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Expanding on an index-card based index created in the 1960's and 1970's, the [http://urbanafreelibrary.org/local-history-genealogy/resources Champaign County Historical Archives] located at [http://urbanafreelibrary.org/ Urbana Free Library] has created an on-line index of Champaign County historical records of genealogical interest called [http://archivescatalog.urbanafreelibrary.org/Polaris/ Local History Online]. Included are newspaper mentions of birth, marriage and death notices, along with official county records of birth, marriage, death, wills, probate, cemetery and other records. The index includes details (names and dates) that make it easy to identify records of interst.

Expanding on an index-card based index created in the 1960's and 1970's, the [http://urbanafreelibrary.org/local-history-genealogy/resources Champaign County Historical Archives] located at [http://urbanafreelibrary.org/ Urbana Free Library] has created an on-line index of Champaign County historical records of genealogical interest called [http://archivescatalog.urbanafreelibrary.org/Polaris/ Local History Online]. Included are newspaper mentions of birth, marriage and death notices, along with official county records of birth, marriage, death, wills, probate, cemetery and other records. The index includes details (names and dates) that make it easy to identify records of interst.

Copies (non-certified) can be requested using the library's printable PDF [
Request Form].


Copies (non-certified) can be requested using the library's printable PDF [
Request Form].

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