Has anyone built this unique flip clock using a 2.2 inch color graphics display found at this website:
http://olganet.com/electro/2014/03/17/h ... 2-240x320/
The host has done a nice job of posting the schematic and main code but does not say where we can get the specific include libraries he used.
The problem is; Im having trouble getting his code to compile.
I think the problem is with 2 of the libraries that I obtained from the Arduino github repository.
Im afraid that I don't know enough about Arduino C to get the RTClib and Button libraries working.
* Flip-Clock
* Desinged for Arduino ATMEGA328P / TFT 2.2" 240x320 display
#include <SPI.h> //working
#include "Adafruit_GFX.h" //working
#include "Adafruit_ILI9340.h" //working
#include <Wire.h> //working
#include <RTClib.h> // This library is giving me grief..
#include <Button.h> // This library is giving me grief..
I purchased all the parts for the project from Ebay. total cost so far $26.00
I have spent 18hrs trying different things.
Im using the latest Arduino IDE 105r2 I have tried many other versions.
I haven't posted the errors reported by the Arduino IDE as they are numerous and obscure
I hope someone can shed some light on this project or tell me if I should just give up.
Thanks too all.
* Flip-Clock
* Desinged for Arduino ATMEGA328P / TFT 2.2" 240x320 display
#include <SPI.h>
#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"
#include "Adafruit_ILI9340.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#include <RTClib.h>
#include <Button.h>
// These are the pins used for the UNO
#define TFT_SCLK 13
#define TFT_MISO 12
#define TFT_MOSI 11
#define TFT_CS 5
#define TFT_DC 6
#define TFT_RST 4
#define TFT_BL_ON {DDRD |= 0x80;PORTD |= 0x80;}
#defineWHITE tft.Color565(255,255,255)
#defineBLACK tft.Color565(0,0,0)
#defineRED tft.Color565(255,58,47)
#defineGREEN tft.Color565(58,255,47)
#defineBLUE tft.Color565(13,143,209)
#defineYELLOW tft.Color565(209,193,13)
#defineDARK_GRAY tft.Color565(40,40,40)
#defineGRAY tft.Color565(60,60,60)
#defineLIGHT_GRAY tft.Color565(150,150,150)
#define BUTTON1_PIN 9
#define HOLD_DURATION 1000
#define SMALL_FONT 1
#define MEDIUM_FONT 2
#define BIG_FONT 3
extern uint8_t BigFont[];
extern uint8_t MediumFont[];
extern uint8_t SmallFont[];
extern uint8_t Symbol[];
Adafruit_ILI9340 tft = Adafruit_ILI9340(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_RST);
Button button1 = Button(BUTTON1_PIN,BUTTON_PULLDOWN);
boolean longPush = false;
byte value, etat, lastEtat = 0;
boolean forceRefresh = false;
byte dimCycle[4] = {30,60,120};
byte dimValue = 1;
int digitPos[4] = {10,82,172,244};
String dayNames[7] = {
"DIM","LUN", "MAR","MER","JEU","VEN","SAM"};
String monthNames[13] = {
String settingsStates[7] = {
"","Set clock hours (+)","Set clock minutes (+)","Set clock date (+)", "Set clock date (-)", "Set clock year (+)","Set clock year (-)"};
DateTime now;
byte lastHour, lastMinute, lastSecond, lastDay, lastTemp, temp = 0xFF;
int lastYear = 0;
boolean showDots = true;
int top = 23;
void setup() {
analogWrite(BACKLIGHT_PIN, dimCycle[dimValue]);
//RTC.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__));
void loop(void) {
now = RTC.now();
// Display hours
if (lastHour != now.hour() || forceRefresh) {
