Special thanks to Noor at snippits and Snappits
It is like George Carlin said, it is a big club and guess what, you ain’t in it!
The symbol Baphomet, or upside down pentacle, indicative of Satan as a goat’s head, carved into a hand in the El Cornuto or El Diablo pose, so popular with people, most of whom have no idea that this is a greeting to the devil, not “party on”.
Occult Signing ~
One Aspect of a Colossal and Monstrous Conspiracy
But let the Spirit of all lies with works of dazzling magic blind you. Then absolutely mine, I’ll have and bind you. ~ The Devil, Faust Play by Goethe (1749-1832)
“This is a well-known greeting
of one Satanist to another.
Usually, the Illuministi
are a lot more subtle
and do not do that publicly.” ~ Svali
By Noor al Haqiqa
AUGUST 20, 2010
Symbols have POWER on the subconscious level and that’s why they are used ~ to generate or support a collective thought form.
They’re everywhere. Cleverly disguised. On TV, embedded in magazines, and lurking in powerful advertising. Sometimes they’re subtle or subliminal, other times direct, provocative, and mind-bending in effect.
Strange symbols, signs, charms, talismans, and handshakes that program and control our minds. Most young people today know exactly what the El Cornuto gesture means and use it because they are being drawn into satanism in a very seductive way through the example set by rock stars, especially heavy metal rockers, who are very often practicing satanists.
Henry Makow, astute inventor and essayist, says that they are key components of the satanic conspiracy that now confronts us with maximum force and evil.
“This satanic conspiracy,” Makow warns, “succeeds only because people cannot believe something so colossal and monstrous actually exists.” These people shamelessly admit that they use our naivete against us in every possible fashion.
The world is a contest for our souls. The people who are pushing products, violence, and sex are not operating on a random, ‘whatever sells’ basis. They have Masonic symbols in their logos. The top players are following an occult script designed to enslave us body and soul. This short video by Nufffrespect is an excellent introduction to this subject and guaranteed to educate at the same time.
They are building a gigantic prison based on their own mental hell. This is the feudalistic New World Order; we are the inmates.
It is, in fact, “satanic indoctrination,” Makow emphasizes, and we are all locked into the prison classroom as this mental poison from hell is piped in to us 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The Mystery Religions have so many hand signs it is almost impossible to recognize them all unless you are a mason yourself. But your silence is insured by your oath to utter secrecy or a very unpleasant death will be yours.
Watch world leaders when they speak, talk together. The positions of the hands often tell an entirely different story than the mundane world knows. A symbol veils or hides a secret, and it is that which veils mysterious forces. These energies when released can have a potent effect.
In this piece I will stick to the common Il or El Cornuto also called the Diabolicus. This is the employment of the hand sign of the horned devil that is Kabalistic and can be traced back to Babylon. Interestingly, this is when the Jews also wrote their diabolic Babylonian Talmud.
On the great wall of Babylon, adjacent to Ishtar’s Gate, was a mosaic image of a horned bull, representing the sun god. The horns were symbolic of the Babylonian god’s power over the hearts of men.
Later, in Imperial Rome, Caesar’s military legions and millions of common people worshipped the sun god, Mithras. Mithraic initiates were baptized in the blood of a horned bull, slain and sacrificed by temple priests.
The Knights Templar, predecessor to today Scottish Rite Freemasons, worshiped the grotesque horned goat god, Baphomet. It is believed that many Illuminists continue to sacrifice to this unspeakable deity to this very day.
Reportedly, the Dark Masters on the planet take great delight in the rapid rise in popularity of the El Diablo sign among rock music fans who seem to be blissfully unaware of its satanic background and dark history. To most it represents eagerness and gusto for fun, partying, drinking, and rebellion.
But whoa! Isn’t that the saintly new President, BARACK OBAMA, (surrounded by Jews and busy pushing their agenda on America) flashing El Diablo en route to his inauguration? Sorry America, but I fear you are in for more of the same old, same old! Only this time the face is brown!
Like the pope at the very bottom, the President is making doubly sure his message is understood.
Michelle is a member of the CFR, a group of elites intent on ushering in the NEW WORLD ORDER.(Jewish?)
This photograph on the March 2009 issue shows a perfect example of “hidden in plain sight”. For one who knows, “the first lady the world’s been waiting for” takes on a whole new connotation.
Hassidic Jew.
