
I am not supporting the arrangement.

far from it.

I am saying that I do know some relationships where the Western guy has married into a Taiwan family with only one child, a daughter, who has been expected to look after her family, and he does so. She looks after their children, he looks after the extended family as the only male.

Not that I recommend that as the default plan of action, but if it's OK for you, then it's OK.

BUt if she works, she earns, she should pay some of the apartment cost, etc. if she's working, If she's not then it's damn hard, right?

OTOH, Moving in with a guy and expecting him to cover all expenses in exchange for her agreeing to have sex with him once a month (if he gives enough gifts) is not a fair profit redistribution arrangement. Whatever a Taiwanese guy might think. I mean, there's something to be said for moving to a new country and abiding by their cultural arrangements, and then sometimes there's other shit to be said.

Statistics: Posted by urodacus — Yesterday, 22:06

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