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{{Infobox NIFGS|June 2012|{{Methodology, parts 1-6}}|Louise St Denis, Brenda Dougall Merriman and Dr. Penelope Christensen}}

{{Infobox NIFGS|June 2012|{{Methodology, parts 1-6}}|Louise St Denis, Brenda Dougall Merriman and Dr. Penelope Christensen}}

=== Recording Your Information  ===


Fraternal Order/Membership Organization Headstone Abbreviations<br><br>Below is a list of headstone abbreviations, and their meanings:<br>A    <br>AAONMS    Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (Masonic)<br>AASR    Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (Masonic)<br>ABA    American Benefit Association<br>AF&AM    Ancient Free and Accepted Masons<br>ALOH    American Legion of Honor<br>AMD    Allied Masonic Degree<br>AMORC    Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (Rosicrucians)<br>AMOS    Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans (see IOOF)<br>AOF    Ancient Order Of Foresters<br>AOH    Ancient Order of Hibernians<br>AOKMC    Ancient Order Of Knights of Mystic Chain<br>AOUW    Ancient Order Of United Workmen<br>APA    American Protective Association<br>AUM    Ancient Order of Mysteries (Masonic)<br>AUSA    Association of the United States Army<br>AUV    Association of Union Veterans<br>B    <br>B of RTM    Brotherhood of Rail Road Track Men<br>BARE    Benefit Association Of Railway Employees<br>BAY    Brotherhood of American Yeomen<br>BK of M    Black Knights of Molders<br>BKA    Benevolent Knights Association<br>BLE    Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers<br>BLF&E    Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen & Engineers<br>BPOE    Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks<br>BPOEW    Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World<br>BRT    Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen<br>C    <br>CAR    Children of the American Revolution<br>CBKA    Commandery Benevolent Knights Association<br>CBL    Catholic Benevolent Legion<br>CCTAS    Crusaders-Catholic Total Abstinence Society<br>CD of A    Catholic Daughters of America<br>CK of A    Catholic Knights of America<br>CMBA    Catholic Mutual Benefit Association<br>COOF    Catholic Order of Foresters<br>CSA    Confederate States Army<br>CTAS    Catholic Total Abstinence Society<br>D    <br>DAR    Daughters of the American Revolution<br>D.O.A./DA    Daughters of America<br>DAC    Daughters of the American Colonists<br>DAV    Disabled American Veterans<br>DOKK    Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan (Knights of Pythias)<br>DoL    Daughters of Liberty<br>DOLLUS    Dames of the Loyal Legion of the United States<br>DON    Daughters of the Nile (Masonic)<br>DUV    Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War<br>E    <br>EAA    Experimental Aircraft Association<br>EAU    Equitable Aid Union<br>EBA    Emerald Beneficial Association<br>ECVE    Clampus Vitus<br>F    <br>FAA    Free and Accepted Americans<br>FAM    Free and Accepted Masons<br>FCB    Knights of Pythias<br>FLT    Independent Order of Odd Fellows<br>FMF    Fleet Marine Force<br>FOAST    Fraternal Order of Alaska State Troopers<br>FOE    Fraternal Order of Eagles<br>FOF    Fraternal Order of Firefighters<br>FOP    Fraternal Order of Police<br>G    <br>GAR    Grand Army of the Republic<br>GALSTPTR    German American Legion of St. Peter<br>GLAUM    Grand Lodge Ancient Order of Mysteries-Masonic Order<br>GLDS    Grand Lodge Daughters of Scotia<br>GUOOF    Grand United Order of Odd Fellows<br>H    <br>HZ    Haro Zaro<br>I    <br>IBBH    International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths and Helpers<br>ICBU    Irish Catholic Benevolent Union<br>IHSV    Red Cross of Constantine (Masonic)<br>IOA    International Order of Alhambra<br>IODE    Independent Order, Daughters of the Empire<br>IOF    Independent Order of Foresters<br>IOGT    International Order of Good Templars<br>IOH    Improved Order of Heptasophs<br>IOHH    International Order of Hoo-Hoo<br>IOI    Independent Order of Immaculates<br>IOJD    Independent Order of Job’s Daughters<br>IOKP    Independent Order of Knights of Pythias<br>IOOF    Independent Order of Odd Fellows<br>IOOF-PM    Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Past Master<br>IOR    Independent Order of Rechabites<br>IORG    International Order of Rainbow Girls (Masonic)<br>IORM    Improved Order of Redmen (Sons of Liberty)<br>IOStL    Independent Order of St. Luke<br>IOV    International Order of Vikings<br>ISDA    Italian Sons and Daughters of America<br>ISH    Independent Sons of Honor<br>IUOM    Independent United Order of Mechanics<br>IWW    Industrial Workers of the World<br>J    <br>JAOUW    Junior Order-Ancient Order of United Workmen<br>J.O.A.M.    Junior Order of American Mechanics<br>J.O.U.A.M.    Junior Order of United American Mechanics<br>K    <br>K.of C.    Knights of Columbus<br>K.of P.    Knights of Pythias<br>K of FM          Knights of Father Matthew<br>K of H    Knights of Honor<br>K of L    Knights of Loyola<br>K.M.    Knights of Malta (Masonic)<br>K.T.    