
As a UX Developer I specialize in HTML/CSS so a CSS developer conference could not have been any more perfect. Three DockYarders, including myself, had the opportunity to go to CSS Dev Conf last week aboard the Queen Mary in LA.

The talks went beyond my expectations and I learned something different at each one. Even with new content being presented it was good to see that the tools and opinions of the speakers were all aligned with how we structure HTML/CSS at DockYard.

The most interesting event at the conference was the open question session at the end of day 2. All the speakers got on stage at once and the audience could go to a microphone in the middle of the room and ask the group any question that came to mind. There were some great insights shared about what CSS developers should expect to see from the job market and what the future of CSS will look like.

The Queen Mary was amazing to stay on throughout the conference and I have to give a shoutout to left shark, right shark and the giant octopus at the after party. Could not have asked for a better venue. Who wouldn't want to go to a conference on a boat?!

Here are my takeways from the conference!

Keynote Sara Soueidan

Twitter: @SaraSoueidan

Slides: SVG For Web Designers (and Developers)

Use SVGs for everything possible and provide fallbacks for browsers that need it

Keep in mind you need to look at performance, don’t choose SVGs over performance

SVG for…

Icon systems

Add banners


Data visualizations

Animated illustrations

Filter effects

Simple UI shapes


CSS Spec custom add SVGs rules coming soon

Designing SVGs

Every design decision that is made while designing an SVG affects development

Developers and Designers need early communication and have some give and take to make both their lives simpler


Outline text that has been changed into vectors are not selectable

Outline text preserves font-face

Use simple shapes over a <path>

easy to maintain

Simplify your paths when you use them with simplify path tool in Illustrator

Only combine paths if you don’t need sections to be separate for animation or coloring

Use organized naming/layer conventions in your SVG code

Designers should use SVGs filters that are available in Illustrator effects section

Always keep width and height attributes on the <svg>

Great for fallback


Most popular tool is SVGO but will change the structure of the SVG, also can break your SVGs :( so use the GUI version with custom options

Optimizing your SVG can cut your files size by half

Illustrator in the future will have optimize options

Sketch has no options yet :(


<symbol> and <use>

Multiple <symbol> elements being combined into one SVG, always include <title> and description for accessibility

This technique puts the SVGs code in a shadow DOM that is difficult to style

You can leak styles in with CSS variables var(--prime-color)

Use SVGs viewbox to create a view window that only shows a portion of the SVGs file. Also known as the sprite technique

Place your SVG files into the CSS as background-images

support back to IE6

Use CSS only for simple animations

Use JS for complex animations

SVG over icon fonts

Infinite scale and easy styling

Browser content blockers will block fonts and not SVGs

Tools for switching from icon-fonts to SVG are out there.

Greensock animation library is a go-to

<object> is most flexible embedding technique for SVG

Cracking the SVG Code: Brenda Storer

Twitter: @brendamarienyc

Slides: Cracking the SVG Code

Queen Mary is in the top 10 most haunted places in the world. Over 150 spirits on the boat

Whats inside a SVG? XML!

It's like HTML but for digital drawings instead of content

SVG 1.0 became recommended in 2001 by W3C

SVG 2.0 maybe in 2018 :)

viewBox defaults to px if no value is given

viewBox="0 0 100 100" start x start y end x end y

For inline SVG remove all unneeded markup that is inserted by Illustrator

<g> is the <div> of SVGs

Stroke = CSS border and fill = CSS background-color

GO Shapes! <rect>, <circle>, <ellipse>, <line>, <polyline>, <polygon>

In Illustrator you can select what you want to be a SVG and then shorthand copy it, then paste in your text editor

This also starts your viewBox at 0 0 !!!

Transforms on SVG is not 100% supported with your .css file but if you include the transform inline style its 100% supported

Checkout SVG Compressed book online

Creative Typography with SVG: Brenna O’Brien

Twitter: @brnnbrn

Slides: Creative Typography With SVG

VREAM - viewBox Rules Everything Around Me

SVG easy to manipulate with CSS and JS

Text becomes completely responsive when inside a SVG

Go on a code adventure with SVG you will find new things

SVG has a <text> element

<text> is accessible!

