
These configuration parameters are specified in YAML format in your config.yaml file. During DC/OS installation the configuration file is used to generate a customized DC/OS build.

Cluster Setup


This parameter specifies a YAML nested list (-) of IPv4 addresses to your private agent host names.


This parameter specifies the name of your S3 bucket. For example:

For more information, see Generating Custom AWS CF Templates.


This parameter specifies the S3 bucket storage path. For example:

For more information, see Generating Custom AWS CF Templates.


This parameter specifies the S3 region. For example:

For more information, see Generating Custom AWS CF Templates.


This parameter specifies whether to automatically upload the customized advanced templates to your S3 bucket. If you specify true, you must also specify these parameters:

aws_template_storage_access_key_id This parameters specifies the AWS Access Key ID. For example:

aws_template_storage_secret_access_key This parameter specifies the AWS Secret Access Key. For example:

For more information, see Generating Custom AWS CF Templates.


This required parameter specifies the URI path for the DC/OS installer to store the customized DC/OS build files. If you are using the automated DC/OS installer, you should specify bootstrap_url: file:///opt/dcos_install_tmp unless you have moved the installer assets. By default the automated DC/OS installer places the build files in file:///opt/dcos_install_tmp.


This parameter specifies a dictionary of Docker credentials to pass.

If unset, the default is an empty credentials file is placed in the
/etc/mesosphere/docker_credentials during DC/OS install. You can then use sysadmin scripts to edit the file and do a systemctl restart dcos-mesos-slave or systemctl restart dcos-mesos-slave-public.

You can also set as the --docker_config JSON format. In the config.yaml file you can write YAML and it will automatically be mapped to the JSON format for you. This will store the Docker credentials in the same location as the DC/OS internal configuration (/opt/mesosphere). If you need to update or change the configuration, you will have to create a new DC/OS internal configuration.

You can use the following options to further configure the Docker credentials:

cluster_docker_credentials_dcos_owned This parameter specifies whether to store the credentials file in /opt/mesosphere or /etc/mesosphere/docker_credentials.

cluster_docker_credentials_dcos_owned: 'true' The credentials file is stored in /opt/mesosphere.

cluster_docker_credentials_write_to_etc This parameter specifies whether to write a cluster credentials file.

cluster_docker_credentials_write_to_etc: 'true' Do not write a credentials file. This can be useful if overwriting your credentials file will cause problems (e.g. if it is part of a machine image or AMI). This is the default value.

cluster_docker_credentials_write_to_etc: 'false' Write a credentials file.

cluster_docker_credentials_dcos_owned: 'false' The credentials file is stored in /etc/mesosphere/docker_credentials.

cluster_docker_credentials_enabled This parameter specifies whether to pass the Mesos --docker_config option to Mesos.

cluster_docker_credentials_enabled: 'true' Pass the Mesos --docker_config option to Mesos.

cluster_docker_credentials_enabled: 'false' Do not pass the Mesos --docker_config option to Mesos.

For more information, see the examples.


This parameter specifies a custom URL that Mesos uses to pull Docker images from. If set, it will configure the Mesos’ --docker_registry flag to the specified URL. This changes the default URL Mesos uses for pulling Docker images. By default https://registry-1.docker.io is used.


This parameter specifies the name of your cluster.


This parameter specifies the type of storage backend to use for Exhibitor. You can use internal DC/OS storage (static) or specify an external storage system (zookeeper, azure, and aws_s3) for configuring and orchestrating ZooKeeper with Exhibitor on the master nodes. Exhibitor automatically configures your ZooKeeper installation on the master nodes during your DC/OS installation.

exhibitor_storage_backend: static This option specifies that the Exhibitor storage backend is managed internally within your cluster.

exhibitor_storage_backend: zookeeper This option specifies a ZooKeeper instance for shared storage. If you use a ZooKeeper instance to bootstrap Exhibitor, this ZooKeeper instance must be separate from your DC/OS cluster. You must have at least 3 ZooKeeper instances running at all times for high availability. If you specify zookeeper, you must also specify these parameters.

exhibitor_zk_hosts This parameter specifies a comma-separated list (<ZK_IP>:<ZK_PORT>, <ZK_IP>:<ZK_PORT>, <ZK_IP:ZK_PORT>) of one or more ZooKeeper node IP and port addresses to use for configuring the internal Exhibitor instances. Exhibitor uses this ZooKeeper cluster to orchestrate it’s configuration. Multiple ZooKeeper instances are recommended for failover in production environments.

exhibitor_zk_path This parameter specifies the filepath that Exhibitor uses to store data.

exhibitor_storage_backend: aws_s3 This option specifies an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket for shared storage. If you specify aws_s3, you must also specify these parameters.

aws_access_key_id This parameter specifies AWS key ID.

aws_region This parameter specifies AWS region for your S3 bucket.

aws_secret_access_key This parameter specifies AWS secret access key.

exhibitor_explicit_keys This parameter specifies whether you are using AWS API keys to grant Exhibitor access to S3.

exhibitor_explicit_keys: 'true' If you’re using AWS API keys to manually grant Exhibitor access.

exhibitor_explicit_keys: 'false' If you’re using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to grant Exhibitor access to s3.

s3_bucket This parameter specifies name of your S3 bucket.

s3_prefix This parameter specifies S3 prefix to be used within your S3 bucket to be used by Exhibitor.

