
The NYT ruling elites decided it is time, due to Trump triumphing, to talk about how blacks are victims of black murderers but not talk about why the community has disintegrated as it moved more and more into former industrial giant cities that were utterly wrecked by free trade which the NYT peddles as a great thing that has no downsides.  The key family in today’s NYT expose story is typical of the average modern black family: adult males live with their mothers, not wives and very, very few of these men ever marry anyone.  Meanwhile, they have collectively, no father figures at all, just uncles and cousins who also live with their own moms, too.

Ladies! Hes Your Son, Not Your Man!! Pt 1 – YouTube: Sotomayor is an online commentator who talks about all this stuff and is often quite rude about it because he believes one has to be very noisy to be heard when the mainstream media buries this information and pretends the black community supports crime and fatherless children.

This tidbit hit the NY news this week: NYPD confiscate 2000 revolvers, handguns and cleavers from New York school kids | Daily Mail Online but I got it from England, it being easier to find NY news over there.  99%  of the guns and knives and other weapons picked up in the public schools of NYC were from black or Hispanic children.  I used to live in the slums of NYC and know very well how this works.

‘I’ll kill you’…is screamed followed by ‘I’ll kill you deader.’  I actually heard this exchange more than once!  And in each case, someone was killed!  Today, the NYT decided to once again, try to explain what is destroying the black and now, the Hispanic community (the murder rate of Hispanics killing each other is shooting upwards, literally and figuratively).  Untold Damage: America’s Overlooked Gun Violence – The New York Times

I decided to illustrate this story with the  most expensive modern painting on earth.  Very rich people vied with each other to possess this hideous monster of a painting and they think it is very expressive and valuable. It illustrates the reality of their own inner souls as well as what they are doing to society.

Over all, though, nearly three-fourths of victims and suspected assailants whose race could be identified were black. Some experts suggest that helps explain why the drumbeat of dead and wounded does not inspire more outrage.

If any white person points this out, they are accused of being racist and liberals go nuts denying the facts.  I used to organize street patrols in black neighborhoods and worked with the Fortune Society to get black males out of prison and into working for a living honestly.  This was very dangerous work and it worked for me because I am also armed and thus, not a pushover.  The guys all respected me and those that worked hard benefited greatly but I retired from all that when I was 45 years old, long ago.

“Clearly, if it’s black-on-black, we don’t get the same attention because most people don’t identify with that. Most Americans are white,” said James Alan Fox, a professor of criminology at Northeastern University in Boston. “People think, ‘That’s not my world. That’s not going to happen to me.’ ”

Thus speaks the lunatics in the Ivory Tower who are protected from the inner city mob by cops who this guy obviously despises.  Instead, all my own life, most white people are terrified of blacks and move away as far as humanly possible from blacks and do this due to crime above and beyond all other factors.  They are SCARED.

Even this professor is scared, I bet.  I used to go deep into Newark at night to argue with my clients when their wives called me into their homes.  That takes courage and being armed…ahem.  I bet I was the only white woman to go into Newark at night into all black neighborhoods to discuss family difficulties.  Because of this, I was called names by liberals who thought they were not racist even when living in neighborhoods protected by white cops carrying guns.

Michael Nutter, a former Philadelphia mayor, who is black, said that society would not be so complacent if whites were dying from gun violence at the same rate as blacks.

This is quite true.  Whites, when killed by lunatics like the school mass shooters, get very agitated when guns are used to kill white people.  The black mayor could have done this, too, but he didn’t get all enraged about black killers because he thinks this is normal which is why he did nothing about it except blame white people.

…Ali-Rashid Abdullah, 67 and broad-shouldered with a neatly trimmed gray beard, is an ex-convict turned outreach worker for Cincinnati’s Human Relations Commission. He or his co-workers were at the scenes of all five of Cincinnati’s shootings with four or more casualties last year, working the crowds outside the yellow police tape, trying to defuse the potential for further gunfire.

The Black Muslims have been at the forefront of trying to stop black killers, they worked with me in the past.  Abdul Malik and I got along just great and he was quite eloquent when talking to black men in prison, talking about how to avoid going back in which was to marry their women and work at normal jobs!

They see themselves as stop signs for young black men bound for self-destruction. They also see themselves as truth-tellers about the intersection of race and gun violence — a topic that neither the city’s mayor, who is white, nor its police chief, who is black, publicly addresses.

Yes, the Black Muslims are talking about this and the elected mayor and top cop won’t talk about this.  I saw this myself, years ago.

“White folks don’t want to say it because it’s politically incorrect, and black folks don’t know how to deal with it because it is their children pulling the trigger as well as being shot,” said Mr. Abdullah, who is black.

No one worries more about black-on-black violence than African-Americans. Surveys show that they are more fearful than whites that they will be crime victims and that they feel less safe in their neighborhoods…

African-Americans make up 44 percent of Cincinnati’s nearly 300,000 residents. But last year they accounted for 91 percent of shooting victims, and very likely the same share of suspects arrested in shootings, according to the city’s assistant police chief, Lt. Col. Paul Neudigate.,,

The utter social disintegration hammering the black community is spreading elsewhere as US workers at the bottom tiers are replaced either by illegal aliens or their jobs are exported or global warming liberals demand whole industries be shut down forever. The NYT endorses and pushes all these dire changes.  The Democratic party will happily talk about ‘saving jobs’ etc. but then betrays working class males in particular, eliminating their jobs while ordering them to ‘go to college and get a paper pushing job’.

