Ceres enters Pisces today (January 28th). Her themes of nurturing and loss may be accentuated in this sign. Especially the loss. But before you cringe, know that Pisces loss is often a gradual, gentle dissolution of what you once held dear. It's unavoidable. Trying to hang onto something in Pisces is like trying to embrace water. But it's also healing. Day by day, it hurts a bit less, until that initial urgency is entirely gone. You remember it, but it feels distant.
When transiting Ceres aspects planets, Nodes or angles in your chart, themes of nurturing and loss will be triggered. These can range from how you nurture yourself to diet/food, past trauma or mother/child issues. The hard aspects (opposition, square, inconjunct and sometimes conjunction) will make the issues immediate. You may feel a pronounced anxiety that something will end. Trines and sextiles offer an easier integration of these issues into your life. Too, Ceres in Pisces can dissolve old wounds, allowing you to open up and nurture yourself or someone else. In this case, the loss is what used to compel you to deny or punish yourself.
Ceres draws our attention to seasons of death and birth, but in the specific context of mothering, nurturing and unconditional love. Ceres prevented the crops from growing when her daughter (Persephone) was in the underworld. But when Persephone was allowed to spend time with her mother above ground, the crops grew and flourished. It's notable that Ceres is in the last sign of the Zodiac, suggesting a generalized "winter."
Check Pisces in your chart. Is there something you need to let go of? She enters Aries on April 14, 2016, so spring is coming.