
The worldwide media has done a wonderful job when it comes to distorting what led to World War II. We have all been treated to a canopy of analysis as to what transpired. Most of it is not true and this can be proven legally. Legalities are what judges utilize to render their decisions.

The fact of the matter is both world wars were instigated to insure there was no military alliance between Russia and Germany. German technology and Russian resources, manpower and military prowess would make a world government impossible. The London Crown Temple and the vatican worked to make sure this was never a reality. You see with no Germans there will be no German technology, no relations with Russia. No Germans, no problem. If you are following the world situation, that is still the present goal. Germany is undergoing mass migrations which has placed them on the cusp of revolution. Most likely Europe will be placed under marshal law. You see there are no more individual countries such as Germany, Netherlands etc. in their former status. They are the EU state now. This was never voted on either.

At present the former nations of Europe are being consolidated in a manner very similar to what Hitler advocated, a Europe controlled by Germany as long as Germany is needed for the project anyway. Whether or not any Germans continue to exist matters little to those behind the scenes. In fact the controllers despise Germans and this should be evident when looking at such historical atrocities as Eisenhower starving 5 million to death in an open air prison after the war had ended and the satanic act of firebombing Dresden, a cultural city with no military capability full of refugees. Both were acts of genocide and further more, Eisenhower’s wife indicates how he had relayed his hatred for the German people. At West Point he was known as the terrible Swedish Jew.

The narrative pushed by many is that Hitler was trying to save Germany. He was not, Hitler and Stalin were both Jews, trained at the Tavistock Institute in London which is controlled by the London Crown Temple through the vatican. The London Crown Temple, the Vatican and the District of Washington D.C. are the three corporations that control much of the world. Stalin was a Jesuit priest and the task of both he and Hitler was to bring Germany and Russia to their knees. They managed quite well and this is still the focal point. These two corporations could have had Hitler murdered at any point. And Stalin was murdered when he ceased following Jesuit mandates, by his own doctor.

Even after two world wars this process is ongoing. The Reich was transferred to the Netherlands, it was never abolished. It simply morphed into the European Stability Mechanism. Corporate fascism was promoted in Germany under the guise of saving the German nation. Germany was almost destroyed but the corporate fascist goals were achieved. Once again Germany stands on the edge of disintegration to serve the interests of corporate fascism.

Let us forget the standard line that Hitler was a wizard etc. It is fairly common for people to resist cognitive dissonance. In other words they will reject a new reality even when confronted with endless evidence. There were some irregularities with Hitler which simply cannot be explained and fit the popular narrative concerning his regime.

Hitler played chess with Lenin in Austria at a Jewish Mason house in 1909.

Hitler lived right next to the Tavistock institute from 1912 to 1913.

Hitler didn’t arrest all the Jewish bankers. He never bombed their homes and even took aid from Jewish front businesses in America. No Rothschild mansion was touched.

Hitler let 350,000 English troops go at Dunkirk which had he simply captured, would have ended the war in the west.

Hitler blindsided Rommel at every turn, opposed everything he did because Rommel, while given light armor and infantry with NO air cover, was actually about to capture Palestine which would have won the war against the Zionist Jews, if they actually opposed them. It would have opened up a southern flank into Russia, splitting the world in two, also enabling them to link up with the Japanese.

Hitler replaced Rommel with a bozo who refused to allow the French to defend from the high ground during operation torch which so demoralized the French, they did put up a fight and quit allowing the Americans to walk into Africa. Hitler refused to walk in and take Moscow, which would have ended the war in the west, when it had no resistance, opting instead to wait until the next summer which allowed the Soviets to regroup and defend the city. Hitler refused to allow the ME 262 with a kill ratio of 500 to 1 to be used against the allied Bombers. He refused to convert these jet fighters to bombers. Only at the very end of the war and because German pilots mass revolted did Hitler relent but it was too late.

Hitler refused to use the French Navy which was big enough to check the Americans and British. Hitler refused to take Gibraltar which for hundreds of years was used to bottleneck the Mediterranean. This would have stopped any allied surface fleets from entering. Hitler refused to allow the gestapo to investigate his inner circle where radio transmissions giving the Soviets, Nazis war plans, were traced to. Hitler declared war against America when he didn’t have to. America had only declared war against Japan and America firsters were not going to let Roosevelt use America to fight in Europe. Hitler put and end to that. Hitler stopped bombing military targets in UK to go after the population when the RAF was a week from a complete knockout and all of Germany’s high command knew it. Instead, he went after civilian targets which allowed the British RAF to be saved.

