
Indominus Rex v TSuper Troopers


*Tsigh..where do I begin?* So for those of you who will say TL;DR, I'll lay a convenient Table of Contents so you can direct yourself to the area of relevancy to you and or your tribe. I'll start off by introducing myself - hi, I'm Luke.. Indominus Rex (used to be Los Fidalgos). I'm 20 years old and am a Biology/Chemistry, Pre-dentistry major junior. I am from Hazmat, I am from CRASH! and I am from Sierra. The account was ran by Wes and Luke, until (conveniently) just before TSuper started to creep into my area. I want everyone to know that I single handedly defended and protected my villages with no coplayers. That's not the case now as I've found some help, but that was one of the lessons I wanted TSuper to take away from this post - a 20 year old who works 8 hours a day and sleeps around 6-7 a night held down the fort against a 22 million point tribe for about 3 weeks. 2 million points v 22 million, you do the math.

I. Introduction

a. Abstract

b. Background

II. Body

a. TSuper Tsmack Talk

b. CRASH/Hazmat

c. Sierra

d. War Status

III. Conclusion

a. Farewell, but not really.

b. World Forecast

c. Shoutouts


Where it all began...

There was a war between Hazmat and TSuper that was a stalemate (IMO) and ended in CowboyBarry (da GOAT) and ViVo making the decision to rid ourselves of the dead weight we were carrying along with us in Hazmat. Being in K33 and quite isolated from the action, I never really was able to directly participate in the war, but was there for sitting, defense, etc. TSuper was able to find and hit those dead weight players, and made it look like the war did end perhaps in their favor. One of our players, Diabolus, was absolutely rocked after our dead weight guys neglected the urgency of his situation. And thus, they made the executive decision to internal him and spare what we could. I, being the only K33 member and rather isolated, had to risk a lot in taking the Southeastern Diab villages, but was able to quickly grab as many as I could and hold the front. Once Diab was finished, those who had helped in the war and weren't dead weight from Hazmat merged into CRASH! After taking several poorly timed noble and nuke hits, TSuper needed tsomething else to slow down my growth in Southeast K33 and into K34. In their attempts to get me to withdraw frontline defense before the NAP deadline, Scott hired Nine Inch Nail to use his wimpy quarter sized nukes to cat my backline. And kudos to you, NiN, you can do something well on TW besides accidentally overpress your hot keys with those long nails of yours :/ but tseriously, go get some clippers dude.. you can't forget personal hygiene when being on a computer playing Tribalwars all day long. Since I was so far from my CRASH! mates, tribal support was essentially out of the question, for other diplomatic reasons not because they were leaving me out to dry, and thus I was forced to sit and watch NiN cat my farms, HQ's, and warehouses. Time passed, and I recovered slowl until Locke and Scotty Boy came to terms with an NAP that restricted my growth West of the 500|x line - forcing me to relocate to K35 or leave.The NAP was without a doubt the right move for Lockey to make and I held no grudge against them for doing it - I believe in doing what's best for the tribe, even if it comes at the price I had to pay.


Now for the fun part...
There were a lot of factors that played into my decision to leave CRASH, and this decision was actually seen throughout the community as actually quite opposite of what it really was - so let me clear this up for everyone. I am not a refugee. Let's think this through. Under the NAP, I would have been forced to relocate to K35, and Locke/Barry so graciously offered to help with that and I'm forever grateful of their generosity. However, I didn't see the fun in leaving the all of my nearly 2 million point cluster full of troops and starting up somewhere so far away. I saw that I had 2 options - leave and go solo, or leave and join Sierra. After a few days of discussion with my boy Instinctive Survival, I realized joining Sierra was the best option under the given circumstances. Last time I checked, Refugees ran away from the fight, not towards it? Better work on that vocabulary a bit more Scott.

Terms of my friendly leave from CRASH!...
Instinctive and Locke both were aware of the following:

1. When I leave, I'm open to choose after my growth phase whether I'd prefer staying in Sierra, or going back to CRASH!

2. There were no hard feelings towards CRASH!, in fact, I stayed in close communication with the guys (and gals, jennie / em xo) because they truly felt like a family.

3. That there's a good chance my departure from CRASH would been seen as the open door for TSuper to war Sierra.

Moving forward..
Within an hour of leaving CRASH!, the incomings climbed rapidly. They took no hesitation in keeping the incomings at around 5k or more for about a week and a half (NiN's nails probably grew a couple more inches because he seemed to have spammed those hotkeys even more after I left). I kept calm and was proud to tag them all alone, with no co's.

Smsva the Dunce
Scott played a little trick on us all and sent myself a gyazo screen showing Skype's "plan" to run a fake OP on me to shift Sierra support to my front and leave Krystalballty vulnerable as their real target. As a result, my own defense was what was left hanging out in my frontline that was inevitably rocked by what must have been anywhere between 200-500 nukes. As a result, I killed nearly a million of their troops in ODD from my own stacks. And I gotta say, not a bad move. But don't try and pin the blame on CRASH! as it was merely a PA sending me a potential helping hand in the fight of 1 man vs 1 tribe. Tseriously TScott, get off your high horse. You don't want to end the NAP with CRASH!, trust me. You can point fingers and claim violations, but at the end of the day, it was nothing more than a simple tip that ultimately led to my small downfall, so y u mad, bro?

