Financelab Nctu. “Efficient Algorithms for Average-Rate Options pricing”. 2000年中華民國電腦學會論文獎資訊科學類優等獎. “使用多層解析格子樹模型評價亞式選擇權的精確演算法”2003年富邦金融研究勤工獎。 Dai...

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  • America’s richest drop-out, Bill Gates, writes: What many people may not realize is that America is facing a shortage of college graduates. That may not seem possible, especially for any graduate who is unemployed or underemployed. But here are the...

  • Kudos to Josh Brown for his great post “Memo to the Passive Investing Taliban,” which has deservedly wended its way around the financial blogosphere. (Note: Hopefully you caught it on the viral upswing, because now it”s been taken...

  • There have always been some pretty smart—make that incredibly smart—teenagers around. Take, for example, the French mathematician Evariste Galois (1811–1832; at left), who invented the field of abstract algebra known as group theory...

  • Title Length Color Rating Clinton Administrations Proposal To Increase Taxes For Multinational – Clinton Administration’s Proposal to Increase Taxes for Multinational Corporations My topic is the increase if the taxes which Clinton Administration is...

  • Activities of the Lahore School Department of Economics
    via lahoreschoolofeconomics.blogspot

    I. Introduction Over the last year, the economics department has expanded in terms of size and scope. Much of the exciting work that is being done on the research and teaching side is because of the dynamic young faculty in the Department of Economics...

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