Hitler didn’t die in the bunker. He lived in Argentina and was protected by OSS and other international intelligence agencies as proven by recently released FBI files. You can see it yourself at their site. Now, I could name a whole bunch of other things like all those German Nationalists who tried to assassinate him but were foiled, over and over due to OSS leaking details to German intelligence but what is the point? I mean, how naive of anyone not to see the obvious when it was HITLER who transferred the first Jews (60,000) to Israel, the site he KNEW they planned a World Government while he also loaned them hundreds of millions of dollars and built their early infrastructure. How clueless can we be when it was Hitler who rounded up the Bolshevik type Jews and allowed Jewish Zionists to indoctrinate them in the camps, flying the star of david flag and this for later mass transfer to Palestine. There was a Red Cross presence in these camps.

The Jesuit Vatican.

Orsini Breakspear Aldobrandini Farnese Somaglia All controlled through the Jesuit Order and their Knights of Malta & Teutonic Knights all based in missile protected Borgo Santo Spirito in Rome. Pepe Orsini – Italy Henry Breakspear – Macau, China This is the true power finally. This is the Guelph and the Ghibelline power over mankind. The Cecil family were controlled by the powerful Jesuit family known as the Pallavicini. Maria Camilla Pallavicini is far more powerful than Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen and Prince Philip are totally subordinate to the Papal Bloodline the Breakspear Family and their Jesuit UKHQ at 114 Mount Street. Please go and study who funded Elizabeth I that astronomical amount of money to fight the Spanish, yes Pallavicini. The most powerful man right now in the conspiracy over this World is a Roman by the name of PEPE ORSINI of the powerful Roman Papal Bloodline the Orsini also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family.

Lets take a look at the “founding father” of the EU, Richard Coudenhove-Kaleri.

So one would have to wonder if the mass migration of destitute immigrants running down the streets of Europe, with no jobs, no education, demanding Sharia in some cases, throwing young woman to the ground and beating them in the face, no command of any European language and many seriously suffering diseases that need treatment European hospitals are not able to afford are not following a grand design. Of course it is, just as Roosevelt stated, nothing happens in politics by accident, it is all by design. Ethnic turmoil continues in the mid east through war and bombing. Israel wishes to cleanse the inhabitants for greater Israel and at the same time bring Europe to it’s knees and crown the pope in Jerusalem.

Make no mistake America is also under UN mandates by virtue of Washington D.C.


SEARCH FOR TRUTH Research archive N°8

Letter to Kings and Presidents in order to save our planet, its inhabitants and restore justice.

If you understand the importance of our work (video), after reading the contents, namely the stolen future of Europe, America and finally the rest of the World (video), including the freedom, prosperity and wellbeing of our children and grandchildren, please spend time to read our request to all the members of the United Nations (UN) and send this request to as many people as possible (video), including the members within your government (video)?!!!

This foundation represented all global citizens, and provides a platform for all those who want positive change by giving a strong signal to responsible officials, to provide a bridge between governments and citizens with the prospect to work a joint democratic solutions for all parties,

including the by Nazi hostage Dutch government and its inhabitants.

By registered letter dated 27 May 2012 the No Cancer Foundation in Hasselt (Belgium) has written to H.R.H. Princess Maxima of the Netherlands the following request, with a copy to King Albert II of Belgium, and to Herman van Rompuy, president of the European Union and to Etienne Davignon President of the Bilderberg conferences:

Dear royal highness,

“We have the honor to ask you to save the world from the total poisoning with highly toxic carcinogen poison, falsely labelled arsenic acid, and chromium trioxide (chromium VI) being highly problematic hazardous waste of Billiton/Shell and other pesticides, such as Roundup (produced by Monsanto), chemtrails, fluoride poison, aspartame, vaccinations, etc… this together with radiation which is the result of the continuation of the Hitler cabinet from the Netherlands that since May 18, 1940 by the constitution no longer exists. This is further carried out from the Bilderberg conferences’ implemented under the chairmanship of Prince Bernhard at first, later Queen Beatrix and now the Belgian Etienne Davignon. Whereby the Nazi regime and Hitler Cabinet from the territory of the former Netherlands has continued and has been adopted by the European Union. With the next step a total destruction of our democracy under the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) that by July 1, 1012 will be implemented

September 24, 2007: Princess Maxima speaks in a lecture at the presentation of the report “identification with the Netherlands” to the Scientific Council of Government Policy (WRR) literally the following words:

The Dutch identity does not exist, and also: The Dutchman does not exist,

That the pronouncing of these criticized words cost much effort, you can see in the picture above.

