Course Fast. Who want to learn how to apply deep learning and machine learning to practical problems.
Course Fast. Who want to learn how to apply deep learning and machine learning to practical problems.
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Keyword tags: Big Data Storage And Virtualization Bionic body parts, time travelling, immortality. Sounds very science fiction? How about self-driving cars, virtual assistants, talking robots. More science fact? So maybe we can never defy laws of...
On May 15th Yann LeCun answered “ask me anything” questions on Reddit. We hand-picked some of his thoughts and grouped them by topic for your enjoyment. Toronto, Montreal and New York All three groups are strong and complementary. Geoff...
Preamble A short conversation with a wonderful British physicist on a boat in Hong Kong prompted this post. It outlines the mathematical foundations of Web Summit, as well as our broader methodology for optimising human gatherings explained in part...
With iOS 10, iPhone and iPad get a bigger, bolder, and more brilliant makeover — in more ways than one. Rene Ritchie has been covering Apple and the personal technology industry for almost a decade. Editorial director for Mobile Nations, analyst for...
San Francisco — What a week! Google Cloud Next ‘17 has come to the end, but really, it’s just the beginning. We welcomed 10,000+ attendees including customers, partners, developers, IT leaders, engineers, press, analysts, cloud enthusiasts (and skeptics...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
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