showDigit(digitPos[0], top, now.hour()/10, (etat == 1)?true:false);
showDigit(digitPos[1], top, now.hour()%10, (etat == 1)?true:false);
lastHour = now.hour();
// Display minutes
if (lastMinute != now.minute() || forceRefresh) {
showDigit(digitPos[2], top, now.minute()/10, (etat == 2)?true:false);
showDigit(digitPos[3], top, now.minute()%10, (etat == 2)?true:false);
lastMinute = now.minute();
// Display flashing dots
if (lastSecond != now.second()){
lastSecond = now.second();
drawDots(top); // 2 points
// Display temperature
temp = round(getTemperature());
if ((temp != lastTemp && temp >= 0 && etat == 0 ) || (etat == 0 && forceRefresh)) {
showTemp(digitPos[0]+160, top+121, temp);
lastTemp = temp;
// Display date
if (lastDay != now.day() || lastYear != now.year() || forceRefresh) {
showDate(digitPos[0], top+121, now.dayOfWeek(), now.day(), now.month(), now.year(), (etat > 2 && etat < 7)?true:false);
lastDay = now.day();
lastYear = now.year();
// Set time or date
if (value > 0) {
switch (etat) {
case 1: // Set hours
RTC.adjust(DateTime (now.year(), now.month(), now.day(), (now.hour() <23) ? now.hour()+1 : 0, now.minute(), 0));
case 2: // Set minutes
RTC.adjust(DateTime (now.year(), now.month(), now.day(), now.hour(), (now.minute() <59) ? now.minute()+1 : 0, 0));
case 3: // Set date + 1day
RTC.adjust(now.unixtime() + 86400);
case 4: // Set date - 1day
RTC.adjust(now.unixtime() - 86400);
case 5: // Set date + year
RTC.adjust(DateTime ((now.year() <2100) ? now.year()+1 : 2000, now.month(), now.day(), now.hour(), now.minute(), 0));
case 6: // Set date - year
RTC.adjust(DateTime ((now.year() >2000) ? now.year()-1 : 2000, now.month(), now.day(), now.hour(), now.minute(), 0));
value = 0;
forceRefresh = false; // cancel forceRefresh
if (lastEtat != etat ) {
forceRefresh = true; // force refresh
lastEtat = etat;
// delay(10);
// ---------------------------------- Fonctions ---------------------------------- //
void drawDots(int y) {
tft.fillRect(155, y+23, 10, 10, (showDots) ? DARK_GRAY : WHITE);
tft.fillRect(155, y+73, 10, 10, (showDots) ? DARK_GRAY : WHITE);
showDots = !showDots;
void showDigit(int x, int y, int number, boolean isSet) {
drawFlap(x, y, 66, 102, 20, 2);
showCar(x+9, y+12 , number, BIG_FONT, (isSet)?GREEN:WHITE, GRAY);
/* Affiche la température */
void showTemp(int x, int y, int temp) {
// background temperature
for(int i=0; i<120; i+=60) {
drawFlap(x+i, y, 56, 78, 20, 2);
showCar(x+8, y+5 , temp/10, MEDIUM_FONT, RED, GRAY);
showCar(x+68, y+5 , temp%10, MEDIUM_FONT, RED, GRAY);
showImage(x+118, y+9, Symbol, 24, 26, RED, DARK_GRAY);
void showDate(int x, int y, int wd, byte d, byte m, int yr, boolean isSet) {
// weekday
drawFlap(x, y, 85, 38, 12, 1);
showCar(x+7, y+5, getLetterPos(dayNames[wd][0]), SMALL_FONT, (isSet)?GREEN:YELLOW, GRAY);
showCar(x+32, y+5, getLetterPos(dayNames[wd][1]), SMALL_FONT, (isSet)?GREEN:YELLOW, GRAY);
showCar(x+57, y+5, getLetterPos(dayNames[wd][2]), SMALL_FONT, (isSet)?GREEN:YELLOW, GRAY);
// day
drawFlap(x, y+40, 55, 38, 12, 1);
showCar(x+5, y+45, d/10, SMALL_FONT, (isSet)?GREEN:BLUE, GRAY);
showCar(x+27, y+45, d%10, SMALL_FONT, (isSet)?GREEN:BLUE, GRAY);
// month
drawFlap(x+58, y+40, 85, 38, 12, 1);
showCar(x+58+7, y+45, getLetterPos(monthNames[m][0]), SMALL_FONT, (isSet)?GREEN:BLUE, GRAY);
