
BREAKING: Intelligence Advisor Discusses Coup Against President Trump.  Yes, there is a coup.  As I pointed out in the past, they had various failed schemes to undo the last election and now they are down to the real dirty stuff, leading up to the future assassination.  It has a near 100% chance of happening now that the CIA is totally and openly at war with Trump, they do not want another JFK dirty hit.  They have to figure out how to do a clean hit.

Which may not be possible.  This is due to them being so open about their plans.  Since a lot of people expect them to do this, they have to figure some system to fix things so no one asks any sane questions.  Plant lots and lots of false stories so they can laugh at citizens trying to figure out Byzantine plots hatched at super secret meetings.

The CIA top brass that is still there are fighting Trump openly and not sharing information.  More about that after this breaking story:  ‘Fake News’ Media Outlets CNN, NYT, Buzzfeed Not Invited to White House Presser: looks like Trump is carrying out his threat to cut off Fake News people.  Good for him.  About time, actually, they refused to tell the truth about nearly anything so why bother talking to them all?

It was worse with Obama and Hillary: with both, these same media clowns didn’t ask any useful questions or do any research or figure out even simple news stories so they are worse than useless, they are stupid.  There is no law in the land that says, ‘All Presidents must talk to the Washington Post and the New York Times.’

Now on to the real danger:  Spy Agencies Seek to Create Political Policy – The Ring of Fire Network

It is becoming alarmingly apparent to those who are awake that the most serious threat to the United States is not Trump – nor is it Russia or China. It is a coup d’etat by what is known as the “Deep State,” which the Oxford Dictionary defines as “A body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.”

These are government agencies and corporate interests that maintain a permanent existence as one Administration replaces the one before it – and they wield considerable (as well as dangerous) power.

They are organizations such as the CIA and the NSA, and can include major corporations with vested interests in influencing and shaping government policies (i.e., ones with government contracts). It is made up of bureaucrats who are appointed, not elected – and are accountable to no one. Presidents and Congresses and even judiciaries may come and go, but these members of the “Deep State” remain.

Washington Post’s Amazon.com got a government contract that was double the $300 million Bezos paid for the WP.  He used government money to buy it, in other words.  Then he filled it with Deep State agents.

This is exactly what is going on in Washington today. The intelligence community has been withholding vital information from the White House on one side while leaking other kinds of information to the public. At the same time, Trump is accused of being in bed with Putin and working with and for the Kremlin, or is being blackmailed by Russia – although irrefutable proof of these allegations is lacking.

90% of these ‘leaks’ are lies.

Think about it: why was former CIA director Michael Morell so supportive of Hillary Clinton while accusing Trump of being a Russian operative? Why did Michael Hayden, another CIA and NSA head under Bush II, go to the Washington Post (the owner of which has his own agenda) just before the election and refer to Trump as “Russia’s useful fool”? Could it be because the CIA has been wanting to ramp up the proxy war in Syria – as Clinton wanted to do, escalating tensions with Russia while Trump’s proposal was to put pressure on Moscow and Tehran to come up with a diplomatic resolution?

Let’s go deeper: Israel wants Syria destroyed.  Israeli agents and double players have control of our government and they want Syria destroyed no matter how dangerous that is or if it starts WWIII.

The WP front page today has all the CPAC news, Trump is the real deal.  He is hammering away at ‘trade’ which involves moving US jobs overseas and then running giant trade deficits with everyone else.  The WP is still hammering away at the ‘Trump is a traitor to Russia’ fake story.  They will never stop so they won’t get any access to Trump from now on.

CIA director withheld information in JFK killing – UPI.com reports today.  Oh, that ugly little CIA/Cuba mess continues onwards relentlessly.

A declassified CIA report reveals former director John McCone withheld information to the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

A secret report written in 2013 by CIA historian David Robarge and declassified in fall of 2014, alleges McCone led a “benign cover up” that kept “incendiary” information about the CIA from the Warren Commission, the report said.

They still won’t release all the details of Operation Paperclip from WWII.  I wait and wait and wait, if a 17 year old girl could dig it all up, why can’t it finally be released a mere 50 years after I got the entire story from my father and a bunch of Nazis?

McCone’s cover up was designed to keep the commission focused on “what the agency believed was the ‘best truth’ – that Lee Harvey Oswald, … acted alone in killing John Kennedy,” the report said.

McCone withheld the existence of years of CIA plots to work with the mafia to assassinate Fidel Castro. Had that been known by the commission, it would have raised the question of whether Oswald truly acted alone or if he might have worked with Cuba or the Soviet Union.

But Robarge asserts that McCone was convinced that Oswald had acted alone and directed the agency to only provide “passive, reactive and selective” assistance to the commission.

Sigh.  Oswald was the only SHOOTER but he DIDN’T ACT ALONE.  Far from it.  People laid out the path for him, they gave him access and room to act and let him get his tools together and then pretended they were no spying on him!   THAT is the crime.

They KNEW.  It was no surprise.  This finesse point is hard to get across to people.  If Oswald failed, they would have done the same ‘open door/let the assassin in’ game again and again until success.  See?  Instead of PROTECTING the President, they enable/assist and encourage others to kill the President.

In Trump’s case, they may end up doing it themselves.  I would not be shocked at all if they did this themselves, directly, after all, the CIA does this in many countries over the decades and this is familiar territory for them.

Filed under: .money matters Tagged: assassination, CIA, fake news, Kennedy, Trump

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