I want to say thank you to those who contributed to my growth and helped along the way. My Hazmatians were always there for me and I'll always remember you all as my favorite tribe experience playing this game. I also was glad to get to know some of the CRASH folks over the short period of time I spent with them. Locke and Barry (ugh and Tim / Sin / em / whoever the hell else runs ViVo ;) ) will lead CRASH! to winning this world. No doubt in my mind. I will miss you all, and sorry if TScott terminates your guys' NAP all because someone was a sneaky jerk and set one of our CRASH members up for blackmail - I'll take the blame for that but in the end of the day, your tyrannical NAP terms were outlandish and dumb anyways. TSuper will take a beating they deserve not only from Sierra but from others too.. all in good time my friends :)


I have to give a big THANK YOU <3 to my friendly boys over in Sierra for the warm welcome. We started off this world butting heads, but you have some great guys in your group and I wish you all the best of luck against TSuper. I'm certain that under their leadership that they will fail to take our continent(s) over. Although your support may not have been where it needed to be, it was appreciated nonetheless.. it takes a lot of trust to take in someone like me and automatically help out. I can't say for sure you will win this world, just due to the member size and location, but you will prevail and you will be amongst those in the end game taking 2nd or 3rd place behind whoever gets beat by my CRASH fellows.

War Status
Their efforts against me were rather successful, due to my lack of activity and availability, but I will continue to defend nonetheless. Sierra is jumping in on the war now, and I'm excited to see all that red turn blue. My team will help and we will stop the cancer spreading under our feet whether they like it or not. But be careful, if Scott terminates the NAP because of one small tip that ended up going in his favor, then you may end up getting a little bit of a Sierra and CRASH v TSuper sandwich, and boy that sure does sound like hell for the TSuper troopers.


Farewell.. for now
Although I'm sticking around and seeing it through that my defensive and offensive responses are followed through and give ourselves a good first step into the war against TScott's noobs, I won't be around much on skype but will definitely be around, always watching and waiting for my chances to prevent their growth into MY continent(s).

World forecast
Well jeez.. we just dragged a bunch of drama into World 78 *Tsigh.. just what we needed*. I foresee several things playing out in the rest of the world, and I plan on sharing them with you but they'll be a bit aimed towards my area / not a whole world scope here. Even before the recent instability in Rhythm (not sure what's going on there but I hear from the grapevine that some bad stuff is going down), I already knew that CRASH! would end up ultimately on top in this world. Sierra will war TSuper, and I'm sure it'll either be successful in that TSuper ends up getting gangbanged, or it will be a stalemate and end in an NAP so TScott can take his tyranny elsewhere. I'm glad to say I played for 2 of the 3 best tribes currently that I think are in the running, Sierra and Crash, but I also like Flood and their style as well.

First off, I wanna say, if you're not on here.. I'm sorry. I live a very busy life and suck with names so if we ever spoke and I remembered your name, just know I remember you and that I won't forget you <3

CowboyBarry - My favorite duke and leader. I was sad I had to leave you when I left CRASH and I wish you luck in the end game. Make sure you keep Lockey boy in line and on the path down Victory lane. Between you, tim sin and other Vivo co's, I know you all and Locke will end up on top. Next time i'm in your state, I'll have to hit the swamps up :P

Locke - Sorry for any trouble I've caused.. you're a great leader and diplomat and always saw the bigger picture in everything. I don't doubt your ability to lead and I trust you, only from the short week or so that I got to know you. Keep doing big things, man, it will only end well for our guys :)

Em - stay beautiful darling, I'm glad you've joined Team ViVo because now someone can smack Tim in the face when his drunk self is being annoying. Keep up the growth and I expect to see you and Locke fighting for that top spot.

Tim - I loved annoying you the past few months, you're a great guy and I wish you the best of luck with medical school. Don't get too drunk pls.

Sin - I hope your end game ends up the way we talked about, it sounds fun and I like your style. You'll be missed :(

MATTNSAMM - Thank you for your support despite the distance, you were always able to help me out with sitting if I needed it too, and it was appreciated. I wish you and your GF much luck.. keep nobling away :)

Ender - as above, you supported despite distance and I'll forever be grateful. It's people like you that make the game enjoyable.

Instinctive / Krystal - Sorry we couldn't do more together as we planned.. you know how life gets sometimes, always so busy, and especially when you're the sole player on an account (not anymore but still). I appreciate everything you did and have done for me throughout these rough couple weeks. We will lead this war to a victory, believe me :)

Sierra - as I said before, I'm forever grateful of your guys' help. I'm going to pay you all back by helping kick some TSuper butt. <3

TScott - get over yourself please. The first step in a good direction for you is admitting to your problem. Lighten up a little bit and quit being so stubborn and you may find that you'll do better things in this world. But until then, I fully believe your stubbornness will lead TSuper to its downfall.

NiN - you gotta get those nails trimmed.. like a friend once told me about you, you're all bark and no bite. I'll be sure to personally ensure your nobles die :)

Lord Pinder - very lucky that you're stacked by TSuper.. your lack of skill and sportsmanship on your profile is comical. The fact that you haven't done anything productive against me, whilst I nobled a few of your villages and cleared quite a few of your front stacks completely ruins your part on your profile about me. If I wanted to "try" you, you wouldn't be in my K.

TSuper - get out now while you have a chance.. tribes with stubborn leaders will go nowhere. Sierra is packing a lot more fight than you'll imagine, so get ready for a hell of a ride.

Closing Remarks

I will say that had I had more coplayers and had I not been cornered and targeted by an entire tribe that I would be on my way to the top 5 players in the world. I want TSuper to know that one man against all their players and coplayers, held down the fort alone. You guys can put a hurt on someone, but you do so in a stupid way. Rest easy tonight knowing Luke kept your tribe angry as ever for about a month now.. all because you couldn't creep into my continents without permission. Best of luck with the war, you might've won the first battle in some ways but your radar is looking red my friends :)

Until next time.. Indominus Rex Tsigning off..

Time to kick some TSuper Butt

Yours Truly,

Luke | iRex

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