Princes Maxima is right, here position as new Dutch Queen can help to save all life on earth as you can read below:

1. From May 18, 1940 the Netherlands (Dutch memberstate) no longer exists.

On May 10, 1940, the German army invade the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.  In the morning of May 13, 1940 Dutch royal family arrived in Harwich. At 10 o’clock that morning Queen Wilhelmina left to the Hoek van Holland where the English destroyer (HMS “Hereward”) was waiting for her. An hour earlier (around 9 am) the Cabinet-Geer had been told that the queen would leave. When was not clear. in the evening 19.20h the Council of Ministers left with an English destroyer from the Hoek of Holland to England. However, without the ministers Steenberghe and van Rijn, without any command to the Commander in Chief General Winkelman, without notice to the Chairmen of the political chambers, and without any transfer of powers to the Secretaries General and General Winkelman being informed in a meeting of the expatriation of the queen and the Government and transfer the authority to Winkelman.

This transfer had paved the way for a German civil government under Seyss-Inquart with all the consequences. In Poland, this also happened because just like in the Netherlands, the entire Polish government fled. Because Queen Wilhelmina had ignored all the advice of her ministers Hitlers lawyers get the Netherlands verry easily.

From the territory of the former Netherlands the Hitler Cabinet continued stealth to expand its sphere of influence into the greater German Reich “or as we now call it the ” European Union “. This was achieved not by a democratically elected president and a European Commission, but by one that takes decisions against which by citizens of the Member States within the European Union cannot be litigated.

From this European Commission they propose – before 1 July 2012 –  (within less than one month) that 500 billion euro in the ESM-Fund should be plunged, this money will be seized from across the countries Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Austria, Ireland, Finland, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia and Malta. The (hidden) goal of this is the poisoning of the world population under the cloaks of sustainability, innovation, ecological, environment friendly, biomass, green power, CO2 reduction, KOMO-keur, environmental concrete, secondary fuel, Rio de Janeiro protocol, Kyoto protocol and Agenda 21 with the release of highly toxic, mutagenic, teratogenic, genotoxic, reprotoxic, carcinogenic poison as, falsely labeled arsenic acid and to extend to chromium VI. These chemistry pharmaceutical cartels and their financial institutions who financed  the Nazi regime before, during and after the war are responsible for the totalitarian global mass poisoning at high profits with genocide consequences whose damage is priceless.

How did the Hitler regime continue from the Netherlands?

On 10 May 1940, the German army invaded the Netherlands. On the 13 May 1940 Queen Wilhelmina and the council of Ministers fled to England. Thus the Dutch Queen, head of State and the council of Ministers have surpassed article 21 of the Constitution, in which is written:

“Under no circumstances can the seat of Government be placed outside the Empire”

By article 21 of the Constitution, the Dutch Government has lifted itself to violate. Seyss-Inquart Reichsstatthalter (Hitler Regime) could that way put himself in the place of Wilhelmina.

Article 21 of the Dutch Constitution.

From May 18, 1940, the Dutch Government under Article 21 of the Constitution lifted itself and became a province of Germany under the administration of the Hitler Cabinet. This was well known to Queen Wilhelmina before she and her government flee to England.

That there was intent was confirmed with the fact that the same day the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs received a request from the French Ambassador who told him that the French Government was very disturbed by the inserted letter sent by Queen Wilhelmina to the French President. According to the ambassador showed Wilhelmina’s writing that the Dutch government was planning to negotiate with the Germans. This all the more six days earlier, on May 8, 1940, the Dutch press had heard from the mouth of Princess Juliana that the house of Orange never will leave his post. (Source: Gerard’s WOII blog)

By the illegitimate ‘ transfer ‘ of the Dutch Government to England, it happened that besides a military occupation in the Netherlands, also the German civil administration under Seyss-Inquart became fatal for the Jewish part that extra of the Dutch population. In Belgium and Denmark – where the Princes remained on their post – the vast majority of Jews survived the war. In Belgium, almost 90% of the Belgian – and 60% of foreign Jews (most come from Germany and Central Europe) survived. Thanks to the Danish King in Denmark even 99% of the Jews survived the war. This is in contrast to the Netherlands, where only about 20% of Jews survived the war. Citizens in Belgium and Denmark were not taken to camps like ‘ Westerbork ‘.

