
Open season is upon us!  For anyone participating, please make sure you register for the open ASAP so we know how many we can expect for Open WOD 17.1!  If you’re on the fence about signing up, please note that you can register up to the submission deadline on Monday (8pm) once you’ve completed the first WOD.  For any information on the Open and to register, please visit the CrossFit Games website: https://games.crossfit.com/

Schedule Change Throughout the Open

For the 5 weeks of the CF Games Open, there will be NO organized 545PM Class on Fridays (anyone in the gym is still welcome to come and work out with the open competitors during this time!).  We will be doing the main judged time for the Open workouts starting at 6pm on Fridays this year.  For anyone competing who cannot make it to the gym on Friday evenings, we will have optional times on the weekends to make up the open workout.  More information on those times will be in an email to competitors this week, but if you have any immediate questions please email Scott.  If you don’t plan to submit scores for the open but still want to get involved in the workouts on Friday nights, you are more than welcome to join!  It will be a fun, high energy environment, so the more the merrier.  You can also just come and cheer on your fellow members as they take on the open workouts.

When to Rest, Etc.

For anyone competing in the open on Friday evenings, we highly recommend that you take Thursday off or come in and do “active recovery” work instead.  Active recovery work could involve 20 minutes of easy rowing or biking plus some mobility, or even a ~20 minute EMOM involving easy movements that just get you moving and get your heart rate up a little bit (for example:  Alternating EMOM for 5 total sets of each: 1′ – Row 10-15 cals, 2′ – Air Squat x 15, 3′ – Burpee x 10-15, 4′ – Hollow Rock x 15-20). The goal is to just sweat a little bit, get your heart rate up a little, and move!  It is your responsibility to come in and do active recovery work on your own, and please use the coaches for advice on this and/or mobility work.  Modify based on how you feel, or take a full day of rest instead if you are feeling beat up.

To Reiterate:

We are doing our main Open Competition time at 6pm on Fridays throughout the open. This means we will be aiming to start the first heat close to 6pm, so you can come in any time after 4pm to warm up and get ready. There is no normally scheduled 545PM class throughout the open, but anyone in the gym is welcome to come and work out at 6 even if you’re not doing the open!  We’ll have sheets laid out where you can sign up for a heat to do the workout and judge someone else. Like in past years, there will be a couple of other times available to complete the open workout with a judge during the submission period.  The workouts are released on Thursday at 8pm, and you have until Monday at 8pm to complete the workout with a judge in our gym and submit your score.

UPDATED INFO: The open workouts are released late on Thursday, and we will be programming the open workouts for Friday as the daily WOD!  So, even if you are not planning to compete in the open you’ll still get a chance to do the workout. Keep in mind, if you are signed up for the open you must have a judge, which is why we have our organized workout time set up : )

Hope to see many of you at the announcement of Open WOD 17.1 this Thursday at 8pm!



Turkish Getup, 5 Continuous Reps every 2 Minutes for 6 sets (i.e. 15/arm, 30 total).

Notes: At 0:00, do 5 on one side, rest for the remainder of the 2 minute block, then at 2:00 do 5 on the other side, and so on.  Start light, and only move up in weight if you feel comfortable with the movement and can get 5 reps done in a minute or less.


Level 1

5 Rounds for Time of:

Hang Power Clean (75/35) x 6

Burpee Box Step Up x 6

Run x 100m (or Row x 150m)

Level 2

5 Rounds for Time of:

Hang Power Clean (155/105) x 6

Burpee Box Jump (24/20) x 6

Run x 200m (or Row x 250m)



Minute 1: Row x 10-15 Cals

Minute 2: Burpee x 10-15

Minute 3: Air Squat x 10-15

Minute 4: Hollow Rock x 10-20

Notes: Row shouldn’t be longer than 45 seconds at moderate pace. Burpees should not be more than 35-40 seconds of work, and air squats and hollow rocks shouldn’t be more than 30 seconds of work.  Scale appropriately so that this is a moderate effort.  If you’d rather do something else, do the TGU’s for today and then hop on the rower for an easy 10 minutes, and add in an easy 10 minute jog.

Spend time mobilizing afterwards. Eat plenty of food tonight, and make sure you get good rest Thursday night so you can hit the open workout hard on Friday.

Other Things Coming Up:

February 23, 8PM: Open WOD 17.1 Announcement

February 25, 12:00pm: Yoga at the gym! – Time has changed a few times, but this is final (will be a 30 minute mobility session).

REMINDER TO JOIN OUR FACEBOOK MEMBERS GROUP!  You can request to join here: CrossFit Charlottesville Members

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