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The Latest Technology + 21 Hours of Training -- Start Learning, Coding & Creating Projects with This Tiny Computer Expires May 16, 2017 23:59 PST Buy now and get 55% off Raspberry Pi 3 KEY FEATURES Raspberry Pi is a compact computer developed...
QRZ Forums - Amateur Radio News /////////////////////////////////////////// QSO Today Podcast - Ep 29 - Ward Silver - N0AX Posted: 15 Feb 2015 10:44 PM PST http://forums.qrz.com/showthread.php...X&goto=newpost Ward Silver, N0AX, author of the...
At the end of each calendar year, I like to summarize some of the most significant developments in the software development industry that happened during the year that is ending. The choice of these is entirely subjective and obviously colored by my...
This October’s multi-Google-device launch brought us a better glimpse at the now-released Google Assistant, arguably the most talked-about Google project of the year. Months later and with the release of the Pixels and Google Home, discussion on Google...
This was our last between season 96Boards OpenHours where we will have the entire hour to ask questions. Beginning in our next OpenHours we will be kicking off the new season starting with an exciting three part series and a chance to win one of several...
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For all discussion about RedBear products
[Solved] BLENano SPI library and pins - BLE Nano 1 (nRF51822) - Discussion Forums
Im trying to communicate with a MCP4142 (Microchip Reostat) I have tried both SPI_Master and SPI library and have no success with the BLENano. Using a Arduino Nano will work with SPI. So is there a ...
DUO and powerbank - RedBear Duo - Discussion Forums
Hi all, I recently got twelve 5000 mA/h powerbanks on Amazon, since I wanted to arrange for auto powered duos for demo purposes. What's bad is that these chargers are way too much clever (or a b...
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