Kuwait is the door to the EU culture and goodies for Saudis and other fanatical Sunnis living in one of the most wretched but rich nations on earth which is only surpassed in nastiness by North Korea. It is frankly a horrible place to live especially for women though I think all ‘women’s rights’ demonstrators worshipping Islam recently should move there for a year to learn what hell is like…well, I am guessing some Islamic radical is doing arson in Kuwait in order to close their brand new opera house.
Kuwait’s brand new opera house caught fire Monday, just three months after it opened its doors to the public.
The $770 million building went up in flames during maintenance work on its titanium roof, according to the Kuwait fire department…The Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Cats was due to open at the theater on Thursday, according to the center’s website.
I built houses for a living. I read that the ‘roof caught on fire’ but it is made of metal! Namely, the most expensive: titanium. How did that catch on fire? Eh? It can MELT if there is a fire inside the container. But not the reverse.
Cats Musical – Memory – YouTube: this musical has many females singing and wearing skin tight clothing showing all their body parts. So yes, radical Muslims hate it. Here is an interesting news story I dug up after a long search with many different word combos that sheds light on this fatal opera house:
PressReader.com a Kuwait magazine- Connecting People Through News and this page is from November 3, 2016:
The key here is this sentence: ‘…I remember the university project in Shadahiya particularly the continuous delay and weird problems that have been haunting this project since the beginning.’ The author goes on to say, ‘Due to fire incidents in the remarkable project people have already gotten used to the idea of fire erupting from time to time as if there is a secret behind these fires or it is the work of an arsonist.…’
Yes, it had to be an arsonist. I have little doubt about this. No surprise. I doubt there will be much of an investigation unless the Sheiks running the joint are really, really pissed off. Saudi Arabia has recently executed members of the huge royal family. We do wonder how far up the scale the arsonist is.
Filed under: .money matters Tagged: Kuwait, Muslim terrorists