When I stumble across some of these images my heart skips a beat because I know I have found something rare. These two, of the unnamed rabbi and Ronald Reagan just set my heart pitter patter. I knew Nancy was into the occult and that the two of them worked with astrology but to find a photo of Reagan making the handsign made my day.
As for the Rabbi, Jews do not admit that Lucifer is their god, but it is so. One reads the Talmud and they find this out quickly. Just one of those little things they hide from the goyim. So what is more fitting than a Kabalistic, Talmudic rabbi making the sign to his master?
Ronnie Raygun, strong supporter of Israel.
No one could ever accuse Sarah Palin of being subtle!
(Student of the Talmud and surrounded by Jews)
The ancient symbol of the devil’s disciple ~ the devil’s horns or El Diablo ~ publicly brandished in modern times most notoriously by popular entertainers, has now been displayed by the United States’ so-called Christian EX-President Bush, in the above internationally-circulated photograph from his inauguration. Interestingly, Bush claims to be a practicing Christian but is also a member of the satanic Skull and Bones Club since his university days.
Note. I have since found photos of Bush carrying the Talmud and Laura in the White House kitchen having it made kosher by a group of the Chabad Lubovitch, the fanatical organization of fundamental Jews in the process of taking over North America through their Bnai Brith, the ADL, ACLU and Aipac. Go figger!
Satanists saluting an altar displaying the Goat of Mendez or Baphomet, acknowledging their allegiance to him. Like the “All Seeing Eye” on the dollar bill, another ancient Masonic symbol, the “Satanic Salute” has a long documented association with the dark arts. It dates back to the ancient Egyptian priests of the Mystery Schools.
The Illuminati tend to make these symbols “HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT.” As a result, many of these symbols become so much part of our every day life we do not even notice them any longer. They become archetypal symbols for the whole of humanity. The more they become integrated into our subconscious, the more power they seem to have.
Make no mistake about it,
high level Satanism is
an international movement,
not confined to North America alone.
Why is the Bush family so obsessed with the signal, displaying it frequently during the inauguration and evening ball? Beelzeshrub seems to be a naughty child reveling in flaunting El Diablo under the nose of the world? Why did no reporter ever ask, in all honesty for the truth, “Mr. President, what does that hand gesture mean?”
Horned Hand, El Cornuto or The Mano Cornuto: This Satanic salute is a sign of recognition between Satanists and other unholy groups.
The infamous cover of Goat’s Head Soup by the Rolling Stones.
The Horned Hand represents the Dijaal, Satan, The Goat. The Rolling Stones firmly affixed that association in the west with their Goat’s Head Soup album in the 1970’s. The Devil’s hand signifies that Satan rules.
It is a universal hand signal used by politicians, celebrities as well as heavy metal bands, affirming their allegiance to satanic powers. Also known as the cornuto, it signifies the ancient pagan horned god of witchcraft Pan and has been used for centuries but never so blatantly as today. This sign is visual shorthand for “Hail, Satan.”
The Bush cabal are members of G8; satanic insiders around the world intentionally display this hand sign in public in order to send a signal to other members of the elite that says ‘we rule’, or ‘we’re unafraid to publicly demonstrate our allegiance to Lucifer.’ These satanists believe that victory is close at hand, so they’ve become more emboldened of late to show their colors.
Like the ‘All Seeing Eye’, El Diablo is also hidden in plain sight, concealed behind mundane explanations so that only those few initiated into darker secrets understand its real significance.
Begun in 1955, the `Hook ’em Horns’ sign started by Harley Clark still motivates UT fans. Then, we have the confusion of the El Diablo hand sign with the University of Texas “hook ’em horns” sign. Texas’ mascot is the longhorn cow and it is only natural that the horns sign be employed by the student body, alumni, and fans of that institution. Is it mere coincidence that every Satanist in the world uses the same hand salute?
Typical silliness at a university football game. Fans saluting their team.
Meet the Texas Longhorn Mascot ~ a cute critter. The U of T cover story is a perfect excuse that satisfies those whose curiosity might otherwise be aroused. Bush explained his use of the hand gesture as the sign of the University of Texas Longhorns. But he never went to this University. His grades were not good enough so he ended up in Harvard thanks to Daddy’s money.
Celebrating 50 years of Hook ’em at University of Texas.
George Bush could be a fan of U of T, but he never attended that university. He received his undergraduate degree from Yale, and the University of Texas law school turned him down because his record at Yale was so poor. While at Yale, Bush joined a Jesuit satanic cult called Skull and Bones. The same rather unsavory group most Bush men joined in with for generations. Wait! John Kerry too. I wonder who ELSE is on the members’ list of such an elite organization.