On 18 May 1940, Adolf Hitler introduced on the Government powers Decree No. 1 in the Netherlands.

On May 25, 1940 Reichskommissar Seyss-Inquart of the occupied area in Holland issues a call going out to the Dutch citizens that upon that day he will take possession of the highest governmental authority in the civilian resort in the Netherlands. By the regulation of 29 May 1940, Reichskommissar Seyss-Inquart, has inherited all the powers in the Dutch Constitution and the laws (and powers) that were granted to the King or Queen and the Government.

On 5 June 1940 Reichskommissar Seyss-Inquart makes the following appointments, in accordance with the Decree of Hitler (his regulations):

1. for Administration and Justice, Dr. Friedrich Wimmer;
2. for Public Safety, SS-Brigadeführer Hanns Rauter (Higher SS officer and police leader);
3. for Finance and Economic Affairs, Dr. Hans Fischboeck
4. for Special Affairs, Reichsamtsleiter Fritz Schmidt.
5. representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Otto Bene
6. to Plenipotentiary of ‘de Nederlandsche Bank’ (den Ministerialdirektor der Bank) Dr. Hans Piesbergen
7. Chief of the Main Department on bureau van den Reichskommissar for the occupied Dutch area, (Ministerial rat) Dr. Hans Piesbergen.

The superstructure of the Dutch Government (central force) was formed by:

1. Reichskommissar Seyss-Inquart
2. the four Commissioners General: Dr. Friedrich Wimmer (governance and Justice), Hanns Rauter (for public safety den SS-Brigadeführer), Dr. Hans Fischboeck (Finance and Economic Affairs), Fritz Schmidt (Special Affairs den Reichsamtsleiter)
3. The Plenipotentiaries of den Reichskommissar for the provinces: the Commissioners of the Queen during the second world war, whether or not fitted with a special Commissioner Plenipotentiary, (als Kreisleiter) Schmidt that was in Limburg.
4. the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Otto Bene
5. the German Plenipotentiary for the Dutch Bank Dr. Hans Piesbergen.

From this moment the Reichskommissar appoints and dismisses these people in power:

1. the members of the High Council;
2. Attorney-General and the Attorneys-General at the Supreme Council;
3. the Presidents of courts;
4. The Attorneys General at the courts.

The other judicial officials are appointed and dismissed by the Secretary-General of Justice, unless the Reichskommissar the appointment or dismissal keeps to himself. (source: State law since 10 May 1940, library city of Amsterdam August 24, 1946). The Secretary-General of Justice has a dictatorial power over all health officials.
This is an explanation for the fact that current Secretary-General Joris Demmink (VVD) by current Minister responsible for the Ministry Safety and Justice Ivo Opstelten (VVD) cannot be expelled from his function also may not be prosecuted criminally for the abuse of small children despite much evidence (source: book “De Demmink Doofpot ‘).
On May 5, 1945 Germany capitulated on May 5, Netherlands celebrated this victory over the capitulation. On that date ‘Hotel De Wereld’ in the city of Wageningen the capitulation would have been signed between the German General Johannes Blaskowitz and the Canadian General Charles Foulkes, in the presence of Prince Bernhard. The agreement was signed on 6 may in the  in de Aula of the then Agricultural College next to “Hotel de Wereld” in Wageningen. Prince Bernhard was not present. The Act itself, present in the municipal archives of Wageningen is dated 5 May 1945. In reality, only an agreement on the technical elaboration of German troops in the Netherlands of capitulation on May 4 of German forces in Northwest Europe. (source: Wikipedia). This is the proof that no one at the hands of Prince Bernhard on behalf of the Dutch head of State and/or Government has signed the capitulation of Germany (the Hitler Regime) and also not at the signing by the authorized German General Johannes Blaskowitz and the Canadian General Charles Foulkes has been present. Constitutionally, this means that every part of the Netherlands from May 5 1945 still belongs to Germany. Now because it’s signing has legally not taken place, so the Netherlands from 18 May 1940  Constitutionally means that the Netherlands no longer exists and the occupation from the Hitler Cabinet on the former territory of Netherlands after 5 May 1945 has since continued. Therefore, the Netherlands from that time the Prime Minister, ministers, State Secretaries, the Commissioners of the Queen and the mayors are not elected but appointed by the head of State and sworn into office.
Of 24 June 1945 until 3 July 1946 Netherlands from 18 May 1940 Constitutional: because it no longer exists there could be no democratic elections after the war, in the Netherlands. Therefore, Queen Wilhelmina, as successor to Adolf Hitler, the first post-war cabinet Schermerhom-Drees appointed itself. The Hitler Government is thus under her leadership as head of State continued. This successor Hitler Government was a ‘ Royal ‘ Government and is also known as an “emergency Cabinet (Government)”. On this continuing Hitler-former Dutch territory Government headed by former Dutch Queen Wilhelmina continue to remain head of State, it was necessary that the next Government was formed by the PvdA and the KVP as successor to the German NSDAP because Cardinal Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII) and Franz von Papen, Vice-Chancellor of Germany, under Chancellor Adolf Hitler (since 30 January 1933), on 8 July 1933 has signed the Reichskonkordat, with in article 14 the following passage:

“The appointments of archbishops, bishops and so on will not be published earlier than after the reichsstatthalter properly will have verified that there were no objections of general political nature exist.”

Hereby the successive Dutch heads of State, Wilhelmina, Juliana and Beatrix (of continuing Hitler cabinet from May 5 1945) have gained full  power over the pope and the Christian parties.
The German Plenipotentiary for the Dutch Nazi Bank was Dr. Hans Piesbergen. This procuration (proxy) is in the first post-war Cabinet adopted the Schermerhom-Drees by Queen Wilhelmina (successor of Adolf Hitler) named Finance Minister Piet Lieftinck (CHU/PvdA) from 1973 to 1977 as successor to W.F. Duisenberg (PvdA). From 1982 to 1997, this person (W.F. Duisenberg) has become president of the Dutch Nazi Bank.
From 1998-2003, W.F. Duisenberg was appointed first president of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt. In this capacity he was one of the driving forces behind the introduction of the euro as legal tender in 12 European countries by 1 January 2002. From this moment the European Central Bank in the hands of the Cabinet from former Dutch territory continued under the control of the secret Bilderberg Hitler-conferences-first under the chairmanship of Prince Bernhard, Queen Beatrix and currently the Belgium chairman Etienne Davignon thereafter. From 1998 the European Central Bank, at the hands of W.F. Duisenberg and Nazi Bank which now has become the president  the Frenchman Benoît Cœuré.
It is this (hands of W.F. Duisenberg) European Central bank which became Nazi of the Dutch Nazi bank and the banks of the other Euro-member States by the time of 1 July 2012 (within one month) 500 billion euro in the ESM-deposited Fund wishes to have, to under the guise of “rescuing the Euro (‘ thus the greater German Reich”) or “European Union” will become fully realized. And from which the human population on Earth – with the implementation of “Agenda 21” – they will be allowed to worldwide using of pesticides, toxic fluoride, aspartame, chemtrails, toxic substances in cosmetics, poisonous radiation, vaccination, etc. (after first experimenting on the population) with  a result that about 50 to 80% of the population will be reduced.

For the full content please refer to the letters dated 27 May 2007 in the Dutch language written by No Cancer Foundation to:

– Princess Maxima of Netherlands: (Weergeven Downloaden)

– King Albert II of Belgium: (Weergeven Downloaden)

– Herman Van Rompuy, President of the Council of Europe: (Weergeven Downloaden)

– Etienne Davignon, President of the Bilderberg conferences (Weergeven Downloaden)

For fully understanding this issue read the following request to all the members of the United Nations (UN)

With the above mentioned facts it is now clear that “The Netherlands (Nederland)” and “the Dutchman” (citizen from this country) from 18 May 1940 until 5 May 1945 should have been “Germany “(Member State Germany)” and “the German” (citizen) from May 5 1945, as “Nederland” does no longer exist. On former Dutch territory from 5 May 1945 the Hitler Cabinet silently continued under the leadership of the Queens Wilhelmina, Juliana and Beatrix, driven from the secret Bilderberg conferences established in 1954 under the chairmanship of Prince Bernhard, Queen Beatrix first then and now the Belgian Viscount Etienne Davignon, whereby the Nazi regime is taken up by the European Union. The consequences for Belgium, European Union, United Nations, NATO, and other associations and clubs, like the Bilderberg Conference, club of Rome, club of Madrid but also involved banks and companies etc.

