EMISAJ Ournal. Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures – International Journal of Conceptual Modeling


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  • February 27-28
    via publicdiplomacypressandblogreview.blogspot

    "The blog is mightier than the sword." --Headline for article by journalist Amit Lewinthal, israelhayom.com (2012), perhaps relevant eons ago (by social-media standards); image from PDCAST [LISTEN] On Culinary Diplomacy: Culinary diplomacy utilizes...

  • This written instrument is in the following e-collections/radical verb issues: Viewpoint  New Methods  Advertisement: Preregister since for the Medicine 2.0 Congress Viewpoint How Can Research Keep Up With eHealth? Ten Strategies toward...

  • From biotechnology to digital media, from energy to cloud computing, almost every job area today is strongly affected by the field of science. Traditional subjects include biology, chemistry, and computer science, as well as life, earth, and space sciences...

  • Missing Economic Strategy in Iraq
    via dinarspeculator

    smallwarsjournal.com Missing Economic Strategy in Iraq by Clark Johnson Journal Article | December 17, 2016 - 10:49am Summary (2016). This paper was prepared in early 2010, when it might still have been possible to advance an agenda for a diversified...

  • As I read this essay by Darren Tromblay, I could not avoid the conclusion that ideas, tools, and concepts from various different ‘strategies’ were kluged together into this version of “hybrid warfare”.  He readily admits that this is not new but somehow...

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  • Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures

    Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Scholarly Open Access Journal

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    Editorial Policies Focus and Scope Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal (EMISA) is a scholarly peer-reviewed open access journal with a unique focus on...

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