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== Do I need software?  ==


== Do I need software?  ==



If you are just getting started with family history research, or are only involved on a limited basis, you may not need software.  Many genealogy web sites offer free web tools for creating and maintaining your family history research.
  [https://familysearch.org/ ]


If you are just getting started with family history research, or are only involved on a limited basis, you may not need software.  Many genealogy web sites offer free web tools for creating and maintaining your family history research.



[https://familysearch.org/ FamilySearch.org]'s Family Tree is a great place to start.  Creating an account is easy and it's free.  There may already be records for many of your ancestors in the FamilySearch Family Tree. Simply "connect" yourself to any existing research, and begin contributing your own records and sources to what others have already added.  For more information about the FamilySearch Family Tree, watch a quick  [https://familysearch.org/treetraining Family Tree Training] video.


[https://familysearch.org/ FamilySearch.org]'s Family Tree is a great place to start.  Creating an account is easy and it's free.  There may already be records for many of your ancestors in the FamilySearch Family Tree. Simply "connect" yourself to any existing research, and begin contributing your own records and sources to what others have already added.  For more information about the FamilySearch Family Tree, watch a quick  [https://familysearch.org/treetraining Family Tree Training] video.  




Use the Family Tree as your software until you find that the Tree does not adequately address all your needs. Then decide what you need your genealogy software to do, and evaluate the products available for your computer.  The FamilySearch Family Tree works with a variety of [https://familysearch.org/products/ Family Tree Partner Products], allowing you to share information between your personal software and the Family Tree.<br>


Use the Family Tree as your software until you find that the Tree does not adequately address all your needs. Then decide what you need your genealogy software to do, and evaluate the products available for your computer.  The FamilySearch Family Tree works with a variety of [https://familysearch.org/products/ Family Tree Partner Products], allowing you to share information between your personal software and the Family Tree.<br>

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== Choosing computer software  ==


== Choosing computer software  ==



Some genealogists start out with a paper based system
The advantages
recording your genealogy on a
are many
Here a just a few:


Decide what features are most important to you, and then evaluate your options
  There are several reputable organizations that provide unbiased reviews
of computer
software, including genealogy software



*The ease of searching for a particular person to add information is far easier than leafing through a large number of pedigree charts or family group sheets.


com/ Top Ten Reviews - Genealogy Software

*Can easily install photographs of ancestors on the pedigree and family group charts so as to give faces to the names on the forms.


*Making changes to spellings or dates, etc. are considerably easier with a computer. Sheets stay neat and clean without smudges.


*Paper copies can be printed for those who want to have paper copies of


*Your genealogical findings can easily be sent to another person with a computer


*Work on research with others who have the same interest in a common pedigree can easily be coordinated via computers.


*You will find many genealogical data bases with billions of names that are easily available via computer and many are free such as FamilySearch.org.


*Putting your genealogy on these data bases which allows others to see what you have opens up the possibility of coming across others working on the same lines. You can either share what you have or acquire information you may have been searching
a long time.


*There are many associations and family history groups that you can join up with and not have to live near by to get involved.




There are many types of programs available for both the Apple operating systems and the Windows operating systems
There are also programs for tablet computers and smartphones
Below is information on
software for
PCs and Macs.


/ Top Ten Reviews - Genealogy Software



=== Free
Genealogy Software
for Microsoft Windows  ===


[http://www.familytreemagazine.com/researchtoolkit/softwareguide Family Tree Magazine
Genealogy Software



*[http://www.ancquest.com/AQBasics.htm Ancestral Quest Basics]


Many FamilySearch Tree
certified partners offer a free, "scaled-down" version of their product
  Use the free version to decide if the product meets your needs
  You can then pay to upgrade to the full product

php?title=Download GRAMPS]


legacyfamilytree.com/DownloadLegacy.asp Legacy Family Tree Standard Edition]


*[http://www.familysearch.org/eng/paf/pafonline.asp PAF 5.2] (Note: No longer supported by FamilySearch)


*[http://www.rootsmagic.com/Essentials/ RootsMagic Essentials]


*[http://www.ancestris.org/ Ancestris]


*[http://www.heredis.com/en/heredis-2014-for-windows/ Heredis basic]