Consequences can be read below:

1. The Dutch Constitution and all other laws declared applicable in Netherlands from May 5 1945 are not valid.

2. All Dutch Prime Ministers, ministers, Secretaries of State, first Chamber members, second Chamber members, Commissioners of the Queen, members of the Gedeputeerde States, members of Provincial States, mayors, aldermen and Councilors, as well as all the Dutch lawyers from 5 May 1945 to date who have taken the oath to the Queen that have supported to the continuation of the Hitler-Cabinet and are therefore responsible and liable for the overall poisoning of the world, more than a billion within now and the next 10 years poisoning deaths (cancer deaths). They are therefore responsible and liable for the largest genocide in the world’s history.

3. All by the Dutch courts, Central Board of appeal, College van Beroep voor het Bedrijfsleven, the Judiciary Council and the Council of State rulings, decisions, judgments and rulings made from 5 May 1945 to date ‘ in the name of the Queen ‘ are not valid.

4. All information provided to date from May 5 1945 Dutch passports, identity cards, etc. are not valid. All Dutch people are thus stateless.

5. Given the above points 1 thru 4, in the Netherlands on 12 September 2012 announced second Chamber elections should not continue and a portion of the inhabitants of former Netherlands (below the rivers?) to be attributed to Belgium and to request a Belgian passport and the rest (above the rivers?) to be attributed to Belgium and to request a Belgian passport and the rest (above the rivers?) to be attributed to Germany and request a German passport, since these countries legally exist and have a Constitution and a Constitutional Court.

6. All decisions, judgments and rulings issued by the International Criminal Court in the Hague about persons suspected of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes are not valid because they are pronounced on the territory of a non-existent country on the proposal of the United Nations, what communication is signed by continuing from former Dutch territory Hitler Cabinet. In addition, that ‘ genocide ‘ is disproportionate with the genocide of billions of world inhabitants, from the former Dutch territory, from the Hitler Cabinet.(comparison).

7. All politicians, political parties, individuals, banks, institutions, businesses, churches, etc. that from 1954 until today attended the secret Bilderberg-Conferences are responsible and can be held liable for treason, and poisoning-genocide of billions of world residents there that have occurred from the former Dutch territory (on continued Hitler Cabinet). Therefore to current Belgian President Etienne Davignon will receive a copy of this letter before 31 May 2012 to be consulted with the emphatic H.R.H. Princess Maxima request the cancel the secret Bilderberg Conference from 31 May 2012 in Westfield’s Marriott Washington Dulles Hotel till 3 June 2012, Virginia. And accordingly decide that in future no more secret Bilderberg conferences will be organized.

8. The Benelux Treaty should be dissolved immediately because due to the fact that the Netherlands from May 5 1945 does not exist and Belgium does not wish to be associated to the former Dutch territory continued Hitler Cabinet. We will notify King Albert II of Belgium with submission of a copy of this letter to Princess Máxima, with the request to open in Brussels in consultation with Princess Máxima, and European President Herman Van Rompuy, and possibly other persons and undersigned by him on behalf of No Cancer Foundation.
We propose for King Albert II to ask Princess Máxima to become the Chairman because she brought this to the public attention for the first time. And as an independent spokesperson, since she never attended a Bilderberg Conference.

9. All European treaties, notably the Treaty of Maastricht and the Treaty of Amsterdam are not valid. This is because these treaties are signed on former Dutch territory from which from 18 May 1945 the Hitler Cabinet has continued and signed by Member State that according to the Constitution The Netherlands does not exist. This means that the European Community will have to be reduced to a smaller number of states dating from after the time of the Maastricht Treaty with that indication that the residents from the Netherlands will have to get a Belgian or German Nationality. More specifically, this means that only the countries Belgium, Denmark, in Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal and the United Kingdom will belong to this new European Community, and that the old coins (except the guilder) will be used again and that the borders should be closed. From this a new politics, new economy and a new social life can be built in which our children and grandchildren can live a healthy and prosperous life. We will notify the current president of the European Union, Herman Van Rompuy, also Chairman of the European Council, through submission of a copy of this letter to Princess Máxima. This with the request for this in Brussels in consultation with H.R.H. Princess Máxima, King Albert II of Belgium, other persons and undersigned by him on behalf of No Cancer Foundation (if desired).