At the Inauguration the Bush girls were very big on constantly flashing the sign.
With so many prominent individuals making the “hook ’em horns” sign one must ask: are they all fans of the Texas Longhorns? The media choose to run this photo of Jenna Bush giving the Satanic Salute over the heads of her parents during the 2005 Inauguration. Why did they choose this particular photo?
For this reason, if nothing else, I wonder about Ahmadinajad. He is of very recent Jewish blood and here he is flashing the sign. What part is he REALLY playing on the world stage?
Ahmadinajad, leader of Iran, presents himself to the world as a devout Muslim! But this shows him to also be a man guaranteed the job he has now to fulfill a certain purpose. Much of the things that go on on the world stage are no more than theater for the people. What is going on here? This sign is flashed when one or more satanists are identifying themselves to each other. When combined with other gestures, meanings can vary, but the basics are consistent. Note Laura below.
Laura is making TWO gestures. The skyward horn praises Satan, the finger to the ground indicates a dualistic marriage of opposites, reconciliation ~ Kabalistic magic. Laura appears to be more than just a Stepford wife.
What did Condi say to elicit the waving of the El Diablo? This sign has been around for millennium under one name or another, long before Texas University existed.
El Diablo is also American sign language for “I Love you.” Helen Keller, who developed sign language, was heavily into Theosophy and the occult. In American signing (hand sign with the thumb extended) means ‘I love you.’ Helen Blavatsky, her mentor, founder of The Theosophical Society was a crony of Aleister Crowley. Blavatsky, a devout Satan worshiper, said,
“Lucifer represents Life, Thought, Progress, Civilization, Liberty, Independence. Lucifer is the Logos, the Serpent, the Savior.”Did Keller purposely design the deaf’s “I love you” sign to be such a remarkable imitation of the ancient sign of Satan or was she saying, basically, “I love you, Devil?” When you understand how simply these symbols and signs work, it is very possible this was slipped into human consciousness in yet another fashion to please their dark master.
If you choose to believe that Miss Keller’s hand sign is just a coincidence, then you are truly gullible. If you were deaf, and wanted to develop a hand sign to tell someone that you love them, what would it be? A hand over the heart would be reasonable. There is no way that any reasonable person would develop the hand sign that Keller invented, paralleling an existing hand salute to Satan.
Both Laura and George used this signal during the 2005 coronation of the US President on January 20. This was most likely to let his cronies and Masters know he had succeeded in reaching his goal. The mainstream media cartel immediately attempted to explain away the bizarre hand signal by consistently referring to the “hook ’em horns” sign.
Does this look like a football game? They seem to be laughing at the world at this Inaugural Ball. Laura looks pleased while Bush clearly enjoys proving that he believes the public is dumb and believes everything he says. Alas, in his 8 years of Presidency, he proved himself to be somewhat of a fool leaving America, and the rest of the world, in disastrous shape. But then, that is why he was given the Presidency after all, so he served his dark masters well.
Barbara Bush, flashes El Diablo. No surprises considering her unspoken lineage! Barbara is the product of her mother’s dalliance with Aliester Crowley and passed his tainted genetics to her arrogant son.
The uncanny resemblance between father and daughter cannot be denied although the White House has never acknowledged this blood bond.
While posing with his distant cousin Queen Elizabeth II for an international photograph, George could not resist gloating! He smirked all the while, knowing exactly what he was doing. What was the joke?
But the Queen Mother could not possibly be shocked. Elizabeth is clearly making the hand sign of Satan. The Queen Mother was fully aware of what was going on.
Princess Diana was definitely not up to dealing with the dark family she married into, despite coming from ancient lineage ~ the Spencer/Churchill line, who can be traced back hundreds of years with masonic ties to the Royal family.Like Michelle Obama, she incorporates it into her general pose. Her bright light shone and contrasted so strongly against the Royals that she was eventually assassinated..
Prince William of England, heir apparent to the throne, is being carefully marketed to millions of adoring fans. The Prince carries on many old family traditions as can be seen here. His birth and bloodline were the sole reason Charles married Diana.
September 11, 2007. 911 Remembrance. Bush could not stand with his hands at his side during the minute of silence? Do you think possibly the devil made him do it? Could he be thanking his god for the success of this ritual?
Well, speak of the Devil! His Satanic Majesty’s loyal slave Dick Cheney wows Washington crowds, Inauguration Day, 2001. During his 8 years of “service” Cheney proved he could give Satan a run for the money when it comes to evil doing.
