Foren RIFT Game. For more information, please visit
Foren RIFT Game. For more information, please visit
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"The Shiny Squirrel" 4.0 HYPE & WELCOME OPIE Rift MMORPG Discord wardrobe & pic contest! On Discord we are so HYPE for Rift 4.0 Starfall Prophecy expansion thinking of more ways to spotlight 4.0 content & community content including this...
Teppo marshals the troops, calling Breki and Petter to another episode of The Three MMOsketeers! Show notes and links: Coding Confessional Exploits plague Neverwinter economy, PWE responds [Updated] | Massively Astral Diamond Exchange and Auction... Hey there, folks! On RIFT’s fourth birthday, I want to first express the gratitude of the entire team to all of you who love and play RIFT. You are the...
The latest Blog Banter in action right now, number 52, is looking at the current average online user plateau in EVE Online and asking what lies beyond it. Is this just a breather in the game’s growth or is this a peak and are we now looking...
← Older revision Revision as of 08:44, 20 December 2012 Line 22: Line 22: :Hi, I saw the notice at the top of the page, and I would love to help out however I can. I'm really new to this sort of thing and a lot of the code is completely foreign to...
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A hub for your creative projects!
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The official online community for RIFT. For more information, please visit
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