
Chaos over ‘shots fired’: Thousands of passengers are ordered to take cover, then evacuated from two terminals as an army of cops stages a four-hour hunt for non-existent gunman after false alarm

Politics|Donald Trump to Lay Out ‘3 Pillars’ of Terrorism Plan, Aides Say after he correctly said Obama and Hillary ‘founders of ISIS’.  Yes, they were.  Trump didn’t mention Bush Jr. and Cheney being the big original daddies of this baby monster.  ISIS was created by US war crimes!  Not even Trump can say this truth.  Our country is ruled by war criminals and Hillary said she is doubling down on this war crime business.  Listen to her gang talking about Putin to see which war they plan to start: WWIII.

WWIII will be hard to fight since our own population is fighting the Civil War all over again!  One person shot in Milwaukee during second night of unrest as the rioters who are nearly uniformly the criminal class, that is, no jobs, making money via crimes, they are rioting after a black cop shot a black multi-arrested armed black thug.

As I pointed out on day one, the plan of Black Lives Matter and why it never ever protests blacks killing blacks is to start riots and take over whole cities to run as thug criminal operations.  All this alarming stuff is connected directly to Nixon’s War on Drugs.  The drug dealers are winning this war especially after the elite War on Workers was won and all our major well paying jobs for the lower classes were removed overseas.

Yes, all this dovetails wonderfully.  Before the criminal thug riots his Wisconsin, Trump announced that he is returning to Wisconsin next week.  I expect him to give a rousing law and order speech which the media will ignore.

The crap they are pouring over him while ignoring Hillary is mountainous and future historians will pick apart how this was done and the end result, that is, whoever survives to write ‘The Rise and Fall of the United States Empire’.

I swear, I have never seen such lopsided media in my entire life and I saw a lot of lopsided media over the years.  Tension roils Queens immigrant community after killings: two immans were shot and killed and according to the sketch, the shooter is a Muslim so of course, these immigrants turned on Trump blaming him for their woes when they are the wellspring of violence, themselves.

The shooter has been caught by the cops and do note how blacks and Muslims hate the cops and rant against them until they complain the cops aren’t stopping violent blacks or Muslims…go figure.

Father-of-two cop shot dead in small Georgia city by gunman who is still on the loose  and a Chicago cop’s son is shot dead on another weekend of violence in the city that left nine dead as Obama plays golf.  I haven’t heard a peep from that perp this entire week after the DNC love-fest for all violent thugs was splashed all over the place.

Two suspects stage axe and gun attack in Cologne city center leaving one man injured as more and more violent Muslim criminals hammer Europeans who let them all in and sheltered them.  Also in the news overseas is this stupid illegal business, that is, assassinating people using robots:  ISIS leader in Afghanistan and Pakistan killed in US drone strike.

Every week there is a story about drones killing Muslim ‘leaders’.  Drone warfare is everything cowardly and stupid in modern warfare.  It is easy to do and so it is done a lot and it will backfire on the US hugely.  So far, Muslims are not doing drone mass murder here in retaliation.  It is only a matter of time when this begins at home and it will, it will.

As for our ‘democracy’, the media owners and Bilderberg gang has been howling at Trump nonstop, Hillary doesn’t make any news at all anymore, they are so focused on smearing Trump for everything he says while ignoring the mess Hillary is in (she is totally hidden and isn’t barnstorming anywhere due to being too weak!!!) here is a front page snipped from the NYT:

So…the NYT says the race is over!  Why bother voting, citizens?  Yet some DNC tools are worried that all the focus on Trump will backfire badly and I am betting it will.  True, the shielding of Hillary so she is never in the eye of the public anymore, is highly successful so far but we are more than 2 months from the election and even dimwitted people will begin to wonder why Hillary isn’t around at all anymore.

Puppets can break!  And she is one broken puppet.  And here is the Washington Post that doesn’t ask why Hillary never says or does anything:  Quit Twitter. Keep his mouth shut. Trump supporters offer The Donald a bit of advice.  Hillary is saying nothing!!!  The final insult: Donald Trump is a bore claims WP tool Mr. Hyatt.  So, he is radical, loud but BORING???? HAHAHA.  The out of control propaganda push is pushing into the realm of insanity.

I am just gobsmacked at this ‘election’.  It makes the other farces look sane.  And talking about stupid humans:

AI Will Murder Us All – YouTube





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Filed under: .money matters Tagged: Clinton, election, terrorism, Trump, WWIII

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