Category:Global Alliance Members

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'''North Central California Historical and Genealogical Research'''<br>Research in North Central California, with an emphasis in San Joaquin and surrounding counties. Although I live in Stockton, I regularly conduct research at all North Central California County Recorder Offices and Courthouses. County Recorder Offices are where vital records and deeds are housed. Probate records and in some cases divorce records are found in most courthouses. Other repositories that I frequent but are not limted to conduct research are:

In San Joaquin County: Stockton Public Library, JC Leyendecker Library &amp; Archives at the Haggin Museum, Gerald Kennedy Reference Library &amp; Archives at the San Joaquin Historical Society, Holt-Atherton Library &amp; Special Collections at University of the Pacific

The California State Archives and the California State Library both located in Sacramento.

National Archives - Pacific Region in San Bruno

Bancroft Library at UC Berkeley near Oakland

In San Francisco: Sutro Library and the North Baker Research Library at the California Historical Society

I have recently done extensive research in 19th century San Francisco records that are specific to Bavarian Jews who came to San Francisco in the 1850's down through to the descendants who live in the city to this day.


Has your genealogy research become an unmanageable pile of notes, photos, and documents? I can help you organize them into a coherent project using a genealogical database. Once you’ve cleared the clutter, you will be able to set new goals for your research and continue to climb your family tree!

Consultation regarding an organizational system designed to fit the individual needs of your family project

Data entry into a genealogical software program, with source citations

Project management, to-do lists, research plans



Broad requests such as "find everything you can" or "trace the line as far back as possible" typically begin with background research followed by more specific research where needed. Broader research requests typically require more research time due to the time needed to complete general background research before determining the direction of the research. If you are able to limit your request to something specific, like exploring a certain time period, reviewing a specific set of records for a specific person, reviewing land records for a specific property, or photographing a specific burial monument, etc., your costs will also be more limited.


Looking for some historical context for your family history? My research is tailored to your individual requirements. I will work with you to establish what you already know, identify clear research objectives and develop a research plan to meet those objectives.


I will retreive specific documents or records if the following conditions are met:

You must provide the name of the repository where the document(s) or record(s) are housed.<br>You must provide a citation of where in the repository the document or record can be found.<br>If you are requesting a vital record (birth, marriage or death) you must provide at least the year of the event.


For those who enjoy doing the research themselves, but are becoming overwhelmed with information and records they have amassed. Together we will develope an organizational system designed to meet the needs of your family project. Once the system is decided on, I will get you back to researching with a fresh clean start by entering all data into a genealogical software program, with source citations, creating to-do lists and research plans.


Though each society differs in the process, all of them are equal when it comes to proving your lineage. Each and every name, date and place that is entered on an application is a statement of fact and as such, must be backed up with documentation for each fact. For most, that means the first 3-4 generations will need birth, marriage and death certificates. Later generations are a bit more difficult to document, but not impossible. I can either act as a consultant - review your progress and develope a research plan for you to complete your application - or I can do it for you.<br>

'''A MEMBER OF:'''

Association of Professional Genealogists

Association of Professional Genealogists, Northern California Chapter

California State Genealogical Alliance - I currently serve on the executive board as secretary

National Genealogical Society

International Society of Family History Writers and Editors

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution - I currently serve as regent for El Toyon chapter in Stockton, California as well as the registrar for Northern California District II

California Genealogical Society

San Joaquin Genealogical Society - I am the editor of the society newsletter

Global Alliance of Genealogy Professionals

<br>'''Formal Genealogical Education:'''

Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research 2008 and 2009

Certificate for two year course Family History Studies, Monterey Peninsula College 2006

ProGen 1 - Group leader for the first ProGen group completed 2009

I have submitted my preliminary application to become a board certified genealogist through the Board for Certification of Genealogists and am officially "On The Clock" to complete it.

<br>'''Ongoing Genealogical Education:'''

Attend national, regional and local conferences every year

Coordinator for the NGSQ article discussion groups

Numerous volunteer projects transcribing or indexing genealogical records for many organizations such as the Missouri State Archives, FamilySearch, 1940 Census Project and many local projects.


Sheri Fenley

1215 West Acacia Street

Stockton, California 95203

(209) 373-6847

You can also find me on:





My blog - "The Educated Genealogist" -

I also author or co-author several additional blogs:

The Educated Rabbit

The Catholic Gene

The CSGA Blog

The San Joaquin Genealogical Society Blog<br>

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