
Originally posted on uday Here:

I have been very eager to work on Appium from the day I heard the release from Sauce labs. I believe this is the first tool/plugin which supports the hybrid app automation. Finally I got a chance to spend some time on this tool.

It is very easy to automate both android apps and mobile web by using appium. Please find the below steps which I followed.

Prerequisite :

Eclipse IDE or any IDE.

Selenium jars

Appium driver, which is downloadable from http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=io/appium/java-client/2.1.0/java-client-2.1.0.jar

TestNG(plugin  easy controlling of test scripts)

Appium software ( I have tried in Windows 32 machine and the software can be downloadable from https://bitbucket.org/appium/appium.app/downloads/)

Steps for Mobile Web:

Create a Java project in Eclipse.

Add the required jar files in lib folder.

Write the source code as below for Mobile Web-Android.

Now open the appium.exe file from the Appium Home Path.

Select the Start Button. Now the Appium…

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