10. The announced European stability mechanism (ESM) can be stopped, cancelled on 1 July 2012, as already announced; on the basis of the above (points 1 thru 9 continue). We call on the European Union’s current president Herman Van Rompuy to inform and discuss about this in the European Council as soon as possible via the press officers of the European Union and making this information public a.s.a.p.

11. From The former Dutch territory from May 5 1945 Hitler continued the secret Bilderberg-driven Cabinet, from conferences with support from the Vatican and the Christian parties. Within 10 years from now and at least one billion world inhabitants will die from severe signs of early diseases (including cancer), therefore a ban on this should be implemented immediately by the Holy see. Because it is in very serious extent acted against the ten commandments of God. We will inform Pope Benedict XVI of this letter (and also inform H.R.H. Princess Máxima) and ask him to forgive them all, after which can be worked on a new world in which the ten commandments of God actually be complied with and by the Holy see on compliance.

12. The United Nations should be abolished in its current form because of the fact that Netherlands from May 5 1945 does not exist and therefore cannot be a member of the United Nations. The United Nations also does not want to be associated with the former Dutch territory continued Hitler Cabinet, and a dictatorial regime It is very important that the United Nations continues to exist because of its network and infrastructure. We desperately need to have a social structure, because we will get a worldwide political upheaval and social unrest. The good news is: It will no longer be possible to grant subsidies of billions of euros for products and processes that poison us with massively carcinogenic substances as arsenic acid and chromium VI. These resources will be much needed for the promotion of suppressed technologies and products from natural and vegetable origin, so that our children and grandchildren also have a healthy life on our Earth. We will send these intentions and arguments to the present United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (South Korea) and let a request go out with this (in English translated letter) to H.R.H. Princess Máxima.

13. The NATO in the current form should be abolished also, because of the fact that Netherlands from May 5 1945 does not exist and therefore cannot be a member of the NATO. NATO also does not want to be associated with the former Dutch territory continued Hitler Cabinet. It is very important that the NATO continues to exist, because of its network and infrastructure. We are in desperate need for social peace in the forthcoming difficult years to preserve, in which probably more than a billion world inhabitants will die from poisoning diseases (cancer) as a result of the continued Hitler cabinet from former Dutch territory (under control of the secret Bilderberg conferences). We will present this information to the NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and a request going out with this (in English translated) letter to H.R.H. Princess Máxima with the supporting evidence.

14. Clubs like the Club of Rome, Club of Madrid and other clubs, associations, etc., whose Netherlands is a Member State cannot continue in the current structure, due to the fact that Netherlands (from May 5 1945) does not exist and therefore cannot be a member of these clubs, associations etc. We will inform the Presidents of those clubs, associations, etc. and make therefore requests with this (in English translated) letter to H.R.H. Princess Máxima.
In order to find a solution for the citizens of the world, where our children and grandchildren can live, we need to get justice for everyone who has been involved in (knowingly or unknowingly) poisoning of our earth and its habitants. Also we need forgiveness. That is precisely why it is very important that someone from the Dutch Royalty will be involved. We see a role for this is the most suitable candidate in H.R.H. Princess Máxima. This devastating problem, in which the world is now, because they Dutch Royal House has contributed and is held hostage, as she is the only from this Royal House who has brought this into the open and she never personally attended a Bilderberg Conference and is thus independent.

No Cancer Foundation has issued to H.R.H. Princess Maxima the following request:

Given the above facts we ask the Dutch Royal Princess Máxima to acknowledge this mass poisoning of the Earth, and how and when it has started, and start to make it known to its inhabitants and offer help to let it come to an end. For the sake of all people, and animals on this planet.

To end this unnecessary mass poisoning we humbly ask whether she – H.R.H. Princess Máxima – wants to become the President of the above suggested consultative body in which No Cancer Foundation is also represented. We will work with many respectable scientists from around the world to clean up the environment, and prevent further damage to the environment and all living entities.

The No Cancer Foundation made the following request to King Albert II of Belgium made the following request:

We have the honor to ask you to take notice of the contents of our letter dated 27 May 2012 below attached to H.R.H. Princess Máxima of Netherlands.

