It's here!
Heroes assembled!
Time to play!
Otterdown & DarkGryph will start a dual stream 24 hour marathon at 8am EST, Saturday, 7th November.
With luck and caffeine, one or the other of us will be streaming during the entire 24 hours!
Otterdown Stream: http://twitch.tv/jennettsw
DarkGryph Stream: http://twitch.tv/darkgryphon42
Watch Both Streams at Once!
Join us on stream chat and in game for the festivities, and get out the word to raise money for Extra Life!
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are interested in the Funcom participation prizes or the various raffles for donors, please be sure to give us a way to contact you! Include your TSW in-game handle, your Twitch handle, or your Steam handle on your donation entry somewhere!
In addition to the excellent prizes and perks offered for donors to Extra Life from Funcom, these will be some of our goings-on and givings-away for the day:
Noradvind - Raffles, Song & Ingress!
Nordavind is running a raffle to raise donations, has offered to sing Soft Kitty for us on stream if he gets to $200, and he'll be taking breaks to play some Ingress an streaming the outdoors to us from his phone! It will be good to remember what that looks like!
Kaaz' Fallout 4 Giveaway!
That's right, he's giving away a copy of Fallout 4 to one of our donors or participants! He's also our personal Twitch chat command bot! <3 (Don't worry, we'll try to get him killed at least a couple of times in 24 hours!)
Djinnji & The Secret Associates run so many nightmares, I may need to send them coffee?!?
They've been running marathon runs and streams for a week or two to raise donations! How many Polaris... Polarises? Polarii? How many NM's can these people run!?!
Starsmith's Extra Life Raffle!
After 9pm EST 7th Nov: An hour+ of Stonehenge with Jenn & Hoozer
Pixal, Veroke and DixieChic have PvP Challenges & some of the PvP community are joining in while we attack each other to Save Kids!
Talisman Challenge! (time tbd) Talisman Game with Hoozer, Jenn & DarkeTwilight
Darke is matching all contributions to Extra Life through Otterdown during the Talisman game, up to $1000! Come see which of us gets toaded more!
Get Samcon and Wahoozerman to their $200 goals, and they'll dye their hair pink in game for at least a week! (Facial hair included!) Get Shezbeth to $666 and he'll pinkify too! (A sign of the Pinkopalypse?!)
Donate through Samcon here!
Donate through Wahoozerman here!
Donate through Shezbeth here!
We're planning... or not-planning, as is our wont... a world boss summoning, superjack, raids (with little expectation for success and great expectation for disaster!), and other sorts of play! We'll have game giveaways through Steam on the stream, cosmetics giveaways in TSW, Halloween party bags, and whatever else we can come up with while spread as much joy as we can and get as much attention as we can on donating to this amazing cause!
We're likely to put in an hour or two on Anarchy Online too, if you're an AO fan! We're so bad at it! It'll be glorious!
Be a hero!
Play Games! Save Kids!
Donate to Extra Life through an Otterdown teammate!