Knights Templar<br>K of SJ    Knights of St. John<br>K of STP    Knights of St. Patrick<br>K of STW    Knights of St. Wenceslas<br>K of T    Knights of Tabor<br>K of TM    Knights of the Macabees<br>KC    Knights of Columbus<br>KFM    Knights of Father Matthew<br>KG    Knights of St. George<br>KGC    Knights of the Golden Chain<br>KGC    Knights of the Golden Circle<br>KGE    Knights of the Golden Eagle<br>KGL    Knight Grand Legion<br>KHC    Knights of Holy Cross<br>KKK    Knights of Klu-Klux Klan<br>KLH    Knights and Ladies of Honor<br>KM    Knights Militant (See KKK)<br>KM    Knights of Malta (Masonic)<br>KMC    Knights of the Mystic Chain<br>KOL    Knights of Labor<br>KOTM    Knights of the Macabees<br>KP    Knights of Pythias<br>KPC    Knights of Peter Claver<br>KSC    Knights of St. Columbkille<br>KSF    Knights of Sherwood Forest<br>KSL    Knights of St. Lawrence<br>KSTG    Knights of St. George<br>KSTI    Knights of St. Ignatius<br>KSTJ    Knights of St. Joseph<br>KSTM    Knights of St. Martin<br>KSTP    Knights of St. Paul<br>KSTP    Knights of St. Peter<br>KSTT    Knights of St. Thomas<br>KT    Knights of Tabor<br>KT    Knights Templars (Masonic)<br>L    <br>LAOH    Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians<br>LDG    Independent Order of Foresters<br>LGAR    Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic<br>LK of A    Loyal Knights of America<br>LOL    Loyal Order Orange Lodge (The Orange Order)<br>{Orange Men}<br>L.O.M.    Loyal Order of Moose<br>LOOM    Loyal Order of the MOOSE<br>LOVUS    Legion of Valor of the United States<br>M    <br>M.W.A.    Modern Woodmen of America<br>MAW    Marine Air Wing<br>M.W.A.    Modern Woodmen of America<br>MBS    Mutual Benefit Society<br>MCL    Marine Corps League<br>MOLLUS    Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States<br>MOOSE    Loyal Order of the Moose<br>MOPH    Military Order of the Purple Heart<br>MOVPER    Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Mystic Realm (Grotto)<br>MRA    Royal Arcanum<br>N    <br>N.O.W.    Neighbors of Woodcraft<br>NCOA    Non-Commissioned Officers Association (Military Society)<br>NEOP    New England Order of Protection<br>NL    Navy League<br>NOK    New Order Knights (see KKK)<br>NSDAR    National Society Daughters of American Revolution<br>NSDAR    National Society Daughters of the American Revolution<br>NSSUP    National Society Sons of Utah Pioneers<br>NU    National Union<br>O<br>O of A    Order of Amaranth (Masonic)<br>O of UF    Order of United Friends<br>OCF    Order of Chosen Friends<br>ODHS    Des Schwestern Verbandes (Sisters of the Federation)<br>OES    Order of the Eastern Star<br>OGC    Order of the Golden Cross<br>OSC    Order of Scottish Clans (St. Andrew’s Societies)<br>OUAM    Order of United American Mechanics<br>P    <br>PF of A    Patriotic Friends of America<br>PH    The Order of Patrons of Husbandry (The Grange)<br>PM    Patriarchs Militant (Independent Order of Odd Fellows)<br>R    <br>RA    Royal Academy<br>RA    Royal Arcanum<br>R.A.M.    Royal Arch Masons<br>R.N.A.    Royal Neighbors of America<br>RIP    Requiescat in pace, Latin for REST IN PEACE<br>RK    Roman Knights<br>RMOKHSJ    The Religious and Military Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem<br>RO-AUM    Rosicrucian Order (Masonic)   <br>ROJ    Royal Order of Jesters (Masonic)<br>RSGF    Royal Society of Good Fellows<br>RSM    Royal and Select Masons<br>RSTV    Rite of St. Vaclara<br>RSTV    Rite of St. Vita<br>RTT    Royal Templars of Temperance<br>S    <br>S.A.L.    Sons of the American Legion<br>SAR    Sisters of the American Revolution<br>SAR    Sons of the American Revolution<br>S.A.W.V.    Spanish American War Veteran<br>SBCL    Saint Bonifazius Catholic Union<br>SBL    Society B. Lafayette<br>SCV    Sons of the Confederate Veterans<br>S.C.V.C.W.    Sons of the Confederate Veterans of the Civil War<br>S of E    Sons of England<br>S.F.W.C.    Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle<br>SMAA    Scandinavian Mutual Aid Association<br>SNA-AUM    Shrine of North America (Masonic)<br>S.O.C.V.    Sons of the Confederate Veterans<br>SR    Scottish Rite (Masonic)<br>ST    Sons of Temperance<br>ST.G S o NY    St. George’s Society of New York<br>SUVCW    Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War<br>S of St.G    Sons of St. George<br>S.S.M.A.    Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Association<br>S.U.V.C.W.    Sons of the United Veteran’s of the Civil War<br>SV    Sons of Veterans<br>SV    Sons of Veterans of the United States of America<br>T    <br>TCL    Tall Ceders of Lebanon (Masonic)<br>TH    Temple of Honor and Temperance-Independent Order of Odd Fellows<br>TH    Temple of Honor-Independent Order of Odd Fellows<br>TPLF    Temple of Honor and Temperance, IOOF<br>TROA    The Retired Officer’s Association<br>U    <br>U.S.A.    United States Army<br>U.S.A.F.    United States Air Force<br>U.S.M.C.    United States Marine Corp<br>U.S.N.    United States Navy<br>UAOD    United Ancient Order of Druids<br>UCV    United Confederate Veterans<br>UDC    United Daughters of the Confederacy<br>UFL    Union Fraternal League<br>UFM    United Friends of Michigan<br>UOPF    United Order of Pilgrim Fathers<br>UR    The Uniform Ranks designation found on many<br>V    <br>VFW    Veterans of Foreign Wars<br>W.C.    Woodmen Circle<br>W.O.W.    Woodmen of the World<br>W.O.W.    Women of Woodcraft<br>WKSC    White Knights of the Southern Cross (See KKK)<br>Y    <br>YMCA    Young Men’s Christian Association<br>YWCA    Young Women’s Christian Association<br><br>________________________________________<br><br>Information in this Wiki page is excerpted from the online course Canadian: Local History & Special Collections offered by The National Institute for Genealogical Studies. To learn more about this course or other courses available from the Institute, see our website at http://www.genealogicalstudies.com. We can be contacted at wiki@genealogicalstudies.com<br><br>We welcome updates and additions to this Wiki page.<br><br><br><br><br>[[Category:Research_Process|Research_Process]]