Isn’t that International Criminal Zionist Henry Kissinger, “Great Humanitarian“ (SPITS and HISSES at the name), waving El Diablo among this gathering of the elite at Bohemian Grove under the nose of the Owl of ancient Sumer? Possibly he is discussing his plans to kill off 90% of the human population to please his Zionist “god” or who to genocide next. Perhaps I don’t want to know! Just the thought of this creature brings to mind slithering demons of hell.
Tommy Franks?
Ari Fleisher, White House propagandist disseminates the day’s fairy tales to the press ~ whilst sending someone else a message of an entirely different sort at the same time. This man is very well placed in the Talmudic Chabad Lubavitch community. To carry out their work among goyim, the Chabads will shave the curls and don clothing of those whom they infiltrate.
A good Catholic like John Kerry with the founder of the Church of Satan, Anton leVay? There must be an innocent explanation. Satanism in politics? In America? NEVER!! But, hold on! Wasn’t Kerry Skull and Bones too? Is that not the Jesuit/Satanist outfit Bush was in? What on earth is going on here?
Marion Berry, once mayor of Washington DC, arrested for cocaine possession, once said, “Other than the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates of the country.”
Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards,Democratic Vice Presidential candidate in 2004, is a Texas Longhorns fan too?
Tom Ridge, past Homeland Security Director and former Governor of Pennsylvania. A Longhorns Fan?
Dan Quayle was a Longhorn fan too?
Alex Jones, the famous film maker, truth teller and exposer of the Illuminati, the Bohemian Grove, the Bilderbergs, and tackler of so many serious problems we have to deal with is waving the sign. I had long figured out most of the purpose Jones served in the world of conspiracy, but this I had not counted on. Yes, he is a Texan, but I really do not think he is speaking to a group of football fans.
In cases like him, a man who has contributed so much excellent material and worked so hard to expose things, it would be foolish to reject him completely because of this sign, or the fact his wife is Jewish. That is where educated cherry picking comes in to play with the materials he offers.
Maria Shriver, a Kennedy and a Democrat, on the day of her wedding to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican Nazi. The handsigns would have been part of the upbringing of both. Arnold is in bed with the Illuminated Big Boys. Maria is part of the Kennedy clan, one of the 13 major Illuminati bloodlines in the world, according to Fritz Springmeier.
“People recognized President Clinton’s signal at his inauguration as a sign of Satan. That seems fairly cut and dried, and it is. Clinton communicated what he wanted to the people to whom he wanted to communicate. The whole affair with him flashing the satanic hand signal took only a couple of seconds.” ~ Fritz Springmeier
Bill Clinton and Kid Rock, another who flaunts the sign at every possible opportunity.
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Let us not forget the little woman, Ms.Hillary Clinton.
Dr. Ron Paul is making this sign knowingly. I hated posting this image because I would like to hope that at least ONE American politician was pure. UPDATE: Sadly, this IS the sign Dr. Paul was flashing. He’s a Mason. His wife is an Eastern Star. His daughters are Rainbow Girls.
Gene Simmons, another Jew of the decadent bent, of Kiss.
The El Diablo is also used at heavy metal and rock concerts to affirm their allegiance to the music’s message and the band members. Kiss was a leader in introducing the masses to blood and sex rock, having a huge audience of adolescent males.
With the rapid rise in popularity of the El Diablo sign among rock music fans, many people seem to be blissfully unaware of the satanic background and dark history of this sign.
To some, giving the sign more likely indicates eagerness and gusto for fun, partying, drinking, and rebellion all wonderful indications of moral degeneracy.
Today even the sweet and not so sweet divas are flashing it!
Bono, charismatic singer for U2, fully explored Satan exposing its influence upon him with the persona of Mephistocles ~ The Dark Lord of Rock. UPDATE: Bono has been proven to be a NWO shill.
MUSE, the very influential band famous for powerful anti-them music. As usual, their clothes are colour-coordinated to represent black/white duality. Note the occult caduceus on Dominic, one serpent black one white. The caduceus on it’s own is very duality symbolic, having one black and one white though obviously emphasizes this fact. Also note the astrological symbols (Mercury [the god is of course associated with the caduceus] etc, and, of course, THAT handsign.Have we been fooled again? Have they “sold out”? I doubt we will find the answer although it must be noted there is a great deal of Masonic symbolism woven through most of their photographs.
