
Dear Ask Darwin’s,

Will a high protein diet cause kidney damage for my dog, Dougal?

Thank You,

Thomas/Fort Collins, CO

Dear Thomas,

While protein is the building blocks of Dougal’s body – amino acids = high protein is good and needed, poor protein may cause high amounts of waste that can be tough on the kidneys.

There are some foods high in protein that are not species-appropriate for dogs and cats. Soy is perfect example. Unfortunately, certain popular pet foods include soy as well as corn – mainly because it’s an inexpensive way for pet food manufacturers to claim they have guaranteed amount of protein printed on their label.

Expecting your dog’s liver and kidneys to process low-quality, indigestible protein over a long period of time is why “protein” in pet food is prompting questions like yours.

Poor proteins include:

* Plant bases proteins

* Meal proteins

* By-product proteins

The good news is the quality of pet food has increased dramatically in the last 30 to 40 years.

And in 1992 Dr. Delmar Finco, a veterinary nutritionist, discovered protein requirements actually increase as pets age. Even in animals with kidney failure, restricting protein didn’t improve their health or longevity.

Quality proteins include:

* Single meat source

* Meat source as the first ingredient

* Whole foods

* Real meat

* Animal-based protein

These foods are biologically appropriate. All the moisture in the food remains in the food.

If you noticed your dog seems to be drinking a lot of water to re-hydrate their bodies, it may be because you are feeding dehydrated food. This situation can stress organs that are congenitally defective or are experiencing age-related changes.

Feeding Dougal pet food in its natural state will provide needed moisture, and to insure the highest level of digestion. In other words, give Dougal what his body needs. Please check out our resource page on high protein dog food for more information.

I have been a member of the Darwin’s team since 2009. My passion and growing expertise ranges from being a source authority on Menu Consultations to educating the public at acclaimed events such as The Seattle Kennel, Pet Expo and The Northwest Women’s Show.

Openly believe in all things “green” (except teeth). Love crafting words that make people think and painting dogs and cats. Check out my watercolors at www.artisantails.com or on FB. Passionate about  amazing individuals who really are working to cure breast cancer and, of course, sushi. Also the mother of two amazing canines and, in spite of Lucy Van Pelt’s objections, I let my dogs kiss me on the mouth.

The post High Protein Diet for Dogs – facts vs fiction appeared first on Darwin's Pet.

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