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Zusatzfunktionen: 30 praktische Erweiterungen für den Chrome-Browser Von Andreas Floemer DPA Google Chrome: Viele Helfer mit verschiedenen Zusatzfunktionen Googles Chrome ist der weltweit meistgenutzte Browser – vielleicht auch, weil er sich so gut...
CG/Mold/CAD/CAM/CAE/CFD/EDA/Science/Geological/Structure/Transportation Anything you need, just email to: We supply too many latest softwares, the software list is not full, just email for more list. Ctrl + F to search program with crack...
This is the third and final article in a series on "remote control WordPress". That's my nickname for this strategy of managing network settings on one "control" install, and then pulling those values into all your client installs. The advantage is that...
OpenStack Kilo, the 11th release of the open source project, was officially released in April, and now is a good time to review some of the changes we saw in the OpenStack Networking (Neutron) community during this cycle, as well as some of the key...
Below is a transcript of the PMPro Dev Chat held today. Lots of good discussion on the present and future of PMPro. Next dev chat will be Thursday November 13th at 2pm EST. Join us! (1:27:58 PM) sjolshagen [~sjolshage@2601:6:1f00:9bf:2196:4318:ae6c...
The powerful content extension for Joomla! developed...
K2 is the popular, powerful and awarded content extension for Joomla! with CCK-like features developed by JoomlaWorks, makers of f...
Rising World is a voxel-based open world sandbox game, featuring a procedurally generated world, playable in single and multiplayer
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