

Let me teach you all a bit about your local American government
and all of you better listen because I don’t know about you but I refuse to be
bullied by anyone.

All public institutions have bylaws that they must follow. There
MUST be public meetings to inform the public of changes that the organization
is either considering or approving. During these public meetings you have the
RIGHT to be heard and give an opinion. If you do not feel comfortable
addressing the board your opinion can be submitted in writing and must be read
out loud during the comment time. These comments, if done in mass, will be
taken into serious, serious consideration. I have worked now 5 years in the
Public Sector and the only people who attend public meetings or give any
comments ARE OLD, WHITE AND CONSERVATIVES. I can assure you that the majority
of them do not have your interest in mind. And yes, even if you’re under 18 you
can comment!!!

On Public Records: any public organization has to abide by
public record laws. (they vary by state, get familiar with your state’s laws: LINK) You can
request emails, phones, text messages and calendars of your public officials
and/or staff. Hold them accountable. Most public officials are willing to meet
with you for 15 minutes if you wish to speak to them in private. If you’re
unable to meet with them you can request a phone call or obtain their email.
Again, having worked in the public office I can tell you politicians want to make
sure their local public is happy so make them work for it.

These institutions are things like police, transportation,
counties, state, health department, fire department, Americans with disabilities
act. And if you are in any way impacted by any of these organizations (if you
live in the USA, you are.) you have a civic responsibility to be informed. On
top of that many counties have ADVISORY BOARDS which regular citizens like you
and I can apply. There are so many issues in one county that advisory boards
are used to inform the politicians of what is going on and yes, you guessed it;
old white conservatives are the ones that sit in many of those boards.

I urge you, I plead with you, when you are done mourning, it’s
time to get angry and it’s time to get involved. It’s time you get to know your
local laws the way you know the Doctor Who episodes. With this win the Right
will be in full swing, happy drunk off their victory, and they will get as
involved as they can in the local because they KNOW Trump is not enough to
control, he’s going to need footmen/women so we need to get as much ground as
we can so we can get through these next four years.

#start small go big

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