We see many credit union marketing plans that are failing to account for important recent shifts in consumer behavior. Don’t make these 4 marketing mistakes at your financial institution:
1) Speaking Through the Wrong Channels
As many of us know, the daily life of the average person has drastically changed in the past decade. Why are so many marketers stuck in the old way of marketing? People spend so much time on their mobile devices and online, your credit union needs to take advantage of this! If the only time you’re reaching members in this new world is through email or traditional ad placements, you’re missing out on a lot of invaluable touch points!
Having fully optimized social media platforms and a mobile responsive website is just as valuable as having a spiffy new branch located on a busy intersection. People use the internet to find information and solve problems in the comfort of their own homes. In other words, YOU need to go to your members/potential members, they are no longer coming to you before they make a decision!
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