Vanderhoof Photography is a one-person mobile business.
I have no home office. I am and always have been a Lone Wolf.
I am international traveling, and a Jack-of-ALL-TRADES. I don’t expect to ever return to the USA, for any reason.
I do photography, in a variety of styles, photojournalism, product, natural portrait and my favorites landscape & night photography, light painting.
As a light painting night photographer, I have a deeper understanding in lighting moods than most daylight photographers.
I also do graphic design, having started studying the psychology of advertising at age 13 years old. I was in business and needed to understand how to sell.
In 1973, I took Print Shop in High school, and that started my graphic design career. Doing work in the darkroom of the print shop I got offered darkroom equipment of my own and in Jan. 1974, I became a freelance photographer.
I had been shooting cameras since I was 4 yrs. old when a professional photographer who roomed with us, showed me his Hassleblad system. I was hooked and he mentored me some over the years.
I have studied advertising since 13 years old and understand what sells and how to sell products, using the principals of psychology, and knowing how the human person looks and sees things to buy.
I offer my services over the internet through a varieties of websites that allow me to make your files available to you from anywhere in the world where internet is available.
I have background in graphic design, painting with oils & acrylics and studying the “Old Masters”. In 1976 I had my 1st front page freelance photo. Yes, it was a night shot too.
As a Photo Editor of 6 weekly newspapers for 9 years, I have an eye for what sells as well whether hard news or advertising.
Since my product to invent was at age 4 years old and that item in 1962 became a Fad for over 10 years, I have a long history of making sales and knowing market direction.
I owned a variety of personal business and did most all advertising work my self.
I had a screen printing business for 5+ years and included cutting vinyl graphics since I was doing digital computer work then also, 1989-1994.
I have background in writing and my best piece of writing was the single page letter that outlined the creation of the International Space Station. A long story but NASA has not tried to challenge me or my story.
It is a previous blog post. Written in 1983, I turned the NASA and world around in about 4 months.
In 1975, I wrote a high school paper on Karen Silkwood, in 1984-1985 Karen Silkwood was featured in a major motion picture as the title & about the nuclear industry bad behavior, just as I had pointed out in my High school report.
In 1988, the newspaper I worked for, during the company wide meeting, laughed at me for suggesting that the internet & computer graphics was something to think about getting into. 1992, I was helping install computers networks & teaching the use of modems & Mac computers based on my home screen printing business.
In 1993-94, I released 3 postcards, that were still on sale in 2007. I had only a “Photo byline” so the company had to be making money off the postcards to still be selling all 3 postcards 14 years later. Those postcards may be on sale to this day.
I have several articles published over the years in newspapers, magazines, and blogs, as well as my own blogs. Durning my years as Photo Editor, I was published as photographer & writer many times.
I have something over 50 different job titles in 7 fields that I have collected pay in or done as a person business.
There are not too many things you want photographed I have not worked with, I got a clue of what the customer wants.
I DO NOT do weddings, birthdays, politican parties/celebrations/events or religious ceremonies, unless I want to cover the photojounalism story for myself. I don’t care about big egotistical people parties.
I do cover hard factual evidence photojournalism. I cover environmental issues when I can.
I have a Spiritual mark that is the highest mark on the planet as it is given by a God, “Christ”, not a human. Bible Revelation 2:17. I had never read the Bible when I was given this mark, “Christ” joked to me “go read a Bible if you want to know what that is and why.” I have not found any “God Given” spiritual marks in any other religions. Nor has the Revelation 2:17 ever been violated by me and No Spirit I have talked to knows of any way to violate it. It is a “true God Object”. No but me will ever know that name.
I do NOT BELONG TO ANY RELIGION, as this is a requirement of my keeping the Revelations 2:17 mark, which is a spiritual energy mark on my soul. I MUST HEAR ALL SPIRITS that want to talk to me. You must go to the Spiritual Realm to see it or look “with spiritual sight” at my right hand. If I belonged to a religion, it would be necessary to LIE for that religion.
It can’t be a physical object because someone could steal it or I could drop it out of my pocket thereby losing it and the someone could learn the “Unknowable name”. I can be found on the Spiritual Realm 24/7/365, I am always walking one foot on the physical Realm and one foot In the Spiritual Realm.
I don’t like rich fancy living quarter when I am somewhere on site doing jobs. Simple means and close to ordinary people of that land. Vegetarian foods, with a little fish or fowl. No Beef, Pork or other red meats, I am allergic to it.
I also have a special enjoyment of First Nations, native spiritual rites. Not of tourist performances, but talking to and being around the elders & ancient ways. Because of my spiritual connections these people mean the most to me. I also as a landscape photographer am willing to do cultural ancient sites for tourism brochures or other advertising. Light painting sites to increase people interest. My spiritual nature lends respect to the photography of these kinds of places, and sometimes brings some nice extra elements into play as spirits of weather provide nice backgrounds.
I am working in Adobe CC Suite, has used their for years, Illustrator since 1989, PhotoShop since 1995, Indesign since 2007 and I have worked with Pagemaker, Quark, CorelDraw, Word, Publisher, plus quite a few other, so if you need me in house somewhere for a contract, currently PC, but also used MAC, changes are I will be able to handle getting the work done with your staff.
Dyslexic, creative as all hell get out, but no I don’t learn languages easy. Nor am I bothered by my language issues. I just deal with it and usually end up laughing my way through any problems. Getting a job done is the idea, if a person is willing to try to talk to me, chances are we will communicate. My Rev. 2:17 mark also means I am of the highest levels of empathic ability as well.
I currently offer photographs, Inspirational Posters, custom made tee-shirts with my photographs on them, E-books 100% created by me, for sale as well as my services.
Vanderhoof Photo Blog: 20160929 Spotlighting Vanderhoof Photography International Services.
20160929 Spotlighting Vanderhoof Photography International Services.
I am just doing a post here folks to let you all know what I do and offer. Vanderhoof Photography is a one-perso…
Custom Clothing Site:
Sales & Client Services: Vanderhoof Photography
Vanderhoof Photography
Welcome to Vanderhoof Photography, visions to Inspire. Where photography is a passionate art form.. Vanderhoof P…
Medium Writer’s Site: SO I AM a logical thinking person and not into MAKING PROFIT FOR PROFIT SAKE!!!
SO I AM a logical thinking person and not into MAKING PROFIT FOR PROFIT SAK…
By Peter Vanderhoof
No I don’t have any stake in this company other than owning some of their products…
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