This rather gives the game away. Their recording company would not likely allow them much of their symbolism, especially this, unless there was a reason behind it. Call me crazy but I see it.
Above symbolically using twin pillars, and below Chris in an Egyptian occult ritual pose.
Travel to this page and see more Muse in ritual, Masonic, Pagan, imagery and symbols than I ever thought possible. I think, after seeing all of this, ladies and gentlemen, they have been laughing at us all the way along. The warnings in some of their songs are merely that old trick of saying “But you were warned” when the dust settles.
The sweet Taylor Swift is not so sweet. Invoking Satan is a common trick in Hollywood. They want to get his favor and power to bring them fame. It’s an offer to sell their souls for Earthly riches. Southern blues singer Robert Johnson apparently sold his soul to the devil to play a good guitar and the tradition has carried on, especially in the music industry.
As can be seen here once again.
Brittney Spears, brought up as a Disney star, would certainly be very familiar with this sign and know just what she was doing here.
Miley Cyrus is a Disney showbiz kid from a showbiz family. She knows exactly what she is doing. Her fans, on the other hand, think it is just the “party”sign. She pulls off the Satanic face very well.
Oh Dear! Celine too? Ms. Middle-of-the-road big-voice Celine?
Yes, Celine wants someone to know something.
Rhianna joins the club.
Twice for Rhianna is enough to prove her allegiance.
Another Canadian songbird, Alanis Morisette flashes the sign.
No surprise about Snoop Dog considering his music and business enterprises!
Beyonce no longer appears quite so luscious when seen flashing the sign.
Mariah Carey too. Sigh.
Cher has always played up her flashy trashy side. Obviously she really likes that hand sign!
Did Lisa Marie Presley grow up knowing this, or did her husband of a few months, Michael Jackson teach her? She grew up with it, her father, an Illuminati slave, was very involved with the Illuminati and the occult.
Joey Fatone of the extremely popular boy band slams the symbol to the world.
No could one say subtlety was Sacha Baron Cohen’s forte.
I was stunned to find a photo of the late Bill Hicks, political philosopher, flashing the sign! Everything today’s comics do that is funny, Hicks did it first, did it better, did it completely uncensored, and meant every word of it, always-edgy; the raw real deal. This discovery was a shocker for me.
Ozzie Osborne, one of the so called greats of satanic goth music. His influence is not to be underestimated. It is amazing that this person and his dysfunctional family were promoted as family entertainment for several years of bottom level reality television.
The whole idea behind the gothic movement is to suck young people into a kinky and depraved world where things dark or of a forbidden nature are bandied about and depression glorified. Marilyn Manson, High Priest of the Church of Satan, does his work well. “Hopefully, I’ll be remembered as the person who brought an end to Christianity.“ (WARNING: The MM site is extremely disturbing)
Kiefer Sutherland flashes a double. His heavily promoted tv show 24 is pure Illuminati conditioning.
It is abundantly clear that the Night Stalker Ramirez praises the Devil.
On July 6, 2001, Manuela followed what she claim was her Master’s order to “kill, sacrifice, bring souls!” The chosen victim, Frank Hackert “suffered well,” bragged Manuela. After inviting the unsuspecting Hackert home for a satanic party, she stabbed her victim exactly 66 times on the 6th day of the month (666).
Courtney Love, professed Satanist, confused and spiritually dead, teaches her daughter by Kurt Cobain, Francis Bean, how to express herself by flashing the El Diablo.
Watch those hands! Actor JASON ALEXANDER performs a cabala ritual in plain sight of viewers. To the uninitiated millions who see this magazine over, Jason appears to be merely hamming it up. Little do they know that the deeper occult meaning of his hands are Masonic in origin.
People like Bill Maher, above, are required to show their colors in order to get their specials shown on TV. As with masonic hand signals, the idea is to convey solidarity and growing infiltration into a broader segment of society among those in the know.
Is this just another indication of the lopsidedness of the world, where what is said is opposite of what is meant, especially in Bush-politics? Has this old hand sign been co-opted and turned around? When Maher uses the sign during his “Decider” routine, was he using it because he is “doing” Bush? Does he ever use it on his own, as himself?
Selma Hayak makes such a dainty El Diablo! You can see the Satanic hand signal being flashed on TV ~ on a fairly regular basis ~ by Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, Jay Leno, Carson Daley, Conan O’Brien, the big guy of Penn and Teller, Reverend Benny Hinn, and dozens of other TV personalities. In almost all cases of TV Satanic gesturing, the hand signal is flashed quickly, as part of a passing hand movement, but sometimes the pose is held and focused upon by TV cameras.
