rather ominous about it - I know that in recent history they would metal plate the majority of collarbone breaks without a second thought, however they are more reluctant to do so in present times, so it is not uncommon, but I was wondering if anyone else has had an experiences with the metal plate put in?

I am a little anxious :(

Sorry that it is such a long post and congratulations for making it to the end! I'm having to type this all with my left hand, so I wont say how long it has taken me!

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