
‎Not proofread: Created page with "ANALYTICAL INDEX ~ 2029 Page |Indian Curry Powder. . 1182 |Dish of Fowl|707 |Fritters|982 |Housekeeping|1599 |Maize, Pickled|1170 |Meal Flappers|1435 |Mustard|1182 |Pickle|1..."

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<noinclude><pagequality level="1" user="ShakespeareFan00" /></noinclude>ANALYTICAL INDEX ~ 2029


|Indian Curry Powder. . 1182

|Dish of Fowl|707



|Maize, Pickled|1170

|Meal Flappers|1435



|Remoulade Sauce|1111




|Indigestion,Homoeopathic Treatment|1931

|Infancy, Diseases of (''see'' Diseases, Children's).

|Infant, The—



|Rearing, and Management|1908-1915

|,, by Hand|1913

|Washing and Dressing|1911


|Infected Persons|1953, 1954

|{ditto|Infected}} Premises|1952, 1953


|Infectious Diseases (''see'' under Diseases)


|{{ditto|Influenza}} Homoeopathic Treatment|1932

|Ingrowin Toe-nail|1866

|Inhabited House Duty—

|Appeals against Assessment|1955


Asparagus, Alla Casal- J AcoB Pudding . . . 1575

inga . . . . 1552 Jam, General Observations

Aubergine, AI Forno . 1552 on . . . 1124~113o

Broad Beans, Alla Ro- Apple . . . . . 1132

mana . . . . 1553 Apple and Blackberry . 1131

Broccoli, Alla Parmi- Apricot . . . 1134, 1580

giana . . . . 1553 Average Prices . . .91—03

Brussels Sprouts, Al Barberry . . . . 1135

Simone . . . 1553 Black Currant . . . 1136

Cabbage, Al Fomo. . 1554 Blackberry . . . . 1135

Farcito All’ Cape Gooseberry . . 1590

Americana . 1554 Carrot . . . . . 1137

Cauliflower, In Stufato. 1554 Carrot and Beetroot . 1137

Celery, Al Fritto . . 1555 ,, (Imitation Apri-

,, Alla Parmigiana 1555 cot) . . . . 1137

Cod, Alla Napoletana . 1555 Cherry . . . . . 1138

Croquettes of Chestnuts 1556 Currant and Raspberry 1139

Cucumbers, Farciti . 1556 Damson . . . 1140, 1141

French Beans, Alla Gooseberry . . . . 1144

Crema . . . - 1557 GooseberryandCurrant 1143

Haricot Beans, Alla Mil- Grape . . . 1145, 1593

anese . 1557 Green Fig . . . . 1582

,, ,, Alla Ro- Greengage . . . . 1146

mana 1557 Omelet . . . . . 977

Larksin Onions . . 1558 Plum . . . . . 1154

Leeks,.AlForno . . 1558 Raspberry . . . . 1157

Lettuce Soup . . . 1559 Red Ciurant . . . 1157

. Macaroni, Al Latte . 1560 Rhubarb . . . . ‘1158

Macaroni Alla Napol- Rhubarb and Orange . 1158

etana . . . . 1560 Sauce . . . . . 266

Macaroni Pie . . . 1558 Strawberry . . . . 1158

Peas, Al Buon Gusto . 1561 Tomato . . . . . 1160

,, All’ Antica . . 1560 Turnovers . . . . 902

Pheasant Alla Napol- Water Ice from . . . 1059

etana . . . . 1561 Japan Blacking for Boots 1801

House: in Flats . . 1954 Polenlina, Alla Venez- Japanese Plombiére . . 1o51

Houses used for Let- iana . . . . 1562 ,, Salad . . . 1101

ting . . . . 1954 Polenta, Alla Bologna . 1561 , Soy . . . . 1186

Incoming Tenants . 1955 ,, Alla Parmig- Jardiniére Soup, Clear . 152

1955 iana . . 1562 Jaundioe . . . . . 1856

1954 Purée, Alla Soubise . 1562 Jaune-Mange . . . . 1031

1954 Rice, Alla Casalinga . 1562 Jellies, Colouring for . . 1081

Year of Assessment 1954 ,, Alla Tomato . . 1563 ,, for Invalids 1370—1373

Insurance, Fire . . 1943 Risotto, Alla Milanese . 1563 ,, Fruit . . . . 1128

Internal Hemorrhage . 1866 Salad Alla Francese . 1564 ,, to Unmould . . 987

Intoxication , . . . 1874 . ” All' Italiana . . 1564 Uses Of 986

Payment . .

Rate of Duty . .

Unoccupied Houses

INVALID Coon-21w. ,, Alla Macedone . 1564 Jelly, Amber . . 990, 1370

General Observations Spinach Croquettes . 1564 Apple . . . 990, 1133

1344-1349 ,, In Riccioli . 1565 Apricot . . . 990, 1134

Beverages . . 1375—1382 ,, Pudding . . 1565 ASplc . . . . . . 991

Fish . . . 1358-1362 ,, Souflié . . 1565 ,, from Gelatine . 991

Jellies . .1370—1373, 1575 Tomatoes, Al Pane . 1566 ,, fromCalves’ Feet 991

Meat Dishes . 1363—1370 ,, All’ Indiana 1566 Barberry . . . . 1135

Puddings . . 1373—1375 ,, Con Nova . 1566 Beef . . . . _ . . 1370

Soups and Broths 1350—1357 Turbot, All’ Itahana . 1567 ,, Tea, Peptomzed . 1383

Iodine . . . . . . 1894 Turkey, Alla Milanese . 1567 Black Currant . . . 1136

lpecacuanha . . . . 1894 Venetian Soup . . . 1567 Brandy . . . . . 992

Irish Moss . . . . 1380 Zuppa Lombarda . . 1559 Calf‘s Foot . . 992, 1371

,, Blancmange . 1374 Italian Cream: . . . 1008 Champagne . . . . 992

., Jelly . . . 1371 Maize, to B011 . . . 878 Chicken . . . . . 678

Rabbit . . . . . 1210 Millet . . . . . 1408 Claret . . . . 992,993

Rarebit . . . . . 1210 Pudding . . . . 953 Coffee . . . . . 993

Stew . . . 588, 790, 791 Raviolis . . . . 1277 Crab Apple . . 993, 1139

Iron,Alu1n . . . . 1894 Risoletti -. . . . 1276 Damson . . . . . 1141

Ironing . . . . . 1789 Risotto . . . . 1276 Egg . . . . 1371,1385

Isinglass Blancmange . 1031 Rusks . . . . . 1461 Fritters . . . . . 983

,, Jelly . . . 995 galad . . . . . 1101 gglfigge . . . . .

' for Conta '0us auce . . . . :34, 243 . . . . .

19mmmigiseases . . 834 Wheat,toBoil . . . 878 Gooseberry . . 994, 1144

eruAN Coomv. ltaly, Meals in . . . 1551 Grape . . . 995, 1146

General Observations Itch . . . . . . 1866 _Guava . . . . . 1583

1550—1552 Ivory Jelly . . . . 995 in Colours . . . . 996

Artichokes, Alla Milan- Invalid s . . . . 1575

aise. . . . . 1552 IrishMoss . . . . 1371<noinclude></noinclude>

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