Inherits font-family from <body>

Use fill to change color

y="0"is not good, use y=“1em”

font-size="80" is 80px


similar to <span>

use x and y for positioning

Curved text

use <textPath> and then link it to a <path> that is inside your <defs> with a xlink:href="pathName"

Gradients on text

<linearGradient> in your <defs>

In your fill on the <text> use fill=“url(#grad)”

Images on text

Can put your <image> inside a <pattern> under your <defs> and apply the pattern to the fill on your <text>

You can also fill text with gifs :)

Knockout text

Place your <text> in a <mask> and then apply the mask to your element you want the text to be in as mask="url(#knockoutText)"

Self Typing Text

Use <animate> as a child of what element is being animated with from and to with a duration

Morph Text Glyphs

Convert your text to paths with Illustrator outlines

Self drawing text

stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset are used to “hack” this effect

Designing Complex SVG Animations: Sarah Drasner

Twitter: @sarah_edo

Slides: Designing Complex SVG Animations

Why make complex animations?

powerful to convey meaning

fun :)

Animation should be designed and not an afterthought or it will look like sugar on top animations

One size does not fit all, look at your website and limitations

Checkout Val Head’s “All the Right Moves”

When designing complex animations try to design everything first and then apply the animations

Ugly storyboards save you time (even if ther're ugly)!

SVG has less HTTP requests

Optimize your SVGs!

But don’t overdo the amount of animations you include on your website, simplicity is key

UI/UX Animation

This is used to enhance the information on the page


This removes the breakpoints of information being loaded on the page

Use animation to fill time while loading to keep the users mind at ease

Provide clear focus on what the user should be reading or looking at


Questions to ask


toggle on/off?

Easing structures

User flow

Easing can contribute to your branding

You can convey emotion with how you animate elements

Animation branding guidelines make communication down the line easy

Animation performance

Test everything yourself

People expect everything to be faster on the web

SVG sprites complex to simple

Design your three steps for desktop, tablet, and mobile

Combine elements where you can so you have less SVGs elements you need to hide when going between views

Use animation media queries

viewBox shift with JS

provide fallbacks

Complex animations

Use JS to make this easy

Use Greensock

If you need more then 2-3 chained events in your animation its a good idea to use JS

Relative color tweening

Example: shifting from day to night scenes

Motion along a path is important for realism

Responsive animations should be made with thought as you place the elements in DOM

Design + Animation + Data

Combining these things can bring back the success of static infographics used to have

We can make them responsive and interactive with SVG

Add accessibility with <title> tags

Go CodePen! Easy to learn new things when you can dive into other peoples code

The Dark Arts of Light Speed: Henri Helvetica

Twitter: @HenriHelvetica

Web performance = speed

Font-end development suffers from the embarrassment of riches

57% of visiters will abandon a page after 3 seconds of not loading

User experience metrics over network-based metrics

Need a culture based on building apps for performance

Placing defer in your <script> tag will download JS at the same time as HTML but execute JS at the end of the HTML loading

async will download JS and load HTML at the same time but pause the loading of HTML when the JS download finishes to execute it

Don’t send larger images to mobile when you don’t have to, it waists bandwidth on phones

<srcset> <picture> you can use media queries inside them to load images for specific VW

Reduce the number of HTTP requests with combining .css files into one and .js files into one

No Pain No Gain: Stacy Kvernmo

Twitter: @funstacy

Slides: No Pain No Gain

Build a culture of code review in your workplace

Catch bugs

Increase familiarity of the project with your team

Education! communication with your team on why you did what you did will tach you to explain things simply

Review the compiled code when you use pre-processors

Contributing to open source is great and try to repay the contributor somehow

Stay positive during code reviews

Avoid absolute terms when commenting




Ask questions about why the person coded a certain way

Document the issues you find

Document your code with comments

A pull request should say what you did very clearly

What to review

Follow standards

Is the code easy to understand

Don’t need to nest everything, don’t go as far as 3-4 levels deep


Using correct vendor prefixes?

Keynote Jina Bolton

Twitter: @jina

Slides: Designing a Design System

Communication between Designers and Developers is important

designing systems rather then pages

style guides should be living and constantly updated


Don’t make things until you need it







Keynote Val Head

Twitter: @vlh

Slides: Designing Meaningful Animation

With new tools we have the ability to make accessible responsive and beautiful animations for the web!

