
So, it is ‘unclear how the CIA did not produce this formal assessment before the election’ is simple to answer: the NYT and WP and media giants and both political parties convinced themselves the day before the election that Trump had only a 2.5% chance of winning.  Totally confident in winning the election via trickery and lying about events…remember, all the ‘Russian leaks’ according to our media giants and Congress creeps, was NOT REPORTED in the mainstream media.

I happen to still have some shreds of memory and can remember stuff and I recall very well, the storyline about how the Wikileaks information didn’t have any dirty stuff about Hillary and her gang.  It was all ‘totally nice’ stuff according to the NYT, ‘nothing there’ they reported.  Other media giants told us (hello, CNN!) that looking at the Wikileaks information would make us all go blind so we better let the mainstream media look at it for us.

And of course, they saw nothing, being three hundred blind mice.  Now, the information is all out there for everyone to see so they have to go to game plan #3 which is, tell us this information came via Russian spies who hate us and want us to go for Trump and not the Alzheimer female candidate who remembers nothing and can barely toddle along without heavy drug injections.

These fools actually think if they have an open coup with both DNC and RNC operatives betraying the voters, it will end with people throwing stuff at Trump and screaming ‘traitor’ and then the DC gangsters can continue looting America.  Note how they are attacking him nonstop for stopping an American corporation from sending even more jobs to Mexico!  Oh, he is so mean!

What is their point?  Trump forced the corporation to save 85% of the jobs, not 100% of the jobs!  Well, the conspirators who are plotting to undo our election via Red Scare frauds would have handed Mexico 100% of these jobs.  Trump stopped it in its tracks.  Mexico’s richest man has declared war on Trump, the President of Mexico said he would enable a mass invasion of the US.  So who is the traitors here?

Congress!  And our media.

I am using screen shots to prove to historians that I am not making up this garbage.  Look at the propaganda here!  Note how when Trump says this is ridiculous, the NYT writers uses the word ‘bombastic’ to describe our President denying spurilous charges that have zero concrete proof.

The NYT is very clever.  Yes, there is no proof but there is a CHORUS OF VOICES yelling about this matter.  Oh my.  Well, we are on the verge of a very real revolution for I don’t see the Trump voters taking this lying down.  The GOP and DNC rulers who are conspirators against voters and who herded us into accepting the annihilation of our industrial base and deep debts we can’t pay back to the Chinese Communists…good lord!  They underestimate their peril here.

Trump’s supporters are very enthusiastic about him.  They can plainly see this is garbage being spewed by people they hate and they know this has only one goal: to destroy the election which Trump won despite flooding certain cities with illegal aliens who were given the right to vote, illegally.  Even with that, the DNC lost.  This is highly dangerous.

These fools never read much history but then, many people make fun of the American Revolution. Well, my family was heavily involved in that and in a revolution in England, previous to this, 400 years ago not to mention the revolt against King John which created the Magna Carta.  Ahem.

I resent all these attempts at undoing elections because rich people want to have they own way, no matter what.  They must read history more closely.  Doing this has downsides that are considerable.  Europe is on the verge of collapse, too.  As is, believe it or not, Japan.

Filed under: .money matters Tagged: coup, DNC, GOP, New York Times, Trump

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