Money on your mind? Multibaggers are great investments for gaining huge long-term returns and benefits. How to identify multibaggers? At DynamicLevels, we have our team of expert stock researchers who look into the fundamentals and technicals of stock instruments and also analyze the market position of these instruments in comparison to peers. Analysts at DynamicLevels recommend Finolex Cables to be a multibagger stock to invest in. Though the Q4 the net profits have taken a battering, the numbers are not as bad as they seem prima facie.
Company Profile of Finolex Cables Limited
Finolex Cables Limited is based in India and deals in the manufacture of electrical and telecommunication cables.Finolex Cables Limited is operational in two segments.These segments of Finolex Cables Limited are the Electrical Cables segment and the Communication Cables segment.
The Electrical cables segment at Finolex Cables Limited is engaged in the production of 1100 V PVC insulated cables, motor winding PVC insulated cables and three core flat cables, automotive/battery cables, universal power supply (UPS) cables, heavy duty, underground, low voltage, power and control cables, and heavy duty, underground, high voltage and power Cables.
Through its Communication cables unit, Finolex Cables Limited is into the manufacture of jelly filled telephone cables, local area network (LAN) cables, PE insulated telephone cables (switchboard cables), coaxial cables, optic fiber V-SAT cables and optic fiber cables.
The Copper Rods by Finolex Cables Limited are inclusive of CCC rods of 8 mm diameter; electrical switches, inclusive of premium and classic switches, sockets and regulators. Finolex Cables also produce lamps which include retrofit and non-retrofit compact fluorescent lamp lamps, as well as T5 tube lights and fittings.
Finolex Cables Limited, the flagship company of the Finolex Group, was established in 1958 in Pune. At present, Finolex Cables Limited has evolved into becoming one of the leaders in the manufacturer of electrical and telecommunication cables in India.
Finolex Cables Limited has gained recognition and many honours such as Harvard Business School Association of India – Economic Times award for “corporate excellence”.
Stock Fundamentals of Finolex Cables Limited
Finolex Cables share price is currently Rs 250.70, with a book value of Rs 85.13.
The market cap of Finolex Cables is currently Rs. 3840.31 crores.
The EPS (earnings per share) is Rs 13.00 (from annual standalone income statement numbers)
Finolex Cables stock price made a 52 week high of Rs.306.50, on the 13th of March, 2015 and a 52 week low of Rs. 146.82, on the 28th of May, 2014.
Finolex Cables share price recorded a lifetime high of Rs.306.50, on the 13th of March, 2007 and a lifetime low of Rs. 10.00, on the 19rd of November, 1997.
The ADM (Average Daily Movement) is 10.18 points.
The Return on Asset is 18.95%
The Return on Equity is 18.82%
The Current ratio is 1.96
The Debt Equity Ratio is 0.11
The PAT (profitability after taxes) for 2014 is Rs 198.66 crores and has decreased from 2013’s Rs 207.68 crores. (from annual standalone income statement numbers)
Comparing Finolex Cables share price and fundamentals with Elecon share price and fundamentals, or KEI Industries share price and fundamentals will give you considerable insight into the position of the Finolex Cables stock.
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