=== Commercial Genealogy Software for Microsoft Windows  ===




*[http://www.ancquest.com Ancestral Quest]


*[http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-us/app/begatall-genealogy-chronicles/c5533b80-b533-4b42-94ba-87164ed07c5b BegatAll Genealogy Chronicles for Windows 8.1]


*[http://www.branchesgenealogy.com/ Branches]


*[http://www.bkwin.org/ Brother's Keeper]


*[http://www.cft-win.com/ Cumberland Family Tree]


*[http://www.family-historian.co.uk/ Family Historian]


*[http://www.familytreemaker.com/ Family Tree Maker]


*[http://www.gaiafamilytree.com/ Gaia Family Tree]


*[http://www.genbox.com/ Genbox Family History]


*[http://kithkinpro.spansoft.org/ Kith and Kin Pro]


*[http://www.legacyfamilytree.com/ Legacy FamilyTree]


*[http://www.myblood-line.com/ MyBlood]


*[http://www.rootsmagic.com/ RootsMagic]


*[http://www.whollygenes.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?screen=TMG The Master Genealogist]


*[http://www.heredis.com/en/heredis-pc/ Heredis]


*[http://www.dorotree.com/features.html DoroTree]




=== Genealogy Programs for Microsoft Windows Certified for New FamilySearch  ===


{{H-langs|en=Select computer software|pt=Escolha um programa de computador}}  



FamilySearch [http://www.familysearch.org/eng/affiliates/index.html Certified Products and Services]




*[http://www.ancquest.com/index.htm Ancestral Quest] - Access, Helper, Ordinance Reservation, Ordinance Request, Multi-Language, PAF Add-in, Print, Sync, Update


*[http://www.ancquest.com/AQBasics.htm Ancestral Quest Basics] - Access, Ordinance Reservation, Ordinance Request, Multi-Language, PAF Add-in, Print, Sync, Update


*[http://www.ohanasoftware.com/FamilyInsight FamilyInsight] - Access, Helper, Ordinance Reservation, Ordinance Request, Multi-Language, PAF Add-in, Sync, Update


*[http://www.gaiafamilytree.com/ Gaia Family Tree] - Access, Print, Sync, Update


*[http://www.ohanasoftware.com/GetMyAncestors Get My Ancestors] - Access, Multi-Language


*[http://www.legacyfamilytree.com/fs.asp Legacy FamilyTree 7.5] - Access, Helper, Ordinance Status, Ordinance Reservation, Ordinance Request, PAF Import, Print, Sync, Update


*[http://www.themagikey.com/ MagiKey Family Tree] - Access, Helper, Ordinance Status, Ordinance Reservation


*[http://www.ohanasoftware.com/OrdinanceTracker Ordinance Tracker] - Access, Ordinance Status, Ordinance Request


*[http://www.rootsmagic.com/FamilySearch/ RootsMagic 6] - Access, Helper, Ordinance Reservation, Ordinance Request, Print, Sync, Update


*[http://www.rootsmagic.com/FamilySearch/ RootsMagic 6 Essentials] - Access, Helper, Ordinance Reservation, Ordinance Request, Print, Sync, Update




=== Genealogy Programs for Macintosh  ===




*[http://www.leisterpro.com Reunion]


*[http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Download GRAMPS]


*[http://www.ancestry.com/cs/apps/P-4949 Family Tree Maker]


*[http://www.ohanasoftware.com Family Insight]


*[http://www.syniumsoftware.com/macfamilytree/ MacFamilyTree]


*[http://www.ancestris.org/ Ancestris]


*[http://www.heredis.com/en/heredis-mac/ Heredis]




=== Programs for Macintosh Certified for New FamilySearch  ===




These programs are listed here.




[https://familysearch.org/products familysearch.org/products]




=== Genealogy Programs for Linux  ===




*[http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Download GRAMPS]


*[http://lifelines.sourceforge.net/ LifeLines]


*[http://www.ancestris.org/ Ancestris]








{{H-langs|en=Select computer software|pt=Escolha um programa de computador}}  





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[[Category:Beginners]] [[Category:Genealogy_Software]]

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