As a part of my own job search I read a lot of articles about things like networking, cover letters, resumes, interviews, etc. One thing I try to do to help others in the same boat is by aggregating these into my on-going series of “Article Aggregate” posts. For reference, I post one of these about every 5-7 days.
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David Hunt, PE
In shameless self-promotion mode, I’m going to start putting links to the last two Original Essays I’ve published here at the top. Reverse-chronological order. These will, of course, change as I publish new ones.
Resume Ruminations
** I’ve seen a lot of pieces of advice on resumes: e.g., general formatting, key words, and so on, and I’ve got a RESUME section, below, too. But here are some tidbits I think are relevant, but haven’t seen most of them elsewhere.
Peeing in the Candidate Reservoir
** The treatment of candidates by the majority of companies is a sore point, not only with me but with many others. What’s interesting to me is that this treatment is now getting some serious attention with multiple recruiting industry people writing about it. Here I collect and quote from several articles, and then opine at the end.
5 Good Reasons to Schedule Informational Interviews
** But don’t call them “informational interviews”; interview is such a loaded term it can scare otherwise-willing contacts. I prefer the term “networking/informational conversation“.
How to Market Yourself for Opportunities That Feel Like a Stretch
** Transferrable skills, baby!
Don’t make this major job search mistake
** The short version: don’t do anything job-search related from work using an employer’s resources. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.
10 Follow Up Steps After The Interview: Strategies To Help You Get The Offer
** Excellent.
Why You Should Reach Out and Touch Someone
** An important psychological tidbit… but potentially a bit creepy in a job search setting.
6 Steps To Asking For A Reference
** And don’t let the only time they hear from you be when you need them.
How To Get People To Like You: 7 Ways From An FBI Behavior Expert
** Now this is really interesting! The book mentioned is:
It’s Not All About Me: The Top Ten Techniques for Building Quick Rapport with Anyone
** I think I need this book; note that a little of the advice in this article contradicts another book I’ve read and recommend:
How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less
What Every Job-Seeker Needs to Know About Selling
** Looking for work? You are in marketing and sales, regardless of the position you actually seek.
10 Most Influential Languages In The World – Which Languages Will Make You Most Employable?
** Not as easy as it sounds, but doubtless kudos for the effort. And FYI, while I do not claim to be a linguistic expert, but… for native English speakers, a few observations from my own experience. 1) I took Japanese for a year; the hardest part was the fact that the grammar structure is totally alien, as are the multiple layers of politeness. The lack of spaces in the written language can be a parsing issue. 2) Russian: I’ve picked up a little; at issue is pronunciation – a lot of consonants in a row (took me two years to say “Zdravstvoitie” – hello – correctly, and I only recently mastered “gruibuie” – mushroom). 3) Chinese (Mandarin): Very sensitive to inflection/intonation. 4) Hebrew, which I need to get going on for my children’s sake, has sounds an English-only tongue isn’t accustomed to. The lack of vowels in adult-level print is also a barrier.
How to Look For a Job If It’s Been 10+ Years Since You’ve Had To
** It’s a whole new world.
7 mistakes that make your professional resume – and you – look old
** General, but good.
Choosing the right candidate for the job ?
** OK, applies to everyone, but in particular – how can you, as a “seasoned” person, leverage this?
The Best Advice For A Career Change
** Important if you’re looking at a change.
Futurists Insights Series – Janine Truitt
** Video. Leverage your years of perspective to anticipate what’s coming – and get in front of the pack.
The Top 8 Networking Boo-Boos
** All good. I’d add “#9: Give value back.”
How to Handle Job Networking
** Proactively help people; the time to dig your well is not when you’re thirsty.
The Power of a Referral
** Referrals work because the person doing the referring understands their reputation is being put on the line… as does the person receiving it. Thus, they take care to refer people whom they know and believe are a good match.
Follow The 80/20 Rule To Not Be An Annoying Networker
** Quote: “In a nutshell: At any given networking event, spend 80% of your conversations focusing on whomever you’re talking to—and only 20% on self-promotion.” Yup.
Networking Basics: 8 Tips to Networking Without Being Fake (video)
** Seven minute video; entertaining and good coverage. (Note, a possibly NSFW word or so, depending on how easily you or others around you take offense.)
Holiday Networking: Business Parties
** Applies anytime, actually.
3 Questions To Building Effective Relationships–interview-advice/4927/3-questions-to-building-effective-relationships
** Good questions to examine what you do.
Your generic cover letter, as experienced by a hiring manager.
** Heh. Clever.
Are Cover Letters a Waste of Time?
** No. Especially if you’re writing to a person.
How to Differentiate Your Cover Letter from Your Resume
** I say it again – a cover letter’s goal is to entice someone to read your resume.
3 Cover Letter Tips That Guarantee an Interview
** Enticement to read further.
Infographic: Cover Letter Must-Haves–interview-advice/4810/infographic-cover-letter-must-haves
** Definitely, don’t be generic.
How to Manage Résumé Challenges
** IMHO the best way to deal with “elephants in the room” is to proactively address them. This way you control when it comes up, and by giving 80% of the information, you may satisfy the question without being in a digging-your-own-grave-explaining scenario.