Using motion in our design language is important

When you have motion across all platforms it provides a more recognizable interface for the user

Be subtle with movements, a little will go a long way

CSS Architecture: Jonathan Snook

Twitter: @snookca

Slides: Coming soon

Build modular systems


Don’t write multiple of the same rule for one element

Future we can us all: inherit on an element to ignore all inherited styles

Element queries can be used but you need JS to accomplish this

Design has a cost on the web just like it does in print

Every peace of design ends up in code

You can use emojis as class names :P

Categorization of styles






Naming conventions

Use them!



The goal is to isolate an element from everything else on the page

Create Standards For Your CSS

Without standards and code reviewing, CSS will get out of control

Styleguides.io is a great resource


Web components

Composable UIs


Bower Power! Supercharging Front-End Manageability: Eric Carlisle

Twitter: @eric_carlisle

Slides: Bower Power! Supercharging Front-End Manageability

Keep It Stunningly Simple (KISS)

You get a happy team

Better products, process, reduce cost

Don’t be afraid to use npm and bower

Bower keeps it simple

Maintains a dependency manifest

Fetches them when you need it

Tracks dependencies

Integrates with everything

You need

Node.js Javascript runtime

npm, Node.js package manager

git, version control

Starting the awesome

npm install -g bower

bower init

Installing dependencies

bower install dependenciesName

add a --save after install to save that dependency for the project

add a --save-dev after install to save that dependency for development or debugging

Add bower_components to .gitignore!!

Fight the Zombie Pattern Library: Marcelo Somers

Twitter: @marcelosomers

Slides: Fight the Zombie Pattern Library

“How do you keep building interfaces knowing thats what the world is like”

Pattern library accelerate both the design process and development process

Photoshop has libraries that you can make/use in multiple files/projects

You can do this in teams also

Traditional handoff between designers and developers is broken

Use pattern libraries as the connection between the groups

Libraries eliminate waste

This reduces tweaking static comps to make one small change but rather make one change to an item in a library

You want an automated library or a team managing your libraries

Get started today

Take an inventory

Take documentation

Base styles


Page templates

Focus on standardizing what you find

Define CSS standards

Refactor to perfection

Namespace the CSS

Don’t forget about JavaScript applying classes

Govern your library

Open source culture


Pattern Library Tools

Writing CSS documentation with KSS

will auto document comments in your .css file

Pattern lab on GitHub

The better way


what it does

Build your static site

Increment your version

Create a new commit

Tag the commit

Lets you share the code to multiple applications

Keeps versions of the design

Start new project with npm init and git init

Install npm install --save-dev pattern-pack

Start with grunt patternpack run

Create your first patter with a .md and .css file

.md is the documentation for the equivalent css file

Use semantic versioning for your pattern pack

Publish your patternpack

grunt pattern pack:release

git push —follow-tags

Web Components and the Future of Modular CSS: Philip Walton

Twitter: @philwalton

Slides: Web Components And the future of Modular CSS

Good news is that web components were primarily a google effort but not all vendors are on board but could be available sometime in 2016

Your selectors are the biggest determining factor in how scalable your code is

Whats changed?

Multiple shadow roots have gone away

createShadowRoot() is now attachShadow(mode)

CSS is hard

Manage global names

Scoping/isolating styles

Specificity conflicts

Unpredictable matching

Managing styles dependencies

Removing unused code

What is CSS missing

Scope or isolate styles to a particular set of DOM nodes

Ability to abstract away implementation details

Goooo Web components! They do this

You don’t want to have to depend on tools that everyone has to learn

No ecosystems

The Anatomy of a Web Component

Elements in a shadow DOM

Its a subtree of a DOM node that can’t be styled by CSS

Shadow nodes are private

Custom elements

HTMl imports

The template element

Keynote Dave Rupert

Twitter: @davatron5000

Slides: The Art Of Being Wrong

Woot Shop Talk show plug

Working on godaytrip.com

Remove the must do’s and “facts” from statements online on twitter or medium

what you think you know about dinosaurs is WRONG!

Be afraid of the Donald Trump effect where you believe bullshit if it is said loud and long enough

Don’t spell Sass or SASS wrong or the internet will bring the pitchforks, aka people should not fight about every little thing on the web

You don’t have to be right all the time and you don’t have to correct people on everything all the time

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