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“For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you” - (Matthew 6:14). Thoughts for Today The first of the seven statements Jesus spoke from the cross is crucial to God’s eternal plan of salvation. Most of...
"He filled the unforgiving minute with 60 seconds worth of distance run" Peter succumed to cancer a year ago tonight, aged just 27. It shouldn't have happened. He was wise beyond his years. He gave back far far more than he took out. Tuesday, 7 February...
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE We come now to that point in all our lives that none of us long for, the actual act of dying. I’ve heard many people say they hope they die in their sleep and don’t have to suffer when they die....
Matthew 12:31-50 There is a lot of attention paid to the Holy Family, especially at Christmas, and rightfully so. Mary, in particular, gets an extra measure of devotion from both Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians. And so today I want to talk...
In a follow up from our previous post - The Big List of the Best Bible Apps - here is a list of some of the more popular and useful prayer apps out on the market. Using these apps will encourage and remind you to pray for the many prayer requests that...
Be Vigilant In Your Spiritual Walk - Thursday's Dose - 12th March 2015 ~ Daily Devotionals
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Christ's Unconditional Love - Wednesday's Dose - 11th February 2015 ~ Daily Devotionals
Wednesday's Dose - 11th February 2015 Christ's Unconditional Love Today's Scripture “For the message of the cross is foolishne...
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