On the basis of the contents of that letter, the Benelux Treaty with to be cancelled immediately because of the fact that The Netherlands “Netherland” from May 5 1945 does not exist and Belgium does not wish to be associated with former occupied Dutch territory continued Hitler Cabinet.

To you as Belgian head of State we want to ask you to propose to H.K.H. Princess Máxima to become the President of the undersigned proposed consultation body, containing King Albert of Belgium, current president Herman Van Rompuy of the European Union, other persons you want and the undersigned on behalf of No Cancer Foundation as representatives for the benefit of a healthy Earth and to guarantee a safe and healthy life for its inhabitants.

In that consultation can also be raised the question how to proceed with the Benelux Treaty (and the situation of the Netherlands).

To Herman Van Rompuy, President European Union, the No Cancer Foundation has made the following request:

We have the honor to ask you to take note of the contents of our letter dated 27 May 2012 below attached to H.R.H. Princess Máxima of Netherlands.

On the basis of that content it is very clear that the proposed European stability mechanism (ESM) on 1 July 2012 cannot continue to be installed. We request that you notify the European Council and ensure that this will be brought into the open, as soon as possible via the press officers of the European Union.

On the basis of that content also all European treaties, including in particular the Maastricht Treaty and the Amsterdam Treaty, are not valid. This is because these treaties are signed on former Dutch territory from which from 18 May 1945 the Hitler Cabinet has continued and signed by Member State that Constitutional Netherlands does not exist. This means that the European Community will have to be reduced to the time before the Treaty of Maastricht in the Netherlands that first entry with that former Dutch or German Nationality residing inhabitants should have a will. In concrete terms this means that only the countries Belgium, Denmark, in Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal and the United Kingdom will belong to the new European Community, that the own coins (except the guilder) will have to come back again, and that the borders will have to be closed. From this new situation with a new politics, new economic rules and a new social structure for life can be built in which our children and grandchildren can live well.

We ask you to make arrangements with the undersigned on behalf of No Cancer Foundation and consult together with H.R.H. Princess Máxima, King Albert II of Belgium and other persons presented by you.

To Etienne Davignon, President secret Bilderberg conferences – No Cancer Foundation has done the following request:

We have the honor to ask you to take note of the contents of our letter dated 27 May 2012 below attached to H.R.H. Princess Máxima of the Netherlands.

With that content is factually proven that all politicians, political parties, individuals, banks, institutions, businesses, churches, etc. that from 1954 until today the secret Bilderberg conferences are responsible and liable for having attended poisoning-genocide of billions of residents there that have occurred from the world on former Dutch territory continued Hitler Cabinet.

We emphatically request you to cancel the secret Bilderberg Conference as is planned to take place from 31 May to 3 June 2012 in Westfield’s Marriot Hotel, Virginia, until it has been decided that no more secret Bilderberg Conferences will take place in the future.

We will wait patiently for your answer, and we will keep you informed by our website www.nocancerfoundation.org

So let us take a look at some of the problems Europe is experiencing. I have posted some of the research of the no cancer foundation before but the website has changed and this update is probably worthwhile. I noticed some of the links were broken.

Reich Alive And Well In Benelux Union

Czech Doctor Reveals The Horrific Reality Of Muslim Migrants In Germany

Hitler Was A Rothschild And So Was His Daughter Angela

The Greatest Story Never Told-Who Really Started World War II

The Tavistock Agenda

Petrus Romanus Get Ready, The Glory Of The Olive! And You Thought It Couldn’t Be Done!

RUSSIA AND THE JEWS: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Exposes The Christian Holocaust

All Roads Lead To Rome-Hitler’s Pope

Stalin was trained by Jesuits while in the Tiflis Orthodox Seminary in Georgia—openly admitted by “Koba” himself to journalist and Masonic Jew Emil Ludwig (Cohen).

Brotherhood Of The Bell!-The Key To Our Enslavement Is The Sexual Energy

Rothschild Papal And Royal Knights-Nazi Zionist Policy That Rules The World

Jesuit Trained Movers And Shakers

Why Do Popes Wear A Yarmulke?

The Crown Temple By Rule of Mystery Babylon

Father of Teresa Heinz Kerry Allegedly Worked With Mengele On The German Ebola Virus?

The Roman Empire Still Alive And Well After All These Years

Gruesome Harvest-The Attempt To Exterminate The People Of Germany

Food preparation i

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