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<noinclude><pagequality level="1" user="GreyHead" /><div class="pagetext">{{rh||STUDDERT—STUPART—STURT.|1139}}

</noinclude><section begin="Studdert, John Fitzgerald"/>of the Success 28, also on the East India station.

He was placed on half-pay in the following Aug.;

and in the early part of 1848 he accepted the Retirement.

He married, in Dec. 1830, Anne, eldest daughter

of the Kev. Rich. Studdert Welsh, of Newtown

House, CO. Limericlc, Vicar of Kilfinaghty, in the

diocese of Killaloe, by whom he has issue four

children. Agents—Burnett and Holmes.

STUDDERT. (Liedt., 1837. f-p., 21 ; h-p., 2.)

Richard Studdert, bom 7 Nov. 1811, is third

son of the present Thos. Studdert, Esq., of Bunratty

Castle, CO. Clare, by Alicia, daughter of Geo. Studdert,

Esq., of Kilkishen, by Anna, daughter of John

Blood, Esq., of Castle Fergus, a descendant of the

celebrated Colonel Blood, who had grants of land

from Charles II. in Ireland in 1660. One of his

brothers, Robert, is married to a niece of Lieut.-

General Hawkshaw ; and one of his sisters, Alicia,

to Colonel Fred. Maunsell, Lieutenant-Colonel and

Inspecting Field-officer of the Recruiting District.

He is nephew of Capt. John F. Studdert, R.N.

This officer entered the Navy, 17 June, 1824, as

Fst.-cl. Vol., onboard the Champion 18, commanded

by his uncle, Capt. J. F. Studdert, with whom, after

cruizing experimentally in the Channel, he sailed

for the East Indies ; where he took a Midshipman's

part in the closing operations of the Burmese war,

and, in June and Aug. 1826, joined the Boadicea

46 and Wakspite 76, bearing each the broad pendant

of Commodore Sir Jas. Brisbane. In the

latter ship, the command of 'Which was given in

succession, on the death of Sir J. Brisbane, to Capts.

Hon. Rich. Saunders Dundas and Wm. Parker, he

visited Australia, and was employed on the South

American, Lisbon, Mediterranean, and Plymouth

stations, until discharged, in Jan. 1829, into the

Kent 78, Capts. John Ferris Devonshire and Sam.

Pym. In that ship and her tender, the Leveret 10,

Lieut.-Commander Henry John Worth, he served

in the Channel, on the coast of Ireland, and again

in 'the Mediterranean, until Jan. 1831—the last 12

months in the capacity of Mate. He was next,

from 17 May, 1833, until 23 Nov. 1835, and from

the latter date until 27 July, 1837, employed afresh

on the Mediterranean station, in the Caledonia

120, Capts. Thos. Brown and Geo. Bohun Martin,

and VoLAGE 28, Capt. Peter Richards. He attained

his present rank 26 Dec. 1837 ; served from 3 Feb.

1838 until 8 March, 1843, in the Andromache 26,

Capt. Robt. Lambert Baynes, on the North America

and West India, and Cape of Good Hope and

Brazilian stations ; and from 9 Sept. 1844 until the

summer of 1848 officiated as First-Lieutenant of the

Daring 12, Capts. Henry Jas. Matson and Wm.

Peel, in the Channel and again in North America

and the West Indies. Agents—Messrs. Stilwell.

STUPAET. (KEAR-ADMroAL, 1846. F-P., 17;

H-P., 40.)

Gustavus Stupart (whose name had been borne

in 1781-2 on the books of the Conqdestador 74,

flag-ship of Bear-Admiral Roddam" at Sheerness)

embarked as Midshipman, in July, 1790, on board

the Windsor Castle 74, Capt. Berkeley, bearing

the flag of Rear-Admiral Herbert Sawyer in the

Channel. After serving for four years, chiefly on

the West India station, in the Niger frigate, Capt.

Hon. Geo. Cranfield Berkeley, Flirt, Capt. Jas.

