
“…Agenda 21 is a UN  action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world”  Rosa Koire

Here is an example of UN Agenda 21 and ‘sustainable development’ in action (now known as Agenda 2030 as time moves on). On the surface it looks legitimate … however as Rosa Koire points out (see her video, link further down) it is a covert plan to inventory and control everything you hold dear including yourself & your freedoms. Before you conveniently write this off as ‘conspiracy’, research it for yourself.

As this plan works out in this example (and there are many others like them) the cabal with their banking cohorts engage people with unrepayable predatory loans engineered with a mix of raised interest rates & other manipulative tactics until deep in debt they are driven off their land. While all due respect & sympathy goes out to these unsuspecting farmers (because they didn’t fully realize who and what they were up against with the banking system and their predatory loans) this is the treatment indigenous people, and particularly Australian indigenous, have endured for centuries. Content to live on the land, not rape and pillage it as do the corporations, and with great respect take from it only what they needed, they were trammeled underfoot in the name of ‘progress’ (aka greed of the few). The point is, the same greed for land by those who sought it in colonial days, goes on today & here it is in full flight (and I’m not referring to the average colonial folk back then who simply wanted to survive, oft times driven from their own lands by the same greed witness Scotland and Ireland). Read Who Owns the World? by Kevin Cahill (his lectures are also on Youtube) for an exposé on the deception we’ve been fed about that.

Our respective countries’ governments are corporations (NZ), our local governments are corporations/companies also and democracy is rapidly becoming an illusion witness the battles folk are having with their District Councils and rates wars. (See all our Local Govt Watch pages at the main menu). Companies exist for profits not people and are fast becoming the means of the new world order (talked about frequently now) to acquire ownership of the entire planet … ownership and control is the real agenda. Check out our Agenda 21 pages for more information on that and hear from others who have endured the same as these people here … from those who have seen this outworking in the paperwork of their respective businesses and professions like a US woman Rosa Koire did. See also our Banking pages. There’s an agenda going down that is covert but becoming more overt by the day. These bully boys have always employed the military & the long arm of the law to achieve what they could not by ‘friendliness’ and deception (see Dr Hirini Moko Mead on the *three phases of colonization). Witness the various land wars in the colonized countries, in our own (NZ), a means of acquiring land from non-sellers. Government legislated War &/or confiscation was the modus operandi. People need to wake up what is going down right under their noses. There is a new wave of land grabbing in progress right now.

For further information on this issue in Australia see this Youtube channel. And to read about the NZ man from whose bank account the ANZ took $5400 to pay his rates go here. (He withheld payment for good reason, read the full story here). See also our Corporations pages.


*Landmarks, Visions and Bridges by Dr Hirini Moko Mead

Published on Feb 22, 2017

Netherlands-based bank Rabobank with the aid of an armada of government-paid enforcers arriving in government vehicles along with grubby receivers Ferrier Hodgson heavied Noeline Bradshaw and her son Neil to get off their cattle property, Ballabay north of Pentland. Noelene and Neil were arrested by several violent officers and marched off to the paddy wagon. Although the receivers and Rabobank representatives indicated they would go to the negotiating table after a court appearance on Thursday, in order to avoid a welcoming party at the property they did not arrive on Monday February 20 as they had indicated. Instead they arrived in military style on Wednesday, with enforcers blocking the entry road and threatening any media or supporters with arrest if they tried to enter. Ferrier Hodgson were supposed to remove the family on “voluntary terms” as they had suggested. It appears they did not wish to have any other parties present when removing the entire family. Neil Bradshaw owns cattle on the property that are not mortgaged to Rabobank. He previously circulated descriptions and brands of his cattle to all livestock agents and meatworks warning them not to deal with the cattle.

This sorry saga of a foreign bank dispossessing honest, hard-working Australians from their properties is completely sanctioned by the LNP and Labor Party. Bank industry sources believe Rabobank is acting in league with coal and gas companies to remove land holders in order to easily access known coal and gas reserves in the Pentland district.

“Rabobank will have token buyers lined up ready to buy the properties at discounted prices, leaving the Bradshaws holding the bag with a $1 million or more deficit, which without any means of income they will never be able to pay off,” the source said.

Yesterday Member for Kennedy Bob Katter weighed into this disgraceful episode, contacting the Labor Polce Minister(whose husband is a police inspector) then arriving at the Charters Towers police station to get the Bradshaws out of the watch house.

He was told the Bradshaws had been released just before he arrived. The clearly upset Bob Katter told Cairns News that the lending practices of the banks are designed to allow foreclosures.
“In this case the bank loaned the family too much money because of droughts and poor cattle prices then the government-instigated live cattle export ban which placed them in an unviable position,” he said. “The banks are a law unto themselves and there is no power on earth to control them. “I have got hundreds of similar cases on file where farmers have not been able to get any relief from any of the so-called government watchdogs like ACCC, courts, the Reserve Bank ASIC and others that are supposed to offer financially stressed businesses relief. “Banks like Rabobank continue to flagrantly break the law. “The Bradshaws are devastated after a lifetime’s work to lose their possessions to a foreign bank or any bank. “The bank will make a profit of half a million or more from these seizures and the Bradshaws will have to carry a $1 million or more debt for the rest of their lives. “This assault on an Australian farming family clearly demonstrates the urgent need for a Royal Commission into banking practices.”

Published on Feb 3, 2013

Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21, Club of Rome, Sustainable Development, at the Lord Monckton Launch 2 Feb 2013 at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

Filed under: Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Banking, Corporations, Global Governance, Government, Local Government, Money, News Tagged: ACCC, ANZ, ASIC, Australia, cattle farming, eviction, foreclosure, Netherlands, Noeline and Neil Bradshaw, Police, Rabobank, reserve bank

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