showCar(x+58+32, y+45, getLetterPos(monthNames[m][1]), SMALL_FONT, (isSet)?GREEN:BLUE, GRAY);
showCar(x+58+57, y+45, getLetterPos(monthNames[m][2]), SMALL_FONT, (isSet)?GREEN:BLUE, GRAY);
// year
if (etat != 0) { // show only during clock settings
drawFlap(x+58+85+5, y+40, 106, 38, 12, 1);
showCar(x+58+85+7, y+45, (int)yr/1000, SMALL_FONT, (isSet)?GREEN:BLUE, GRAY);
showCar(x+58+85+32, y+45, ((int)yr/100)%10, SMALL_FONT, (isSet)?GREEN:BLUE, GRAY);
showCar(x+58+85+57, y+45, ((int)yr/10)%10, SMALL_FONT, (isSet)?GREEN:BLUE, GRAY);
showCar(x+58+85+82, y+45, yr%10, SMALL_FONT, (isSet)?GREEN:BLUE, GRAY);
int getLetterPos(char car) {
return car-65+10; // position in the font file
// Affiche un chiffre en x, y
void showCar(int x, int y, int number, int font_select, int color, int bgColor) {
// Affiche les caractères en 2 moitiés
// font_size : 1 = SmallFont, 2 = MediumFont, 3 = BigFont
uint8_t *font;
int fw, fh;
if (font_select < 4 && font_select > 0) {
switch(font_select) {
case 1:
font = SmallFont; fw = 24; fh = 26;
case 2:
font = MediumFont; fw = 40; fh = 66;
case 3:
font = BigFont; fw = 48; fh = 76;
int hh = fh/2; // half height
int cs = (fw/8) * fh; // caracter size in octets
for(int n=0; n<2; n++) {
tft.setAddrWindow(x, y+(n*+(hh+2)), x+fw-1, y+hh-1 + (n*+(hh+2)));
for (int i=0; i<(cs/2); i++) {
setRow(pgm_read_byte_near(font+i+number*cs+(n*+(cs/2))), color, bgColor);
void showImage(int x, int y, uint8_t *image, int w, int h, int color, int bgColor) {
int cs = (w/8) * h; // size in octets
tft.setAddrWindow(x, y, x+w-1, y+h-1);
for (int i=0; i<cs; i++) {
setRow(pgm_read_byte_near(image+i), color, bgColor);
void setRow(byte row, int color, int bgColor) {
for(int i=7;i>-1;i--) {
tft.pushColor((bitRead(row, i) == 1)? color : bgColor);
void drawFlap(int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int p) {
int hr = r/2;
tft.fillRect(x, y, w, h, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+2, y+2, w-4, (h/2)-3, GRAY);
tft.fillRect(x+2, y+((h+2)/2), w-4, (h/2)-3, GRAY);
tft.fillRect(x+2, y+(h/2)-hr, p*2, r, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+2, y+(h/2)-hr+2, p, r-4, GRAY);
tft.fillRect(x+w-p*2-2, y+(h/2)-hr, p*2, r, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+w-p-2, y+(h/2)-hr+2, p, r-4, GRAY);
/* retourne la température */
#define CLOCK_ADDRESS 0x68
float getTemperature() {
// Checks the internal thermometer on the DS3231 and returns the
// temperature as a floating-point value.
byte temp;
Wire.requestFrom(CLOCK_ADDRESS, 2);
temp = Wire.read();// Here's the MSB
return float(temp) + 0.25*(Wire.read()>>6);
// Gestion du bouton relaché
void handleButtonReleaseEvents(Button &btn) {
//showDebug("Release | etat = " + String(etat));
if (!longPush) {
if (etat != 0 ) { // Settings
value = 1;
else { // select backlight dim
dimValue = (++dimValue>2) ? 0 : dimValue;
analogWrite(BACKLIGHT_PIN, dimCycle[dimValue]);
longPush = false;
// Gestion de l'appui prolongé sur le bouton
void handleButtonHoldEvents(Button &btn) {
longPush = true;
value = 0;
if (++etat > 6) {
etat = 0;
void showDebug(String msg) {
tft.fillRect(0, 0, 320, 20, DARK_GRAY);
tft.setCursor(3, 3);
Statistics: Posted by codebuster — Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:03 pm