
(The list of people I'd like to personally thank is sufficiently long that I fear I'd exceed the character limit for a posting! )

This is a quote from a PM to wkitty:

Having been both a BBS Sysop and a form moderator, it gives me a much broader perspective about what to expect from both a forum (and it's moderators), as well as the various user-types that come-and-go. It also gives me a perspective on what I call "Sysop's Disease" - getting yourself confused with God - that all too many Sysops and forum moderators fall prey to. It's hard to keep a sense of humility and perspective when YOU own the "smite!" key. . . .

I also know how absolutely thankless a job this can be. Not only do you have to maintain a package that is non-trivial in its complexity, navigating all the speed-bumps that go with it, but you also have to deal with those users who haven't seen a copy of "Clue" in decades!

If nothing else, I wanted to take a moment of my time to say "Thank You!" to everyone here who has patiently, gracefully, and diplomatically put up with all the BoooSh*t that we users give you. Notwithstanding the mountain of fertilizer you have to wade through, your patient kindness helping us noobs get FG up and running is a true testimony.

Every time I visit these fora, without exception, I am struck by the wonderful way these fora are managed and moderated.

For all of which I am humbly grateful.

Jim (JR)

Statistics: Posted by jharris1993 — Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:51 pm

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