
by Edith Boyer-Telmer

Dear Friends,
today we passed nearly a week since the last New Moon impact has come over us, and we had lots of intensive energies coming in. Thanks so much for your loving care sweet souls, who asked me the last days why I was not posting. I was on a long and very interesting trip from Europe back to Guatemala, and enjoyed that time without any electronics. There was much to see and over the coming days I will share one or the other impression from my travels, that I hope will be interesting insides for many of you. For now, allow me to share that as always in times of profound personal change and deep shifting, there is lots of advice from the higher realms available. Here is who I what the sacred geometry of Angelic Numerology has to say!

Angel Number 505:
in this wonderful number is the message of major life-changes, of increased personal freedom, wonderful new opportunities, the disclosure of personal truth, and spontaneous choices and decisions. As number five carries the vibration of multi-dimensional possibilities and brilliant new chances, this is a very blessed message! Because not only is the five appearing double in this combination, but also are the forces multiplied by the power if the number 0. The vibration of a brand new seed for life, ready to be planted into a fertile garden of multiple possibilities. Might just be we can create our personal Garden Eden right now!! In any way it is an encouragement to keep stepping up into bravely creating what we desire, and that the Higher Realms are fully supporting us!

Angel Number 707:
Congratulations!! You are on the right track. There is no reason for looking back anymore. The time has come to accept the fruits of the mental, the spiritual and the physical work we have been doing during our life so far. Now is a moment that will make us even more effective and our current positive life choices and actions will later help ourselves and others, to bring into manifestation what humanity collectively desires. The number 707 tells us that our spiritual awakening has developed to a point, that the angelic realms acknowledge our ability to shine our divine light brightly over all beings on the planet, and congratulate us happily.

Angel Number 1011:
The number is an invitation to pay even closer attention to the messages of our intuition, to the information of our sensory self and the vibrations we experience from others. An encouragement to allow life to come along and sweep us off our feet, into the manifestation of our wildest dreams and hopes for the Golden Age. They are a promise that new beginnings, inspired creations, flowing creativity, quick personal development, spiritual awakening and maybe even enlightenment can be achieved now! Seeing this number on a regular base reminds us of the eternity and infinity of our soul, the oneness of the web of life and wholeness of every single being in brotherhood of beings on planet earth!

Angel Number 1188:

Is a message of uplifting encouragement from the angelic realms. A confirmation that our positive affirmations, concentrated thoughts, helpful beliefs and visualizations, manifest for us in an increased flow of monetary abundance. An invitation to fully enjoy our rewards of prosperity,to be grateful and appreciative of what we got and grateful for what comes. And don’t forget, to receive more, means it is time to give more. Feel blesses, because you will find success in all matters, that you put your heart and soul towards.

Angel Number 1212:

Number 1212 is caring the vibration of creation and new beginnings, courage, attainment, inspiration, self-leadership, assertiveness and initiative. It is the message from your angels that you are to stay focused on your highest expectations, and that the angels and universal energies work for you. It is a powerful sign that you are to step out of your comfort zone and take on a new direction, or and new project. Supposed to encourage us to release the old, passionately follow our purpose, use our natural skills, talents and abilities and create win win with others.Dear ones, I hope you are doing well navigating the changeful times we are collectively facing right now. Keep your energy field as clear as possible, when ever you are dealing with big groups of people, and try not to rush what can not be pushed anyway. Lets be patient and kind with ourselves and others, it is a lot we need to balance on the way to higher living as one golden human race.
Lots of love and blessings!

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