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Today's world is ever more globalized and increasingly interconnected—and that means the emergence of a new kind of multi-millionaire and billionaire with currency to spare (see The Top 10 Uber-Rich Art Collectors). Beyond their tendency to snap up properties...
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To understand our present day Court system (Justice) we must examine the general nature of Emergency Powers, martial law and martial rule to see how they operate, if in fact they do operate in our judiciary and why. Many have forwarded the argument...
Miami’s Longest Running Contemporary Art Fair Sees Million-Dollar Acquisitions in Blue-Chip and Contemporary Works MIAMI, FL – 2016 – Celebrating its 27th edition, Art Miami was the first major event to kick off Miami Art Week, where it continued to...
The NFL Combine kicks off on Wednesday with Group 1 arrivals and registration, and continues on through the weekend, finishing up on Monday. For a quick reference piece, here is the full calender, invite list, and press conference schedule. Seahawks... the .com before the Storm. The unofficial fan website of St. John's University
John King, USA on CNN is your daily destination for political news. Join John each night as he pulls back the curtain on Washingto...
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Dove va l’E-Cat e la risposta di Rossi alla proposta di un nuovo test <![CDATA[Continua l'avventura di Andrea Rossi, inventore dell'Energy Catalyzer. Oggi la dimostrazione di un impianto di grosse dimensioni: riuscirà finalmente a dimos...
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