==== The Family Group Record  ====



The next form I would like to introduce, the Family Group Record (or Individual Family Form), records all the information about an individual family. When completing any form, be as accurate as possible.



Don’t leave out any information that you know. Keep in mind that although your memory may be good, you will accumulate so much information that you will forget details. Write down everything and anything that comes to mind, even if you do not think it is important at this time.



Use the back of the form for general information. Indicate who told you something and where you found this information. If you need to return to this source of information months later, you won’t need to guess where it came from. A suggestion: always use a pencil, you will probably make many changes along the way.



On the Family Group chart, write down your fathers’ name, his date and place of birth, his christening/baptism (if available), date and place of marriage, and if deceased, his date and place of death and burial. You will provide the same information for your mother. Next, list in order of birth, their children with the date of birth and christening and location of each. If your parents have had children who died at a very young age, you should also indicate their names and dates and location of birth, christening, death and burial.



Family Group charts vary, so choose a chart that works for you. Your handwriting may also be a factor. How small can you write yet still maintaining legibility. The most important factor is consistency. So, choose the format you prefer and be consistent in your recording method.



What about adopted children and stepchildren? With any search we undertake, we must be very careful to consider people’s feelings. If a child is always treated as a son or daughter, include them. I would encourage you though, in your own records, to correctly indicate '''all''' situations. Your material may be used generations from now and we must try to make our research tell as much information as possible and, more importantly, be as accurate as possible.



Another touchy area is that of divorces or children given for adoption. Again for your records you should state the information accurately but, prior to presenting your work to other relatives, you may want to ask the person involved how they wish to have the situation handled. Be sensitive to how others may feel.



To come back to our form, the next step is to start a new page for each married child on the list.



Complete it in the same manner you completed the one for your parents. Next, work backwards, making up forms for your grandparents and aunts and uncles. Follow this same procedure for your great-grandparents, great-aunts, great-uncles, etc.



Continue using your miniature tree as a guide so that when you are done everyone who is listed on your miniature tree will also appear on two of these forms, once as a child, and once as a parent. I must emphasize that these are work sheets, so write lots of notes. List unanswered questions. On the back of the form write down any general information.



You will want to breathe life into your family history, have it tell the story of your people. If there are interesting family anecdotes, write them down indicating who told you or gave you this interesting information. Later on, you may wish to ask that person more questions.<br>



<br>_________________________________________________________________ <br>



Information in this Wiki page is excerpted from the online courses {{Methodology, parts 1-6}} offered by [http://www.genealogicalstudies.com The National Institute for Genealogical Studies]. To learn more about these courses or other courses available from the Institute, see our website. We can be contacted at [mailto:wiki@genealogicalstudies.com wiki@genealogicalstudies.com] <br>



We welcome updates and additions to this Wiki page.



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