Tip: AWS EC2 Classic is not supported.

exhibitor_storage_backend: azure

This option specifies an Azure Storage Account for shared storage. The data will be stored under the container named dcos-exhibitor. If you specify azure, you must also specify these parameters:


This parameter specifies the Azure Storage Account Name.


This parameter specifies a secret key to access the Azure Storage Account.


This parameter specifies the blob prefix to be used within your Storage Account to be used by Exhibitor.


This required parameter specifies the Mesos master discovery method. The available options are static or master_http_loadbalancer.

master_discovery: static This option specifies that Mesos agents are used to discover the masters by giving each agent a static list of master IPs. The masters must not change IP addresses, and if a master is replaced, the new master must take the old master’s IP address. If you specify static, you must also specify this parameter:

master_list This required parameter specifies a list of your static master IP addresses as a YAML nested series (-).

master_discovery: master_http_loadbalancer This option specifies that the set of masters has an HTTP load balancer in front of them. The agent nodes will know the address of the load balancer. They use the load balancer to access Exhibitor on the masters to get the full list of master IPs. If you specify master_http_load_balancer, you must also specify these parameters:

exhibitor_address This required parameter specifies the location (preferably an IP address) of the load balancer in front of the masters. The load balancer must accept traffic on ports 8080, 5050, 80, and 443; and forward it to the same ports on the master (for example, 8080 on lb -> 8080 on one master, 5050 on lb -> 5050 on one master). The master should forward any new connections via round robin, and should avoid machines that do not respond to requests on port 5050 to ensure the master is up.

num_masters This parameter specifies the number of Mesos masters in your DC/OS cluster. If master_discovery: static, do not use the num_masters parameter.

Note: On platforms like AWS where internal IPs are allocated dynamically, you should not use a static master list. If a master instance were to terminate for any reason, it could lead to cluster instability.


This parameter specifies a YAML nested list (-) of IPv4 addresses to your public agent host names.


This parameter specifies the REX-Ray configuration method for enabling external persistent volumes in Marathon. REX-Ray is a storage orchestration engine. For more information, see the external persistent volumes documentation.

rexray_config_method: empty An empty REX-ray configuration. This is the default value.

aws A REX-Ray configuration that is set up for AWS EC2 (EBS) and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).

rexray_config_method: file Specify the path to a REX-Ray configuration file with rexray_config_filename.

rexray_config_filename The path of a REX-Ray configuration file. For example:

rexray_config_filename: genconf/rexray.yaml

Security and Authentication


This parameter specifies whether to allow web browsers to send the DC/OS authentication cookie through a non-HTTPS connection. Because the DC/OS authentication cookie allows access to the DC/OS cluster, it should be sent over an encrypted connection to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.

auth_cookie_secure_flag: false (default) Browsers will send the DC/OS authentication cookie through either an unencrypted HTTP connection or an encrypted HTTPS connection.

auth_cookie_secure_flag: true The authentication cookie set by DC/OS will contain the Secure flag, which instructs the browser to not send the cookie over unencrypted HTTP connections. This could cause authentication to fail under the following circumstances.

If the security mode is disabled.

If the security mode is permissive, the URL specifies HTTP, and the URL includes a path (e.g., http://cluster-url.com/path/).

There are proxies in between the browser and DC/OS.


This parameter sets the auth token time-to-live (TTL) for Identity and Access Management. You must specify the value in Python float syntax wrapped in a YAML string. By default the token expires after 5 days. For example, to set the token lifetime to half a day:


This parameter specifies the Enterprise DC/OS customer key. Customer keys are delivered via email to the Authorized Support Contact.

This key is a 128-bit hyphen-delimited hexadecimal identifier used to distinguish an individual cluster. The customer key serves as the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) for a given installation.

Customer keys look like this:


This parameter specifies your desired security mode. security: permissive is the default value. The following table provides a high-level view of what changes per setting.

security: disabled


Mesos resource authentication

Marathon resource authentication

Mesos master/agent permissions

Linux user






* HTTPS requests from outside of the cluster will be rejected because the Admin Router does not have a valid certificate.

security: permissive


Mesos resource authentication

Marathon resource authentication

Mesos master/agent permissions

Linux user






security: strict


Mesos resource authentication

Marathon resource authentication

Mesos master/agent permissions

Linux user






Important: In security: strict mode, only the Cassandra, HDFS, Kafka, Marathon, Marathon-LB, and Spark user services can be deployed and they require special configuration.

