

I've been using innobackupex weekly for years now without any issue on a fairly large database (1.6T).

With recent versions, my backup fails to create a launchable database after the --apply-log step. Yes, the command definitely reaches the "completed OK!" stage. I do not see anything unusual in the output.

The backup-my.cnf file has the correct parameters:


However, after the process completes, I'm left with:


At this point, mysql fails to start:


Deleting the files allows the database to start, albeit with some potentially serious warnings:


My analysis:

It occurs to me that 50331648÷1024÷1024=48, so the log file size is getting a bad value somewhere along the way. This value does not show up anywhere in my.cnf. But it is worth noting that the 256M logfile size is specified under a mysqld_multi configuration, in the [mysqld1] section. Perhaps it is not getting parsed somewhere.

Thanks for looking.

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