
Dear Friends,
over the last few days I shared with you that we are again under the influence of intense stellar events that go on until the 3rd this month, but have an energetic impact that is to be expected till the 5th of February; the higher frequencies this is creating, this brings us into contact with all the emotions we are ready to transform into divine action; and the stronger impact the divine color blue has on the collective consciousness of humanity right now. But not only are we already chuckling all of this energy fields, we are right after sliding into the upcoming transformations the Aquarius New Moon is providing for us, which will peek on February 8th. The same day that the Chinese Astrological Year of the Fire Monkey is starting!!!

As you can imagine, fire means passion, it means drive for life and desire to succeed, and this are the energies the coming month will provide us with. So lets concentrate on deep conscious breathing. On pushing thru obstacles with the faith of a winner and taking opportunities by storm with the heart of a warrior!! We all have the chance again to make quantum leaps in understanding and inner awakening. Take yours!!
Dear Ones, I hope you are doing well and navigating the constant shifts and changes with the power of your higher self and the humor of a child!! Love and New Moon Blessings!!

Shared with the kind permission of the wonderful Kelley Rosano:

There is an auspicious Aquarius New Moon on Feb 8. This is your moment to acknowledge how far you have come. Where you are now and where you want to go. Is it time for you too boldly go where you have not gone? New Moons are new beginnings. They are new cycles. New Moons are outstanding opportunities to make new starts. Make a promise to improve your health. You are to initiate new projects. Start that new job or business. Free your mind. This is an excellent energy to set your intentions. What do you want to create in your life this year? There is tremendous support for your projects and ambitions with the New Moon. Do not get ready. Be ready. This is your green light from the universe to move forward. Do not allow your fears to get in the way. Take a leap of faith. Take action now!You are getting a fresh start wherever Aquarius lands in your natal birth chart. You can expect the unexpected. You may take risks that surprise others who know you. All things are possible for you now when you trust your instincts. Lead by your intuition. Liberate your mind first and your freedom will follow. Aquarius reminds you to follow the beat of your own drum. Be unique. Be original. Be who you really are. Today is the first day of your life. Dance like no one is watching. Love you more than the need for approval of others. Love your creative side. Love your weird self. Love you.

“You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it’s evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don’t you know that you can count me out
Don’t you know it’s gonna be alright
Alright, alright.”
– Revolution, the Beatles

The New Moon in Aquarius reminds you that you are the Star of your life. You are the Sun center of your universe. If your life is hard, look inside yourself and make the needed changes. You change on the inside first. Then your life will change for the better. Coach yourself. Be honest.
Where are you giving your power away?
What are you doing that sabotages your success?
Is it time to tell a better story about your life?
Go back in time and re-write events. Now tell the story with you as the winner.

You as the wise one.
What does that feel like for you?
What choices can you make today that will improve your life?Do three things every day that take you to your success. There is magic in the number three. Three is creativity. Do no more or less than three things every day. You will arrive at your goals faster than you imagined. Do what empowers you. Be proactive. Be positive. Be humble. The change you want to see in the world begins with you. Change your mind. You change your life. See your challenges from a different perspective. See your trials as opportunities for growth. They build muscle and make you strong. They keep your life fresh and lively. Your life can be much freer than you may have realized. In this way, new opportunities will emerge for you. Believe in your dreams coming true. Believe. When you wish upon a Star, your dreams do come true. The Star is shining on you. The New Moon is lighting up a new pathway for you. Perhaps it was there all along and now your eyes are opened.
What do you believe is possible?
Are your beliefs holding you back?
What makes you feel safe and secure?
Are you giving up your freedom for a false sense of security?
What would you do if you were ten times bolder?

Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius. He is in positive energy flow with both lights (the Sun and the Moon.) This is an excellent energy for building solid structures. This is an awesome energy for strengthening you. Empowering you. This is useful for building relationships based on reality not fantasy. Having Saturn supporting the New Moon gives you strength and endurance. You are to balance your emotional needs with your sense of obligation. You are to get your ducks in a row. Saturn encourages you to be focused and disciplined. You can accomplish a great deal. You are not in the mood to be frivolous. You will be in an orderly state of mind. You may have a strong sense of self-discipline. This is a smart approach to the New Moon and New Year.

Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius. Uranus too is in harmonious energy flow with both lights (the Sun and the Moon.) This energy is good for innovation and creation. You could change your personal habits like quit smoking. This would improve your health and vitality. You could make positive personal changes in your home. Get organized. Get rid of the clutter. This would make your life easier and more effortless. You will be much freer. Yes, you learn from the hard times. You can also learn from the good times. This is one of them.The Chinese New Year is on February 8. This is the year of the Red Monkey. Red means fire. Chinese astrology uses the Five Elements. They are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth. Red is in the Fire group. This is a fire Monkey. The Monkey is about intelligence and creativity. He is impulsive and resourceful. The fire element is courage and dynamism. This is assertion and strength. This is a beneficial year for learning and innovation. This is a year for you to go after your heart’s desire. Fortune favors the bold and brave. What you waiting for? Go for it!

Mars is the planet of action and desire. Mars is challenging the New Moon. This requires you to dig deep and look at what is motivating you. Are you coming from love or fear? Are you coming from your authentic self or ego? Mars is in a positive energy flow with Chiron. This energy can empower you to trust your intuition. Trust your instincts. Be a spiritual warrior. There could be strong sexual tension. Make Love not war. Mars is in an awkward aspect with Uranus. Where do you need to make adjustment? Do you need to find a different path to your goals? Do you need to reach out to new people? What changes do you need to make to have what you want? Use the light of this New Moon to strengthen your network of friends. What are your gifts? How can you use your gifts to make the world a better place? Gifts + Passion + Values = Calling.

Venus is the goddess of love and beauty. She enters Aquarius on February 16. You may enjoy unusual people, pleasures and pursuits. This is an excellent energy to work on humanitarian goals. This is also helpful for working in groups. Your heart and head can work as one.

The Aquarius New Moon message is trust your intuition. Rely on your instincts. Love you more than the need for approval. Strengthen your boundaries. Do not walk away from yourself. Accept the real you. Do not hide your light. Shine your light. Love you more than the need for others to get you. You support you. Goddess will support you. It does not matter what is going in the stock markets. God has unlimited abundance. Go to God for your wealth. What you need is inside of you. Accept who you are. Accept other people for who they are. Merge with your Soul Self and you will be successful. Be creative. Be wise as the serpent and harmless as the dove. Get daily physical exercise. This will help to release your tension and anxiety. This is not the astrology for being sedentary. You want to be building your strength. Go outdoors. Breathe the fresh air. Allow Mother Nature to nurture you. She can heal you. Release what no longer serves you. Align yourself with what you want. Do not allow anyone including you to get in your own way. Be fearless. Use the Strong You Program to improve your life. This is your green light from the universe to move forward. Do not allow your fears to get in the way. Take a leap of faith. Take action now! Be Blessed. Be Safe. Be Well. Be Prosperous. You Are Loved. We are in this together. All Are One.

“Hard work is not the path to Well- Being. Feeling good is the path to Well-Being.

You don’t create through action; you create through vibration.

And then, your vibration calls action from you.”  Abraham

Magical Blessings: KelleyRosano.com

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