For more detailed discussion of the ramifications of each setting, see the following sections.

TLS/SSL encryption

Service Authentication

Mesos master and agent permissions

Configuring Linux users

Tip: You can determine which security mode your cluster is using by SSHing to your master and viewing the contents of opt/mesosphere/etc/bootstrap-config.json.


This parameter specifies the path to the installer uses to log into the target nodes. By default this is set to /genconf/ssh_key. This parameter should not be changed because /genconf is local to the container that is running the installer, and is a mounted volume.


This parameter specifies the port to SSH to, for example 22.


This parameter specifies the SSH username, for example centos.


This required parameter specifies the hashed superuser password. The superuser_password_hash is generated by using the installer --hash-password flag. For more information, see Identity and Access Management.


This required parameter specifies the Admin username. For more information, see Identity and Access Management.


This parameter specifies whether to enable sharing of anonymous data for your cluster.

telemetry_enabled: 'true' Enable anonymous data sharing. This is the default value.

telemetry_enabled: 'false' Disable anonymous data sharing.

If you’ve already installed your cluster and would like to disable this in-place, you can go through an upgrade with the same parameter set.


This parameter specifies a dictionary of packaging configuration to pass to the
DC/OS package manager. If set, the following options must be



This parameter specifies where to temporarily store DC/OS packages while they are being added.

The value must be a file URL, for example, file:///var/lib/dcos/cosmos/staged-packages


This parameter specifies where to permanently store DC/OS packages. The value must be a file URL,

for example, file:///var/lib/dcos/cosmos/packages


This parameter specifies the ZooKeeper superuser credentials. This protects access to Mesos, DC/OS Marathon, Identity and Access Management, Package service, and other cluster metadata. It is recommended that you specify a non-default value. For more information about ZooKeeper passwords, see the documentation.


This parameter specifies the ZooKeeper master credentials. This protects access to Mesos, DC/OS Marathon, Identity and Access Management, Package service, and other cluster metadata. It is recommended that you specify a non-default value. For more information about ZooKeeper passwords, see the documentation.


This parameter specifies the ZooKeeper agent credentials. This protects access to Mesos, DC/OS Marathon, Identity and Access Management, Package service, and other cluster metadata. It is recommended that you specify a non-default value. For more information about ZooKeeper passwords, see the documentation.



This parameter specifies whether to enable DC/OS virtual networks.

Important: Virtual networks require Docker 1.11. If you are using Docker 1.10 or earlier, you must specify dcos_overlay_enable: 'false'. For more information, see the system requirements.

dcos_overlay_enable: 'false' Do not enable the DC/OS virtual network.

dcos_overlay_enable: 'true' Enable the DC/OS virtual network. This is the default value. When the virtual network is enabled you can also specify the following parameters:

dcos_overlay_config_attempts This parameter specifies how many failed configuration attempts are allowed before the overlay configuration modules stop trying to configure an virtual network.

Tip: The failures might be related to a malfunctioning Docker daemon.

dcos_overlay_mtu This parameter specifies the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the Virtual Ethernet (vEth) on the containers that are launched on the overlay.

dcos_overlay_network This group of parameters define an virtual network for DC/OS. The default configuration of DC/OS provides an virtual network named dcos whose YAML configuration is as follows:

vtep_subnet This parameter specifies a dedicated address space that is used for the VxLAN backend for the virtual network. This address space should not be routeable from outside the agents or master.

vtep_mac_oui This parameter specifies the MAC address of the interface connecting to it in the public node.

Important: The last 3 bytes must be 00.


name This parameter specifies the canonical name (see limitations for constraints on naming virtual networks).

subnet This parameter specifies the subnet that is allocated to the virtual network.

prefix This parameter specifies the size of the subnet that is allocated to each agent and thus defines the number of agents on which the overlay can run. The size of the subnet is carved from the overlay subnet.

For more information see the example and documentation.


This parameter specifies a space-separated list of domains that are tried when an unqualified domain is entered (e.g. domain searches that do not contain ‘.’). The Linux implementation of /etc/resolv.conf restricts the maximum number of domains to 6 and the maximum number of characters the setting can have to 256. For more information, see man /etc/resolv.conf.

A search line with the specified contents is added to the /etc/resolv.conf file of every cluster host. search can do the same things as domain and is more extensible because multiple domains can be specified.

