by Edith Boyer-Telmer
Dear Friends,
today we are again experiencing a highly powered Super Full Moon. It is the second in a cycle of three, which will be closing with a Gemini Super Full Moon on the 13th of December. This time we are engaging with the star sign Taurus. After the intense fire wave of the last Aries Super Full Moon, we are now ready to ground our energies and bring our newly born inner beauty into the world. Taurus is the earth sign that leads us into appreciation and celebration for the magic, the beauty and the abundance of this wonderful world we are living in. When we take good care to keep our material desires in a harmonic balance, than we can enjoy life these days more profoundly than ever before. And as always when the waves of awakening energy for the human collective are rising, there is lots of support available from the Angelic Realms.
Angel Number 717:
Allows us the joyful realization, that we have made the right decisions, taken the correct directions from our higher self and now are brought thru the angels guidance, on a brand new path full of possibilities and never known chances. This newly emerging opportunities will finally align us with the higher purpose and profound mission of our life on planet earth. The Angels and Archangels applaud the work we have done in the past, and bless us with the power of new beginnings right now! Keep listening closely to the guidance of the angelic realms and your spirit guides! Do so and all your further steps will simply unfold in front of your eyes, at the right time – in the right place! Ground yourself and stay centered in your being, there is nothing to do!
Angel Number 818:
Repeatedly seeing the Angel Number 818 is talking to us about the end of a significant and important phase in our life. Every part of our life that is not flowing as we need it to, does come into transformation now. 818 brings the message of abundance and prosperity, and invites us to clear all thoughts and pattern about our finances. Also our thoughts are manifesting quicker at the moment, so we have to make sure to concentrate on directing them to be positive rather than negative. With the influence of the powerful number 818, we have all support to find new and different ways to bring our desire and passion into realization. Trust that if you listen to your inner-wisdom and the guidance from the angelic realms you are bound to succeed on your way!!Angel Number 909:
This number combination talks to us of energetic, emotional and mental renewal, and the blessings of new beginnings!!! A sign that our thoughts and feelings are impacted by the current astrological influence!! It is the number that enforces the development of our divine motherly heart. The burning force of unconditional love, within the gazing heart of Mother Mary. Our chance to turn our heart into the sacred home of the divine Threefold Flame!! A completion is achieved, a circle has closed, and our consciousness is from now on altered in awareness.
Angel Number 1212:
Number 1212 is caring the vibration of creation and new beginnings, courage, attainment, inspiration, self-leadership, assertiveness and initiative. It is the message from your angels that you are to stay focused on your highest expectations, and that the angels and universal energies work for you. It is a powerful sign that you are to step out of your comfort zone and take on a new direction, or and new project. Supposed to encourage us to release the old, passionately follow our purpose, use our natural skills, talents and abilities and create win win with others.
Angel Number 1188:
Is a message of uplifting encouragement from the angelic realms. A confirmation that our positive affirmations, concentrated thoughts, helpful beliefs and visualizations, manifest for us in an increased flow of monetary abundance. An invitation to fully enjoy our rewards of prosperity,to be grateful and appreciative of what we got and grateful for what comes. And don’t forget, to receive more, means it is time to give more. Feel blesses, because you will find success in all matters, that you put your heart and soul towards.
Angel Number 2002:
Number 2002 is sending us a frequency of huge potential. With the doubled forces of the numbers 2 and 0 in the mix, there is a big chance in the air to update all our relationships in balance and harmony. It is an invitation to explore the divine blueprint for our current life on earth and align even stronger with our inner guidance, so our service to this world can be carried out in clarity and perseverance. It is also a call to put more attention on the spiritual abilities we individually have, and to develop them to higher dimensions. There is so much that has to be done for the development of the Golden Age of Aquarius, its time all of us find their soul aligned role and fulfill it with all our spiritual fire and power.Dear Ones, I hope you can take the time to enjoy this magical days of earthy pleasures, and profit wildly from this intense Taurus Super Full Moon energies. Just as much I hope for you, that you find the right balance and don’t allow yourself to get tangled up in the heavy and dark spaces of the earthly desires! Let your spirit spring, sing and play, and breath in the blessings of living a material life in a physical body!
Love and Full Moon Power!
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