
I decided to give a new direction to this website. I don’t want to focus only on the newest editorials, campaigns etc, but I also want to share “old” stories and other images that I love. No matter if they’re “old” or the newest ones. I just want to share things I like, and this is certainly the case of this editorial, lensed by photographer Syed Munawir for the September 2014 edition of Elle Men Hong Kong. Model Mats van Snippenberg is the protagonist of the outdoor fashion story, hitting the streets of Paris in a luxurious wardrobe, pulled together by stylist Andrea de Saint Andrieu, where prestigious menswear labels, like Dior Homme and Givenchy define an aesthetic with a fashionable and multifaceted allure.

Model: Mats van Snippenberg
Photographer: Syed Munawir
Stylist: Andrea de Saint Andrieu
Magazine: Elle Men Hong Kong

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