In this example, example.com has public website www.example.com and all of the hosts in the datacenter have fully qualified domain names that end with dc1.example.com. One of the hosts in your datacenter has the hostname foo.dc1.example.com. If dns_search is set to ‘dc1.example.com example.com’, then every DC/OS host which does a name lookup of foo will get the A record for foo.dc1.example.com. If a machine looks up www, first www.dc1.example.com would be checked, but it does not exist, so the search would try the next domain, lookup www.example.com, find an A record, and then return it.


This parameter specifies whether the master DNS port is open. An open master DNS port listens publicly on the masters. If you are upgrading, set this parameter to true.

'master_dns_bindall': 'true' The master DNS port is open. This is the default value.

'master_dns_bindall': 'false' The master DNS port is closed.


This required parameter specifies a YAML nested list (-) of DNS resolvers for your DC/OS cluster nodes. You can specify a maximum of 3 resolvers. Set this parameter to the most authoritative nameservers that you have. If you want to resolve internal hostnames, set it to a nameserver that can resolve them. If you have no internal hostnames to resolve, you can set this to a public nameserver like Google or AWS. In the example file above, the Google Public DNS IP addresses (IPv4) are specified ( and

Caution: If you set the resolvers parameter incorrectly, you will permanently damage your configuration and have to reinstall DC/OS.


This parameter specifies whether to enable the DC/OS proxy.

use_proxy: 'false' Do not configure DC/OS components to use a custom proxy. This is the default value.

use_proxy: 'true' Configure DC/OS components to use a custom proxy. If you specify use_proxy: 'true', you can also specify these parameters:
Important: The specified proxies must be resolvable from the provided list of resolvers.

http_proxy: <your_http_proxy> This parameter specifies the HTTP proxy.

https_proxy: <your_https_proxy> This parameter specifies the HTTPS proxy.

no_proxy: - <ip-address> This parameter specifies YAML nested list (-) of addresses to exclude from the proxy.

For more information, see the examples.

Important: You should also configure an HTTP proxy for Docker.

Performance and Tuning


This parameter specifies whether to check if Network Time Protocol (NTP) is enabled during DC/OS startup. It recommended that NTP is enabled for a production environment.

check_time: 'true' Check if NTP is enabled during startup. You will receive an error if this is not enabled. This is the default value.

check_time: 'false' Do not check if NTP is enabled during startup.


This parameter specifies the amount of time to wait before removing stale Docker images stored on the agent nodes and the Docker image generated by the installer. It is recommended that you accept the default value 1 hour.


This parameter specifies whether security decisions (authentication, authorization) are logged for Mesos, Marathon, and Jobs.

'dcos_audit_logging': 'true' Mesos, Marathon, and Jobs are logged. This is the default value.

'dcos_audit_logging': 'false' Mesos, Marathon, and Jobs are not logged.


This parameter specifies whether to run the docker-gc script, a simple Docker container and image garbage collection script, once every hour to clean up stray Docker containers. You can configure the runtime behavior by using the /etc/ config. For more information, see the documentation

enable_docker_gc: 'true' Run the docker-gc scripts once every hour. This is the default value for cloud template installations.

enable_docker_gc: 'false' Do not run the docker-gc scripts once every hour. This is the default value for custom installations.


This parameter specifies the maximum amount of time to wait before cleaning up the executor directories. It is recommended that you accept the default value of 2 days.


This parameter specifies the path to the installer host logs from the SSH processes. By default this is set to /genconf/logs. In most cases this should not be changed because /genconf is local to the container that is running the installer, and is a mounted volume.


This parameter specifies the allowable amount of time, in seconds, for an action to begin after the process forks. This parameter is not the complete process time. The default value is 120 seconds.

Tip: If have a slower network environment, consider changing to process_timeout: 600.

Example Configurations

DC/OS cluster with three masters, five private agents, and Exhibitor/ZooKeeper managed internally.

DC/OS cluster with three masters, an Exhibitor/ZooKeeper backed by an AWS S3 bucket, AWS DNS, five private agents, and one public agent node

DC/OS cluster with three masters, an Exhibitor/ZooKeeper backed by ZooKeeper, master_http_loadbalancer master discovery, one public agent node, 5 private agents, and Google DNS

DC/OS cluster with three masters, an Exhibitor/ZooKeeper managed internally, two DC/OS virtual networks, two private agents, and Google DNS

DC/OS cluster with three masters, an Exhibitor/ZooKeeper managed internally, a custom HTTP proxy, two private agents, and Google DNS

DC/OS cluster with three masters, an Exhibitor/ZooKeeper managed internally, custom Docker credentials, two private agents, and Google DNS

DC/OS cluster with one master, an Exhibitor/ZooKeeper managed internally, three private agents, Google DNS, and the package manager (Cosmos) configured with persistent storage.

The post Configuration parameters appeared first on Mesosphere DC/OS Documentation.

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