I went to college years ago.  I was a German Studies major and one of the top students in this area way back in 1967.  By 1973, when I was pregnant with my first child, all…ALL major German department were eliminated brutally across the country as ‘worthless’ to my horror and now any foreign language field is a minor, not a major, and people teaching it are mostly foreigners paid a pittance.

So…I went into doing construction work and made good money doing this!  But not today.  Now, illegal aliens have driven down wages at work sites and do poor work, at that.  They are disposable people so if a number of them die while working,  who cares?  So illegal aliens work alongside global trade/global warming people to destroy the black community which used to be a great pool of labor for me in the past which is why I worked with the Fortune Society’s choice of prisoners, they learned to build houses.

Nationally, nearly half of last year’s shootings with four or more casualties ended in the same way: no arrest; often, not even a suspect. At least 160 assailants, responsible for 102 murders and 635 gun injuries, were still on the streets at year’s end…In Baltimore, the police have not solved any of 11 (mass) shootings last year. New Orleans made arrests in only one of eight cases; Chicago, two of 16…

And why is that?  Well, no one talks because the black community has disintegrated so thoroughly, it can no longer demand justice, only if outsiders like white people or cops are involved, then the screams for justice are deafening.

Detective Charles Zopfi had real hopes of arresting the gunmen behind a drive-by shooting here last September. About 20 people had gathered on a warm Monday night for a cookout in a parking lot beside an apartment building. “There were kids and older people, not your usual crowd of 16- to 23-year-old guys,” the detective said.

As a car sped down the street, someone fired at least 10 bullets out a window. Detective Zopfi said he knew from experience how people respond in such situations: They look in the direction of the gunfire, and only then dive for cover.

But eight months later, he said, he has been unable even to nail down whether the vehicle was black or green. He heard that of the five victims, a 30-year-old African-American man was left paralyzed from the waist down. But that man refused to take his phone calls, then changed his telephone number.

A wounded 3-year-old named Jabarri seemed the best hope of persuading witnesses to come forward, the detective said. Sometimes, the moral outrage over a child victim overwhelms the code of silence. And Jabarri, he said, was “the cutest little boy” who had smiled beguilingly at him from a hospital gurney even after being shot in the leg.

At the detective’s request, Jabarri’s mother agreed to meet with a reporter. But when the reporter showed up at her home, she backed out, pleading a haircut appointment. “The code of silence is strictly enforced,” the detective said.

I had one iron rule when taking on prisoners in New Jersey: they had to tell me the truth and admit their bad behavior.  Word spread quickly inside the prison that lying or excusing one’s crimes meant I would terminate the interview immediately.  I also had them talk to their mothers and girlfriends honestly, too.  It was a group effort and paid off.

Today, we have to coddle and lie about things and when cops learn there is omerta going on in black neighborhoods, they just give up.  They really don’t care in the end because it is a worthless effort, anyways.  So long as Al Sharpton who attacked me many years ago in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn when I was giving a speech in a black church, as long as that creep is the official spokesman for Brooklyn and NY we will have criminals running riot because he is a criminal and most of our politicians are literal crooks, the latest Democrats being Shelly Silver, once the head of the state legislator who was arrested and convicted for being a crook.

Pt 2 Ladies..He’s Your Son Not Your Man! Mom Painfully Shames Her Son On Americas Got Talent! – YouTube

And yes, Sotomayor hits the nail on the head when he talks about how black males are living with momma when they are middle aged men or younger and they leech off of her.  Here is a comment to the NYT article I liked:

Steve Sailer America 7 hours ago

The endless gun-control brouhaha, which on the surface appears to be a bitter battle between liberal and conservative whites, also features a cryptic racial angle. What blue-region white liberals actually want is for the government to disarm the dangerous urban minorities that threaten their safety. Red-region white conservatives, insulated by distance from the Crips and the Bloods, don’t care that white liberals are in peril. Besides, in sparsely populated Republican areas, where police response times are slow and the chances of drilling an innocent bystander are slim, guns make more sense for self-defense than in the cities and suburbs.

White liberals, angered by white conservatives’ lack of racial solidarity with them, yet bereft of any vocabulary for expressing such a verboten concept, pretend that they need gun control to protect them from gun-crazy rural rednecks, such as the ones Michael Moore demonized in “Bowling for Columbine,” thus further enraging red-region Republicans.

Very true indeed.  Rural rednecks are the villains de jure for liberals.  Rednecks are lower working class males like say, coal miners who were just dumped into the garbage pit by Obama because we are going to roast to death.

Speaking of the sun, we have some sun spot activity!  This solar cycle is very weak and thanks to this sun spot activity, the next five days will be warm…the first really warm weather for me since February!   The sun spot business has been utterly annihilated from discussion about how warm it is even as we are nearing the end of the present Interglacial.





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Filed under: .money matters Tagged: black on black crime, murder statistics, New York Times, NYT

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