NicoU Morris, Alligator 28, Capts. Wm. Affleck

and Thos. Surridge, and Europa 50, flag-ship of

Rear-Admiral Ford, he was there nominated, 16

April, 1795, Acting-Lieutenant of the Hermione 32,

Capt.' Philip Wilkinson. From the latter ship, to

which he was confirmed 12 Sept. 1796, he removed,

with Capt. Wilkinson, in Feb. 1797, to the Success

32 commanded afterwards by Capt. Shuldham

Pe'ard ; and in her he continued employed in the

Channel, off the port of Cadiz, and in the Mediterranean,

until Deo. 1799. On 9 June in that year

he commanded one of three boats, the whole containing

42 men, under the orders of Lieut. Philip

Facey, in an attack made, in the harbour of La

Seva, near Cape de Creux, on La Belle Aurore, a

richly-laden polacre, mounting 9 carriage-guns,

which vessel was most gallantly boarded, carried,

and brought out, although defended by 113 men,

secured with a boarding-netting, and supported by

a battery and a large body of men at small arms

on the shore. " I am sorry," says Capt. Peard in

his official report to Earl St. Vincent, " to inform

your Lordship that our loss has been great, 3 of the

gallant fellows having been killed on the spot ; and

Lieut. Stupart, an officer inferior to none in his

Majesty's service for zeal, courage, and ability,

with 9 others, badly wounded." In forwarding this

statement to the Admiralty, the Commander-in-

Chief declared it as his opinion that the exploit

" was equal to any enterprise recorded in the naval

history of Great Britain."* In 1800 Mr. Stupart

obtained a small pension for his wounds, which was

increased, 2 Dec. 1815, to 250Z. per annum. His

next appointment was, 23 March, 1801, to the command

of L'Hirondelle armed brig, stationed in

the Channel, where he served until the following

Nov. He attained the rank of Commander 29

April, 1802 ; and was appointed in that capacity —

in July, 1803, to the Sea Fencible service on the

coast of Devon—23 March, 1804, for seven months,

to the Hind armed ship, in the North Sea—19 June,

1805, to the Prospero bomb, in the Downs—and 25

Aug. 1806, to the Emulous brig, on the Channel,

West India, and North American stations. In 1809

Capt. Stupart, while cruizing off Puerto Rico, succeeded

in beating off a French frigate. He left the

Emulous 17 Feb. 1811, having been advanced to

Post-rank 21 Oct. 1810; and accepted his present

rank 1 Oct. 1846.

The Rear-Admiral, whose first wife had died in

June, 1802, married a second time, 19 Oct. 1812,

Miss Hyndham. His eldest son, the Rev. G. T.

Stupart, B.A., is Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford,

and Vicar of Merton, co. Oxford.

STUPART. (Lieutenant, 1840.)

Robert Douglas Stupart entered the Navy

(from the Royal Naval College) 28 Jan. 1830 ; passed

his examination in 1834 ; and as a reward for the

part he had taken during the operations on the

coast of Syria, including the bombardment of St.

Jean d'Acre, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant

4 Nov. 1840. His succeeding appointments

were—15 Dec. 1840, to the Gorgon steamer, Capt.

Wm. Honyman Henderson, in the Mediterranean

8 Oct. 1842, after a few months of half-pay, to the

Wasp 16, Capts. Andrew Drew, Henry Bagot, and

Sidney Henry TTssher, with whom he continued employed

until the summer of 1845 on the North

America and West India and African stations—and,

6 Jan. 1846, as First, to the Bittern 12, Capt. Thos.

Hope. In the latter vessel he is again serving on

the coast of Africa. Agent—Joseph Woodhead.

STURT. (Captain, 1844. f-p., 15; H-p., 19.)

Henry Richard Sturt entered the Navy, 2

March, 1813, as Fat.-cl. Vol., on board the Indus 74,

Capt. Wm. Hall Gage, employed in the North Sea

and also in the Mediterranean, where he took part

in Sir Edw. Pellew's engagement with the Toulon

fleet 13 Feb. 1814. In Sept. of the latter year he

became Midshipman of the Eurotas 38, Capts. Jas.

Lillicrap and Robt. Bloye, stationed in the Channel;

and he next, in Feb. 1816, joined the Leander 50,

Capts. Wm. Skipsey and Edw. Chetham ; with the

latter of whom, after assisting at the bombardment

of Algiers, where he was severely wounded,t he

sailed for Halifax and continued employed on that

station under the flag of Sir David Milne until July,

1819. From Aug. 1820 until Jan. 1822 he served at

St. Helena and the Cape ofGood Hope in the Blossom

24, Capt. Fred. Edw. Venahles Vernon (now Haroourt)

and Vigo 74, flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Robt.

Lambert ; he then joined in succession the Spencer

and Bulwark 74' s, Capts. Sir Thos. Lavle and Thos.

Vide Gaz. 1799, p. 740.

Vide Gaz. 1816, p. 1793.<section end="Studdert, John Fitzgerald"/><noinclude>{{smallrefs}}</div></noinclude>

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