
Server: EUW
Level: 30
Rank: Gold 2

Champions: All champions exept Taliyah - Kled - Ivern
Skin: 231 ( i think)
Rune Pages: 14
Price: 200-250€ (Paypal - Postepay) Payment before.

Contact me on Skype: Lazarus991 or send me a mail here.


Ahri: Foxfire - Popstar - Challenger

Akali: Headhunter - Silverfang - Bloodmoon

Alistair: Sweeper - Matador - Unchained

Amumu: Emumu

Anivia: Blackfrost

Annie: Goth

Ashe: Frejlord - Queen

Aurelion Sol: Ashen Lord

Bard: Elderwood

Azir: Galactic Azir

Blitzcrank: Boom Boom - Goalkeeper - Definitely Not - Riot

Brand: Vandal Brand

Braum: Dragonslayer

Caitlyn: HeadHunter - Officer

Cho'gath: Gentleman

Darius: Dunktrain - Wood - Lord

Diana: Dark Valkyrie

Mundo: Mr Mundoverse

Draven: Soul Reaver - Gladiator - Primetime

Elise: Deathbloom

Ezreal: Frosted - Explorer - Pulsefire - TPA

Fiddlestick: Spectral - Fiddle me Timbers - Surprise Party

Fiora: Nightraven - Headmistress

Fizz: Fisherman

Galio: Hextech

Gangplank: Spooky - Special Forces - Sultan

Garen: Dreadknight - Rugged - Steel Legion - Rogue Admiral

Gragas: Vandal - Superfan

Graves: Jailbreak - Mafia - Poolparty

Hecarim: Bloodknight - Headless

Irelia: Nightblade - Frostblade

Janna: Hextech - Frost Queen

Jarvan IV: Darkforge - Warring Kingdoms

Jax: The Mighty - Angler - SKT T1

Jayce: Full Metal Jayce - Debonair

Jhin: High Noon

Jinx: Firecranker - Mafia

Kalista: Bloodmoon - championship

Karma: Sun goddes - Traditional

Karthus: Grim Reaper - Pentakill

Kassadin: Deep One - Harbringer

Katarina: Mercenary - Bilgewater - KittyC. - HighC. - Slay Belle - WK

Kayle: Battleborn - Aether Wing

Kennen: Swamp Master - Arctic Ops

Kha Zix: Mecha

Kog' Maw: Jurrasic

LeBlanc: Prestigious - Mistletoe - Ravenborn

Lee Sin: Acolyte - Muay Thai - Pool Party

Leona: Iron Solari - Pool Party

Lissandra: Bloodstone -

Lucian: Hired Gun - Project

Lulu: Dragon Trainer -

Lux: Spellthief - Commando - Steel Legion - Star Guardian

Malphite: Shamrock - Obsidian -

Malzahar: Shadow Prince - Overlord

Maokai: Charred - Totemic- Haunted

Master Yi: Chosen - Assassin - Samurai - Headhunter - Project

Miss Fortune: Secret Agent - Road W - Mafia - Arcade- Captain

Mordekaiser: Pentakill - Lord

Morgana: Sinful - Blade Mistress - Ghost bride - Victorious

Nami: Koei

Nasus: Infernal - Dreadknight

Nidalee: French Maid - Headhunter

Nocturne: Eternum

Olaf: Pentakill - Marauder

Orianna: Bladecraft - TPA - Gothic

Pantheon: Myrmidon - Dragonslayer - Glaive Warrior

Poppy: Noxus

Quinn: Phoenix

Rammus: Molten

Renekton: Galactic - Rune Wars - Scorched Earth

Rengar: Headhunter - Night hunter

Riven: Battlebunny - Arcade - Dragonblade

Rumble: Rumble in the jungle

Ryze: Professor - Dark Crystal

Shaco: Royal

Shen: Yellow Jacket - Blood moon - TPA

Shyvana: Ice Drake - Ironscale - Championship

Singed: Mad scientist

Sion: Lumberjack - Warmonger

Sivir: Championship - Spectacular - Bandit - Snowstorm - Warden

Skarner: Earthrune

Sona: Silent Night - Arcade

Soraka: Dryad - Celestine

Syndra: Justicar - Atlantean

Talon: Renegade - Dragonblade

Teemo: Happy Elf - Recon - Astronaut - Omega Squad

Thresh: Deep Terror - Championship

Trundle: Lil' Slugger - Traditional

Tryndamere: Demon blade

Twisted Fate: Jack of Heart - High noon - Musketeer - Underworld

Udyr: Spirit Guard -

Urgot: Giant Enemy Crabgot

Varus: Blight Crystal - Arctic Ops

Vayne: Dragonslayer - Heartseeker - TPA - Archlight

Veigar: Curling - Bad Santa - Final boss

Vi: Officer - Demon

Viktor: Creator - Prototype

Vladimir: Bloodlord - Soulstealer

Volibear: Thunderlord - Runeguard

Warwick: Tundra - Hyena

Wukong: Volcanic - General - Jade Dragon - Underworld

Xin Zhao: Secret Agent - Warring Kingdoms - Viscero

Yasuo: High Noon - Project

Yorick: Undertaker

Zed: Shockblade - SKT T1

Ziggs: Snowday

Zilean: Groovy

Zyra: Wildfire - Haunted


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