
I’m often stating to participants to ‘mix it up’ when it comes to movement. I never dreamed I’d be mixing it up this much at 49 years of age. Please read the recent blog post from Raleigh-Crossfit about my transformation from being Cross with CrossFit…to being spotlighted with my partner as an Athlete of the Week. { This is NOT an endorsement of any particular form of exercise or specific locale. }

Keep moving out there all your body will allow.

Raleigh CrossFit Athlete Profiles

Name:  Greg Moore & Kevin O’Barr

Hometown: Greg- Elizabethtown, NC/ Kevin- Athens, GA

Occupation: Greg works for NCSU and Public Health as Lead Instructor for Eat Smart Move More Weigh Less (www.esmmweighless.com) and teaches indoor cycling at the Alexander Family YMCA.

Kevin works for Dept of Labor in their Consultative Services.

This week I talked to Greg and Kevin, one of our many ‘CrossFit couples’. They met making music in a Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA on New Year’s Eve 1995 and continue to make fun music together to this day. They even have a cabaret act downtown! (www.kevinandgreg.com ORwww.gregandkevin.com if folks wish to experience our zaniness and love for others).

When did you start at Raleigh CrossFit

Kevin started in July of 2014, while Greg was a ‘CrossFit Hater’ until September of 2014! (More on this in a moment)

Why did you start CrossFit?

Kevin wanted a wellness experience (gym) close to his work downtown and had experienced a CrossFit partner workout with Greg during a fundraiser in the spring of 2014. We both really liked the Workout of the Day (WOD) for the local fundraiser, yet Greg was the more reluctant warrior to try out CrossFit on a regular basis (see ‘hater’ comment above!) Greg kept hearing Kevin mention the ‘new gym’ and finally asked WHAT are you talking about?

Kevin and Greg participated in the Valentine’s Day Partner WOD (Workout of the Day).

Greg, why were you a ‘CrossFit Hater’??

I have been in wellness-public health for the last seven years of my professional life. This vocational evolution from education to worksite wellness (and still education!) came after a huge lifestyle change wherein I lost over 60 lbs (40 lbs during the year I was turning forty) as I was teetering between being overweight into the obese category.

During my healthy lifestyle journey, one of the first fears to overcome was going to “The Big Boy Section” of any gym—that section where too many middle school demons still lived. What I learned along the journey at other gyms during this time was that those demons were quickly exorcised by my being MYSELF at 39 years-of-age. To summarize, I found a new family of Margarita Runners (downtown run club) and indoor cycling enthusiasts (YMCA), but I was wrong! Some of the nicest folks, some of the most supportive folks, dwell in ” The Big Boy (and Girl) Section” of gyms. I found a COMMUNITY of other Misfit Toys out there lifting weights, running, cycling, swimming and generally trying to be their best AND encouraging others. Yes, there will always be JERKS, but they’re the true Misfit Toys to be chunked in the dumpster as one learns to completely ignore their negative energy!

The one lingering ‘doubt’ about the inhabitants of “The Big Boy/Girl Section” of gyms was the outside reputation of CrossFit folks —folks who scream at you to lift a Volkswagen—Muscle-heads who ‘drink the Kool-aid’ and don’t care much for other aspects of life other than THE BOX! I met Chad Peaden though Mo Joe’s Burgers. Suffice it to say, Chad set an entirely different image of CrossFitters than what Kevin and I expected.

Encounters with Chad and ALL the other coaches focusing on my wellness, my running/indoor cycling love, and focusing on encouraging Greg-to-be-Greg-while-striving-for-his-strongest-self vaporized the ‘hate’ with a whole lot of coaching ‘tough love!’ I was wrong again and Raleigh CrossFit has proven to be a community-oriented sanctuary where Misfit Toys like me have found a welcoming island! NO MORE HATING.

Additional gratitude for demon-bursting goes out to Mark Schellhorn, my Foundations coach. There’s no doubt I’d still be hatin’ had it not been for my very positive introduction to Raleigh CrossFit in his initial teaching class of Foundations. Where were the Marks during my middle-school years?!

What has been your biggest achievement so far?

We have both learned that each individual in our family has his own strengths and challenges! Kevin excels with bar work and Greg just eats up body-weight activities. Greg has loved overcoming fears of HSPU’s and rope-climbing. Kevin relishes learning body-mechanics (efficiency) of bar work with more strength building.

Both of us agree that any WOD that is completed is an achievement!

What have you learned about yourself since starting CrossFit?

We have learned that this community of Raleigh CrossFit is composed of some amazingly supportive people who seem to wish each other the best-of-health and fitness…. The spirit of cheering onward each individual to do his/her best is contagious… The family-atmosphere of support for folks’ children/spouses/partners is so refreshing in our world. This place welcomes diversity and respect for each person who slaps the yellow sign by the door— just be better today than you were yesterday!

Do you like doing workouts together? Why or why not?

Sometimes!! We do love seeing each other conquer challenges together BUT a tiny bit of competitive spirit is OK in our two decades together, while too much competition is counter-productive. Working out together and sometimes apart requires a fine balance.

The Powerlifting class (amazing experience) tested this ‘fine balance’ the most!

Kevin and Greg are always supporting one another during training sessions.

Anything else you would like to add regarding your experience at Raleigh CrossFit or anything else?

Greg still wants COUNTRY MUSIC WODs and will not give up on this endeavor! Just because you may not hear Kevin cheering you onward doesn’t mean he’s not doing so in The Box—- you’ll have no trouble hearing Greg cheer you onward— and be prepared for a hearty fist-bump from Greg (or slap on the back) at anytime. Greg really does like to meet everyone he encounters AND truly enjoys being cheerleader-in-Chief! The amazing coaches are the heart and soul of Raleigh CrossFit!

I want to thank Greg and Kevin for sharing their story, and for their always-positive energy they bring to the gym! As Greg’s email signature says, “Enjoy this life; this is NOT a dress rehearsal.”

For the full article please visit: http://raleigh-crossfit.com/2015/06/blogs-by-bex-athlete-profiles-with-greg-and-kevin/

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