Capture Employer Interest: Make Your Tech Skills “POP” on Your Resume
** Good, but a lot of this requires that you get your resume to a person.
How to Create and Use an Infographic Resume
** Intriguing, but seems a little gimmicky IMHO.
7 Strategies To Get More Recruiters To Read Your Resume
** Basics.
5 Things People Reading Your Resume Wish You Knew
** I disagree with one thing: if you network well, you’re getting to the hiring manager without passing through HR. But in general, yes, HR is the gatekeeper.
Top Thing Most People Forget To Include On Their Resume
** Hey, sounds familiar!
4 Consequences of Lying in a Job Interview
** Plus, you have to remember what you lied about, to whom you lied, and so on. IMHO, not worth it.
Don’t Ask These Questions During An Interview
** The First Rule: Don’t screw up.
Dress For Interview Success
** While corporate cultures vary, IMHO it’s better to be overdressed and, for example, take off your tie and jacket, than the other way. And dressing up shows respect. My essay on dressing up:
Fit to be Tied
Given the achievements on your resume, why is your salary so low? (Job interview question)
** Interesting question; and some thoughts on why they’re asking. Another question that I’ve never been asked, but is one for which you should prepare:
What seems least attractive about this position?–what-seems-least-attractive-about-this-position
** I’ve certainly been asked “What attracts you about this job?”. This is an interesting twist.
How does hostage negotiation get people to change their minds?
** Some of these could, doubtless, be very useful in an interview!
What do you do in your spare time?
** Same thing as always. Plan how to take over the world. ;)
Job Interview Infographics
** Lots of info here.
What’s Your ONE Word?–interview-advice/4844/whats-your-one-word
** This sounds like yet another “gimmick” question.
How To Develop A Strong Network On LinkedIn
** A smaller, but stronger, network is better. Something I need to work on too.
5 Tips on Using Social Media to Build Your Personal Brand
** I find the last point interesting. Specifically, show your personality but you dare not offend anyone. In other words, welcome to the “New Puritanism”. A related one:
15 Social Media Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Career
** So have a profile, but not too much. You can be forgiven, but only for an unspecified finite number of offenses. I’m not advocating being outrageous, but to stay on the “right side of the line” people will be overly-cautious… destroying the utility of SM as a way to investigate personalities. Just as I had foreseen:
Social Media Vetting: Proposed Standards (Long)
10 Writing Tips for Great Social Media Posts
** Interesting. Though if too long people can get tired as you build to the point.
Fixing These Mistakes Tripled My Phone Interview Success Rate
** I definitely endorse the idea of waiting for a heartbeat or two to be sure the other person has stopped speaking. Without visual cues, it’s hard to be sure they’re really stopped or taking a breath.
9 Ways To Make The Wrong Impression On Your First Day
** Important once you land.
Being ‘Pleasantly Persistent’!
** There’s a fine, fine line between persistent and pest.
8 Survival Tips For The Laid Off And Looking
** Good basics.
7 Places You Should Be Looking for Work (That Aren’t Job Boards)
** Following companies can be a good idea.
DO NOT WRITE that Thank You Note
** Differentiate yourself. Gratitude and added value.
10 Twitter Accounts Every Job Seeker Should Follow
** Interestingly, I already follow most of them!
People think sleeping with your boss can boost your career…but it’s still a really bad idea
** I saw an infographic that – among many other things – talked about candidates sleeping with the hiring managers; IIRC I posted a link to it too in a prior aggregate. Never, ever a good idea! What was interesting to me, though, was that the percentage of those being asked for (ahem) “favors” by the hiring manager was about the same as the percentage of candidates who admitted doing so.
When Applicants Warp Your Bell Curve
** Can you reverse engineer some of what’s here to help you if the company where you’re applying uses these tests?
A manager’s toughest decision: Which candidate makes the best hire?
** What’s going through their mind?
The Art of Interviewing and How to Avoid Interview Seduction
** Insights into the other side’s play book.
How Do Employers Find Their Ideal Candidate?
** What are they thinking?
The Exact Words to Use When Negotiating Salary
** Interesting, but I’m not quite sure it’s that simple. But that’s MHO. Playing “strong and silent” does sound intriguing.
Negotiating Salary From the Employer’s Point of View
** How can you use these insights when it’s time for you to talk turkey?
Do You Know How to Negotiate for Your Compensation?
** No matter how many of these I see, it’s still a black art.
How to answer the question ‘What’s Your Salary Requirement?
** In this market, you can’t get away with being too evasive. I remember in a video-taped interview exercise, one of the people in the group refused to give an answer. As an observer waiting for my turn, her absolute refusal to name any kind of number was off-putting. In this economy, with employers looking for reasons to rule you out, can you afford to dance this dance?