John Lennon, John, we hardly knew ye, did we lad? The Beatles were not quite as they appeared to be. John made El Diablo frequently including on the cover of Yellow Submarine. Like so many other rock musicians, John was into Aliester Crowley whom they featured in the famous St. Pepper’s Lonely Heart Club Band album. In fact, St. Pepper WAS Crowley and the album was released 20 years to the day of Crowley’s death.
Knowing as we do now who John served, every time I hear his haunting song, Imagine, in which he clearly describes the false promise of the New World Order, I wonder if he knew he was selling lies to countless millions of innocents. Did he know the true significance of the evil he was employing to disarm and lure them into Communism/Zionism of a feudal nature? We will never know, but I have a feeling he did.
Paul McCartney now “Sir Paul”. As with “Sir Mick.” “Sir Elton.” Or “Sir Geldoff.” These entertainers have SIR-ved their cause well and been rewarded by the British Royals.
Spider Man has always been pretty conspicuous about his El Diablos.
Elizabeth Taylor caused great controversy when she flashed El Diablo to the media. At that time no one knew what it was or, if they did, the information was not disseminated to the public. What we did not know at the time is that Liz is Jewish.
Michael Jackson was raised in the cult of Satan. Upon close inspection of his videos the signs, symbols and underlying messages are blatant once you know what to watch for. Homosexuality was a common thread throughout his material.
Michael gave himself away when, after being dismissed of pedophilia charges, he made an even more evil Satanic sign. In other words he was letting someone know he had been successful in being pardoned and was acknowledging his higher power.
Makes one question the Dalai Lama making the same sign too, doesn’t it.
Bono showing his allegiance once again.
Even athletes such as Cristian Rinaldo make it.
Kelly Clarkson, tongue wagging and flashing El Diablo, does not look like the clean cut girl she was when her career began.
Winonah Rider (Jewess) flashes the El Diablo recently at a public function. It is true that a large percentage of young people do not realize the true meaning of the satanic hand gesture and just assume that it’s the “cool” way of greeting a camera or expressing a will to win at sporting events.
Meryl Streep (Jewess) gives the sign of the Devil just over the head of “Angels in America” director, Mike Nichols (Jew). In 2004, the HBO series “Angels in America” was aired. The director and actress were given “Golden Globe” awards, indicating how hateful Hollywood and the TV networks have become. The series depicted angels having sex with homosexuals and blasphemously mocked God.
Matthew McConnahey looks pretty baked as he waves El Diablo. But wait! He’s surrounded by real Texas Longhorns! Guess that makes it legit. This time. What a relief.
Here we have a two members of Satan’s Cheerleaders with a little friend. These girls are part of an Austin institution. These nasty little wenches have been around for 15 years ~ the personnel of the band changes every few years as members age. They are actually very accomplished at what they do and take very devilish pleasure out of defeating Christian cheerleading squads, being openly Satanic about their aims and wins.
One of Satan’s Cheerleaders flogs product.
Does seeing the top CEO’s of Rotten Ronnie’s waving El Diablo make you come down with a mac attack?
Could Nicholas Sarkozy, Zionist Jew and President of France, be a huge fan of Texas football? No, but he has been groomed by the Communist/Zionist regime for high political placement since at least the early 1960’s when he was involved in the massive student riots.
Here is another Muslim leader, making the El Diablo. That is SO against the Qur’an! Was he Jewish? He does have that one facial characteristic that is a possible indicator. Who knows. Or is it love of American football that stirs the late Yasar Arafat, betrayer of his own Palestinian people?
Italy’s Berlusconi gives the Satanic sign. Note his smirk of smug, self-satisfaction. He is not only the richest man in Italy he is also its premier, as he signals his fealty to that which he owes his power and wealth. His life is one of sexual scandal after sexual scandal, usually with girls barely legal.
Berlusconi again. The Illuminati have basically run Italy since the Caesars.
What on earth is King Abdullah saying to Putin here? Another pair of devoted Longhorn fans? The hand being hooked at the chest like that gives the symbol a slightly different message and can be seen in paintings of many famous Masons.
The Prime Minister of Thailand loves those Texas Longhorns!
Benny Hinn.
Jesse Duplantis
Kenneth Copeland
Rodney Howard Brown. Browne, from South Africa, started the “Holy Laughter” movement which really caught attention at the “Toronto Blessing” phen